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Download Free 70-480 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-480 - MCSD Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 |
Size: | 5.67 MB |
Posted Date: | Sunday, January 13, 2013 |
# of downloads: | 2 |
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able to download but unable to extract the file. Please help me to extract in correct format. Please let me know which tool need to extract for it.
I passed the exam today with 956. But most of the questions are new(60%)!
So dont rely on simply on dump!
Does the 70-480 exam really have only 71 questions? And what about the various questions duplicated in this dump?
This dump is 100% valid in India.. Got 978 on 04-05-2013
This dump is valid, got 957 on 04.05.2013.
Valid in Brazil. Passed on 04 May with 871.
Still Valid in Saudi arabia
What about Q1 with validateSSN?
I think, that B is not correct, because doesn't allow hyphens after the second character
today i got 807/1000 by using this dumps.
100% valid
passed today with score 957/1000
this dump 100% valid !
Today I pass with 978 points, but in azad dumps 2 Questions of Answers are wrong, so read my dumps in my dumps all Questions & Answers are correct.
@Well Wisher: can u tell us the new questions?
@Bathu: only 4?!?!?
Please update this dump..
Are you serious.
Still people are getting 900+.
Questions do change, order of question and options always change (randomized), new questions do come in exam but never a big change. Any way one should never rely totally on dumps, please study and understand concepts and while answering relate question requirement to answer. /this one is one of the easiest exam of Microsoft.
heyy, I guess the dumps aint working now !!!!! I juz got 4 from that :'(
please do assist me for my re-appearance (70-480) ?
Guys I got 1000 out of 1000 so read my dumps there is all answers are correct and valid.
Today I pass with 880 points, but read test with attention.
still valid
march 4, 2013
You need to use the text- transform CSS property.
Which values are valid for the text-transform property?
A. hidden
B. blink
C. (capitalize) change "lowercase". lowercase is correct
D. line-through
Logically this is incorrect. but in exam so far correct answer is if (height === "300") though correct answer should be =="300"
Question 59
You are testing the value of the following variable in Javascript
var height = "300";
A block of code must execute if the following conditions are true:
- The height variable is set to 300
- The height variable is of type string
The correct is:
if (height === "300")
with 3 equals, in dump does not exist this option.
100% valid dump. Did test today and passed 914/1000.
Just some options have been jumbled around. Be careful when selecting correct answer.
Perfectly valid. Some questions are still tricky. Be careful about the options. Try all examples by yourself.
100% valid in Brazil!
Passed with 935 today!
100% valid in Brazil!
Passed with 978 today!
100% Valid in Brazil!
Passed with 976 today.
It was really very good. Tks
100% valid dumps.
Passed today with 1000 points.
All questions came from this dump.
Some answers like that;
1-)text-shadow:72pt 0em 5px
3-)15 pixel from the top left questions answer is "absolute"
valid dumps. but choices are interchanged.
valid dumps.!
100% good Azad ..
thanks passed tody with 850 1
yeah.still valid, got the perfect score of 1000 on 1000. Thank You. Azad Bhai!!
Got 978 today, still valid
Thanks Azad Brother
Thanks Azad
Still valid passed today with 935
From Spain, Passed today with 978 score.
Valid 100%, passed today in Egypt.
I got 978/1000 today, valid dump , ty Azad
100% valid dumps in INDIA.
Passed today with 1000/1000.Thank GOD!
For that shadow Question,I marked 72pt 0em 5px
Still valid! Passed with 957 in Slovakia.
Passed with 957 in Florida, U.S.A. Thanks Azad
Used in UK, totally worked.
Dumps still valid in Brazil.
i got 935 today!
Thanks Azhad! passed today 978, still valid here in Germany
passed with 914...thanks azad bhai.god bless u
pls help us with 481 and 482..also
@wellwisher from canada :
Thanks.i got it now.
Thanks to AZAD bhai.
now should we take 481 and 482 also to become MCSD ? @Azad bhai
Im doing this Exam in few hours! by the way Peter, the question with slider, is with value. check this out: http://www.html5tutorial.info/html5-range.php
Passed in UK with this. Pretty sure the right answer for 'step' in the range slider question is 'default'. I went for that and got 100% in that section.
Magnific dump, passed with 935, all questions from this dump, thanks Azad!
Some one please updte 70/482 dumps..its ugent..thanks in advance..plz plz some one update
Passed with 828 1 new question Thx Azad
Plz tell me the correct value of step
<input type="range" min="18" max="90" value="37" step=" " required />
@azad please provide the dumps of 70-482
self.addEventListener('message', function(e) {
var data = e.data;
switch (data.cmd) {
case 'start':
self.postMessage('WORKER STARTED: ' + data.msg);
case 'stop':
self.postMessage('WORKER STOPPED: ' + data.msg + '. (buttons will no longer work)');
self.close(); // Terminates the worker.
self.postMessage('Unknown command: ' + data.msg);
}, false);
Note: There are two ways to stop a worker: by calling worker.terminate() from the main page or by calling self.close() inside of the worker itself.
The web worker thread can be stopped using the close() method, e.g.
self.onmessage = function(e) {
if (e.data == "STOP!") self.close();
Both Kaz and Azad are just enough to pass the exam, however, make sure that you do your homework for real life situations in the world of programming. Goodluck people.
@rahul - there is only 1 dump as such !!!do from this one only
I think for the web worker question.aprt from the 2 options- postMesssage() and addEventListener.the third option should be terminate() instead of close().
Am I right .
I passed today with 1000/1000. Still valid! I selected text-shadow:72pt 0em 5px; for the question about text-shadow.
Used today 95%, still valid in Brazil
Hello, I passed exam with 914 score on 16-March
Passed this exam with 978/1000 marks in Pakistan,
95% questions were from this dump.
Thanks a lot Azad.
Brazil 95%.. Thanks all
Passed with a score of 957/1000 today. There were some questions that were re-worded, but still accurate.
Still valid i Brazil, pass today! Thanks a lot man, 95% questions from this dump! Awesome
Thanks friend for updating i got good score today :)
Dump still valid. Passed with score 957
Q31: You need to style the paragraphs to meet the requirements.
Which CSS style should you use?
A. text-shadow: 72pt 0pt 5pt
B. text-shadow: 5px lin 0px;
C. text-shadow: 72pt 5em 0px
D. text-shadow:72pt 0em 5px; <-- right answer
Passed this exam today in Egypt, all the questions were from the dump provided. Thanks a lot Azad.
updates http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l_9ZgV2Us0
Passed the exam today with 935 marks..all questions were from dump ...just optns wre changed or rearrgd..awesome material..thanxx a lot AZAD bhai..may god bless you!!
Passed this exam today. Except for few option changes, the whole questions were from the dump provided. Thanks a lot Azad.
Valid in Switzerland, all questions were from this dump. Thanks.
Dump Valid in India.passed the exam today in bangalore with a score of 935.Thanks Azad,Thank you so much....
Valid in India (Pune)..
38/39 Questions were from the dump.. though few answers from the dump are incorrect (already mentioned in the other comments).
it this correct ??
user agent declarations
user normal declarations
author normal declarations
author important declarations
user important declarations
Valid 100% in Brazil,
Thank you!!!
Works fine in Germany today
You had to register before the end of Feb. Sry :'(
As of March 9th, I helped my friend study for this exam. They had passed with over a 900. Most of the questions were the same, but they said, like others, there were certain rewrites and a couple trick questions. Still very valid.
Download document file for the dump. from
A , kindly mail me on hakimalisami@yahoo.com.
I'll provide you software which run the all question of this Dump.
Hakim Ali
Can anybody tell me where can I get the pdf of this dumps.??
I downloaded the VCE setup and tried to start the exam, but only 5 questions appeared..
plzz help me.. I need a pdf which contains all questions- answers.
Reply plzz
Thanks in Advance..
good job!Passed!
Azad can you please upload new dump if you have for 70-480.
Still valid dumps.Did the exam in Pakistan 9 march 2013, got 914/1000.Some new choices as mentioned by others and give their answers as well below.Thnx Azad:-)
Thanks Azad, you are great. Valid in US today./
@Sonakshi and others.
Please do not ask questions regarding validity of dumps.
No one can guaratee you that it will be 100% or nnn% at given pont of time.
Even if it is valid 5 minutes before there are chances that you may see new questions or new options or order of option changes etc. Microsoft occassionally makes partial or complete change to exams.
100% valid in India
Thanxx Azad.. I have got 978/1000.. Valid dums.
Passed 978/1000. Still valid. All questions from this dump.
Still valid in Ireland. 957/1000
Positions of choices change so be careful.
In the range step question 100 was the only value left for the step value.
Study this dump only but understand why the correct answers are correct and you will be fine.
I love You Azad Valid Dums i have got 1000/1000.. +1 in My CV
Plzz Marry Me. 03442199852
Great dump. Passed with a perfect score of 1000 points.
Confirmations of the correct answers :
if (height === "300")
text-shadow:72pt 0em 5px;
Thanks all.
100% valid here in the US
Just remember that the options will change but the answers are the same. Only study the answers not the options.
Also in the exam:
The <input type="range" required /> question asks for a step=" " input. In the dump the number 5 is already filled in. In the exam you must choose a number for the step value. So enter the number 0 for step. It is the correct answer.
Valid Dump
Passed with 957 Not sure what I missed but I am guessing the drop shadow question.
Good work now on to 486 and 487
Still valid in Spain. All questions are in this dump. I got 1000/1000 and in the text-shadow question i answer text-shadow:72pt 0em 5px; The option text-shadow: 5px lin 0px was not present in my exam.
A lot of thanks Azad.
Thanks for uploading.Passed the exam today @ Kochi,India centre.Almost all questions are from this :) .
100% valid and all answers are correct - got 1000/1000 - don't remember being asked the text-shadow question (some papers said B some D),
passed with 957.
Passed 785 still valid but some new question
Great material..Me and my friend passed with 978 and 1000 respectively from Kolkata, India..
passed with 957.
Thanks a lot to everybody who gave advised on the exam. The dump is 100% valid in South Africa. I passed my exam today 957
Dump is valid, I passed this exam today
Cleared this exam @Bangalore, India. Got all 39 questions from this dump. Thanks Azad.
Great dump, exam passed with 957 marks on 01.03.2013
Thanks Azad !
100% valid i got 978 marks :) !
Azad you're the man. Thanks. Just passed with 957 marks. Perfect dump.
100% valid dumps. Passed today with 978 marks. All questions came from this dump. Thanks Azad.
100% valid score 10001000
100 % valid just passed 914 in Toronto Canada. THANK YOU!! ASAD!!!
100% valid. Passed today with 957. Thanks to one and all.
100% valid all 39 question from this dump.
scored 950+ today( Mar 1)
few updates/changes are:
maximize search engine readability instead of section instead of article
customer=this instead of that=this
lowercase instead of capitalize
donno the answer for: text-shadow 5px 1in 0px;
Thank You very much Azad
Valid dump, got 96%, all questions were same but answers of two question were changed by them.. well thanks..
Passed today with 935pts. Valid dump
valid al 100%. Aprobat 900 punts a Barcelona el 28/02/2013
Valid at 100%. Approved 900 points in barcelona 26/02/2013
Thank you.
Still valid in Mysore, India. Scored above 900, I don't know why but there were 39 questions. Only two questions were not in this dump.
Sorry, that should have been the text-shadow question. Nothing was wrong with the text-transform question.
I got full marks for this one and have not heard anything. They added it to my profile without a hitch. A "perfect" score might raise a flag, but it can't be proved to be cheating, as these questions are not THAT hard, and it is possible to get them all right without cheating. Also, I think it will depend on your history. I have been taking these exams since the 90s, scoring across the board (never failed one though). This was my first perfect score. I check on the dumps to make sure I'm covering the right stuff. Perhaps, when Microsoft make the effort to check their questions properly (I'm referring to the text-transform question from this exam), I will refrain from checking the dumps. Until then, I don't feel bad mitigating it with a little help. :)
Absolutely Valid in Gujarat, India.
Got 957/1000. There were 39 Q (all are from this dump).
answer : text-shadow : 72pt 0em 5px; <---- makes me wrong and lost my full marks. :( :(
so the answer should be : text-shadow : 5px lin 0px;
Thank you Azad. you added +1 achievement in my C.V. :)
il you try this code
<script language="javascript">
function employe(){
alert("salaire employe");
alert("salaire consultant");
function consultant(){
//consultant.prototype=new employe();
c1=new consultant();
alert("np " + c1.np);
the resulat is : salaire consultant
the conclusion i f you want to execute the overriden method you will chose the solution with create
any comment?
Thanks Azad!
Valid in pakistan!
Prepare and Pass the papers.
Valid dumps 100% :-)
Still valid in Brazil
100% Valid Passed Today.
Has anyone had any recall of their 1000 "perfect" score? My collegue said that a 1000 exam is automatically flagged for cheating?
answer to Q19 ("The following code defines a Customer object and loads address data") can be changed like below:
var customer = this;
$.get('data.xml', function (data) {
One question is wrong:
You are testing the value of the following variable in JavaScript.
var height = "300";
A block of code must execute if the following conditions are true:
- The height variable is set to 300
- The height variable is of type string
You need to implement the code to run the test.
Which line of code should you use?
A. if (height == 300)
B. if (height === "300")
C. if (height ! "300")
D. if (height != 300)
correct answer B, note there are three "=" signs here
Total valid dumps. cleared exam 89% using this. all questions from this dump.
100% Valid!
All 39 exam questions in Brazil yesterday from this dump.
It was very good! Tks.
All 39 exam questions in UK today from this dump, just a couple of variable name changes.
100% valid
100% vald dump. passed today with 957/1000.
All questions are same but a small change in the options given. Remember the answers, don't go to the exam blindly with options.
Valid in INDIA/Hyd
100% Valid
100% Valid in Pakistan ,Total 39 questions all from this dump. thankyou I passed with 850 marks.
Still valid in México, today I've got 978/1000
957/1000. Thanks Azad.
935/100. Valid Dumps
By the grace of Allah I passed with 1000 marks! :) Thanks Azad bro! And all those who commented here!
Passed with 1000 (FULL mark) in Singapore. Thanks a lot AZad
By the Grace of Allah I passed with 935/1000 . thanx Azad bhai
nice article will be giving exam tommorow guys is there a souce of correct answers
@Hasan: This is the link for pdf file
still valid, passed today with 871/1000, India
Dumps valid in India. Thnx Azhad.
i got 978/1000.. thanks AZAD.. only one question i made mistake.. slider question . in dumps ther is steps=5 by default. but in exam we have to set this step value but in answer there was no option for "5". i opted 0 and is wrong. other options are |default","avgage()..try these
Absolutely valid. Got 914. Almost 33 questions from this dump out of 39. Others were slightly twisted in options. Perfect dump.. 5 rating.
Passed today . Valid dump.
Valid Dump! the answers are randomized but valid.
Got all the 40 questions from this dump. There were differences in questions, especially with input type = range question. A step field was added, but there was no sensible value to select from 0,18,90, 37.
text-shadow:72pt 0em 5px; <-- right answer was asked.
javascript prototype related - var that= xxx; that. question was also asked, but that question answer choices were modified avoiding 'that'.
Still valid in Poland ! 960/1000
Be careful with this :) :
Which CSS style should you use?
A. text-shadow: 72pt 0pt 5pt
B. text-shadow: 5px lin 0px;
C. text-shadow: 72pt 5em 0px
D. text-shadow:72pt 0em 5px; <-- right answer.
Thanks, valid dump in the Netherlands on the 22nd of Februari!! There was only 1 difference in my test: "You are developing an HTML5 web application and are styling text. You need to use the text-transform CSS property. Which values are valid for the text-transform property? A. hidden B. blink C. capitalize D. line-through". Capitalize is the right answer, but wasn't an option at the test. The right option was "lowercase".
Still valid in Brazil
I have 980 thanks
Still valid in South Africa.
Thank you, Azad!!
Got 1000/1000 and concur with anonymous from Belarus:
Q31: You need to style the paragraphs to meet the requirements.
Which CSS style should you use?
A. text-shadow: 72pt 0pt 5pt
B. text-shadow: 5px lin 0px;
C. text-shadow: 72pt 5em 0px
D. text-shadow:72pt 0em 5px; <-- right answer.
100% Valid dump in INDIA (Mumbai). All question from dumps.
If you go through this dump thoroughly there are no chances of failing.
Thanks AZAD !!!
100% valid dump, got 935/1000 today.
@ ahmad.can u please tel me the voucher/promotion code.i used HTMLJMP and HTMLMPN and they are invalid
Valid dumps!
Got 935/1000! :D
Thanks, I have passed today with 957/1000.
Valid dumps
For those who failed miserable and others I repeat again:
Questions and options in exams can change at any time.
Options can be randomized.
Do not memorize answer as Option A,B,C,D etc.
New questions can be introduced at any time.
Please do not rely for success in exam totally on dumps, use it as supplement to increase confidence.
It is in your own interest to study exam objectives from various sources availbale on net and books available in market to prepare yourself for exam and real life application.
Please visit http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/533991/Examplus70-480plusStudyplusMaterial-3aplusProgramm
Exam Reference books will be availbale in MArch/April 2013.
Thanks for the upload.I got all the questions from this dump.
Still valid in Czech Republic. 978/1000
Still valid in South Africa , scored 978 - got all 39 questions from this dump with a few variations. Was confused with this one for step : Q18. <INPUT Type=" " min=" " max=" " step=" " value = " " " " > and the options to choose from were the same.
All praise to Almighty. Thanks all, for dumps. All questions from this dump only. Only order of answers changed :). I just passed with 978/1000.
bad, only 2 questions came from this question bank today in the exam in india..i can think of giving again only if there are any other valid dump...which is still helpful in india pls..
I passed this exam yesterday using this dumps file and got an score: 914.
Please read comments from Azad, WellWisher, Himmat & others.
Please do not use dumps for total success in exam, use it as supplement to increase confidence.
Questions and options in exams can change at any time.
New questions can be introduced at nay time.
Iti s in your own interest to study exam objectives from various sources availbale on net and books available in market to prepare yourself for exam and real life application.
Please visit http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/533991/Examplus70-480plusStudyplusMaterial-3aplusProgramm
Is this dump still valid in India.??
can any1 let me know, as my exam has been scheduled on 22/02/2013
Thank u so much to AZAD,Chandra,pandey & all guys whose link All dumps . M Prepared All dump & M passed with 94 Thanks a lot... This all dump is valid..
I am also curious - have to take it on 22/02/2013 in Europe
It was disappointing, I gave the exam just now and none from this dump came :( Waste of 80 USD. In India it looks like expired. Frustrating. What about other countries ?
Guys I am giving this exam on 22nd Feb in INDIA. Please let me know if this dumps valid till then.
Dump is invalid, I gave the exam today. None from this came. Got 300/1000
Hey parksijun, what do you mean by .in this 71q u can remove many questions.
You are saying that these questions are not there in exam?
i am passed and now very fresh memory.
i can memorize now allthe 39 questions.
so.in this 71q u can remove many questions.
nut u have to also remove duplicated problem u can acquire maybe about 40 optimized question good luck!!
Excelente material pase 900 de 1000. Gracias
Passed with 1000/1000.
Q31 You need to style the paragraphs to meet the requirements.
Which CSS style should you use?
A. text-shadow: 72pt 0pt 5pt
B. text-shadow: 5px lin 0px;
C. text-shadow: 72pt 5em 0px
D. text-shadow:72pt 0em 5px; <-- right answer.
Ps.: apparently the comments here do not allow the curly brackets character. That's why we haven't been able to post the correct regex pattern.
I also believe that the text in the question on this VCE file is wrong. I believe the exam will specify the optional hyphen after the third digit.
@Well Wisher
^[0-9]-?[0-9]-?[0-9]$ is not valid for a 9 digit SSN. The pattern you provided will match one digit followed by an optional hyphen. But it will only match if given
input have only 3 digits. So, in my opinion it would be: ^[0-9]{3}-?[0-9]{2}-?[0-9]{4}$.
I apologixe for typos.
For exam corrrect answer is Option B ^[0-9]{3}^?[0-9]{2}^?[0-9]{4}$.
Actual correct answer for a 9 digit SSN is ^[0-9]{3}-?[0-9]{2}-?[0-9]{4}$
Even though Regex question for SSN and options are wrong in dump as well as exam, correct anwserfor exam is nearest correct anser ^[0-9]^?[0-9]^?[0-9]$
A nine-digit number that allows optional hyphens after the second and fifth character in a function named validateSSN.
For a 9 digit SSN nyphen is after third and figth character
SSN is 123-45-6789 or 123456789
Correct options should be
^[0-9]-?[0-9]-?[0-9]$ OR ^d-?d-?d$
Test it at http://www.regexplanet.com/advanced/java/index.html
@Samreen try this,
Regex question is invalid;
SSN in pattern of 11-22-4444, or 1122444
Is not matched by ^[0-9]{3}^?[0-9]{2}^?[0-9]{4}$
Very worrying about validity of comments here if this has passed so easily by.
Tested here - http://public.kvalley.com/regex/regex.asp
Still Valid, did the test in Ecuador 15-Feb-2013, got 978/1000 all questions of the test were in this file, excelent resource.. just miss one question
@Neomi : thanx for your help..but I am not able to open this link. I am getting en error that 'Internet Explorer can not display the webpage'. It would be great if you could help me out.
Dump is valid in india.
Hope below document will help.
Guys what is the correct answer for in the exam.
Q31 You need to style the paragraphs to meet the requirements.
Which CSS style should you use?
A. text-shadow: 72pt 0pt 5pt
B. text-shadow: 5px lin 0px;
C. text-shadow: 72pt 5em 0px
D. text-shadow:72pt 0em 5px;
I know all options are incorrect, but those who have attempted the exam can help with their answers..
You are using trial version of vce manager upgrade it to latest full version for full questions..
Very much valid dump, I passed today with score 957 / 1000.
Dear Azad Thank you very much.. it help me a lot.
GOD Bless you.!
I passed today with 978 over 1000. Same questions as the dumb. Becareful with the question that you have to place them in the spaces, because in the dumb you only have to chose the rigth question, not to place it in the correct spot. That's why i failed in one question. good luck!
Thank You Azad, very valid dump, passed today with score 957 / 1000.
100% valid. Passed today with 940 in Spain.
Little differences in the responses.
Attended Exam on 14 FEB 2013,
got 957/100
I got only 39 questions. some are getting 40 questions.
Except 1 question all are from this dump
Thanx Azad :)
Answer A is correct disable(this)
In exam do not go by A,B,C,D from dump but look for disable(this)
Options in exam are randomized.
They are not same
A is disable(this)
D is diable(me)
totady i passed the exame ,all the quetions were from this dump.
i paaaaaaaaaaaaaaased with 1000/1000
thanks azad
Passed on 2/12/2013 with 920. All questions from this dump.
question-66 option A and D are same is it a misprint or A is correct 100%
Valid dump passed with 940/1000
Still Valid.
Scored : 920/1000
By using absolute positioning inside of a relatively positioned element you can make precise positioning adjustments to place your elements anywhere you like.
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