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Download Free 70-480 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-480 - MCSD Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 |
Size: | 5.67 MB |
Posted Date: | Wednesday, April 10, 2013 |
# of downloads: | 2 |
Free Download: | This file is outdated. Browse other 70-480 VCE Files |
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You can use this link to compare between answers. The last update was in February though.
Passed Dump is valid, but new questions about 20. Some true/false statements about code, whether or not a color is set, css transformation of an arrow pointing down instead of right, jquery selectors. Read up on jquery selectors, nth-child, but also "attribute ending with XXX" selector.
Took exam today. Passed with 792. Dump very helpful but found around 20 new questions. The number of the questions from the dump was enough to pass the exam. Be careful: the answers are not always in the same order of the dump. So do not memorize them by position. Do it by syntax. Bye!
@sniper most welcome.
you go through the basics of jquery selectors and basic example on jquery.and follow this dumps thats it!! you vl get pass.
All the Best
Morning ppl. I'm ryting tomorrow and I would like pointers on the structure of the exam as I read thr are new exam questions. A basic enlightenment of the new questions would really be appreciated.
Do you know if this dump is still valid for Russia? Your help with the new questions sharing would be very much appreciated!
Krishna can You give example for that or some link please.
4) Ajax-display data using ajax
I am about to take the test on Friday. Can someone which already have passed the exam share some questions and answers like Sonali Jain did ( thank You man). So far I heard for the following questions that were not mentioned here:
1. question with NaN - several variables are given - like var i = 1; var i = 3.4; var i = "3.12" and You should say what Nan returns - true or false.
2. difference between instanceOf and isPrototypeOf
3. You have H1 { color : blue} and H1.test { color: red} - which will apply
Please share if You remember something else. Thanks!
Cleared this exam 980/1000. 25 New questions.
New Questions on
1) jQUERY selectors like nth-child. Use of these to find color of particular table row n column
2)CSS span,class and id
4) Ajax-display data using ajax
5)Building pages with article,aside
6)Building JS funcs. Hint: Concentrate on opening/closing braces in answer
Go through w3schools and understand the basics.
Questions are easy if you apply the logic correctly
Thanks and All the best!
Whatever the questions given by the Sonali Jain below were in the exam. Almost 30 questions from dumps and 28 are new one.
It's not a valid dump, there are around 30 new questions, but I already passed with 1000/1000.
Suggestion: Read and practice with at least one book of this new technology. Your chance for pass the test will increase and the knowledge.
Invalid dumps ---- > around 30 to 32 new questions found. Failed with 320/1000. Need to wait up to new dumps will be released.
Today passes the exam with 884. But around 20/58 questions were new not from the dumps.
Simpliy go through the basics of jquery and selectors of jquery this helps in solving the new questions easily.
Ques 1.in a container 3 rectangle has been place at equal distance.
my answer. at first dropdpwn select:- stretch
at second dropdpwn select:- justify.
Ques 2:- in a container some statements were written using span.i rem the statement.span 1 contains the element,so in this i marked the below answer.
Mine Answer:-- at first dropdpwn select:- relative
at second dropdpwn select:- z index 2
Ques 3. One table has been given with header now using add the row using json.
var friutjson= {banana;apple}.
i didnt remember the answer
Q4 - the slider question you have to fill all fields in not just(type,min,max, value =37 and required).
You also have to fill in Step and no option of "5" was given. "0" guess was not right maybe "default" I thought it might be as well.
Quest 5:- in a div one <list><ul><li></ul> <li/><li/><l/ist> m not writing the complete question this hint is sufficient.
so apply the style on the list which is inside the <ul> tag.
Mine answer:- didnt remember the whole answer. but i marked the answer with .css(border)
Quest 6:- arrange the stylesheets no priority has been mentioned.
mine answer:-
user important
author important
author normal
user normal
user agent
Note:- just go through the jquery selectors like nth-child
All the best!!!
Valid dump but I only had 1/2 of the question in my exam.
Scored 953 on 21/06
I only had 1/2 of the question in my exam.
Got 930.
I didn't study anything else and haven't work with it, but these questions are good enough to pass.
Not all questions are valid. Had 19/58 new questions.
Still was very helpfull though, 1000/1000 score.
valid, took the exam and passed with a 950+. on the question about the range slider from 18-90, Microsoft also had step="" as a dropable zone and I probably didn't answer that right.
I don't know for sure if this VCE file is 100% the same as UmarAli's (http://www.examcollection.com/microsoft/Microsoft.BrainDump.70-480.v2013-04-05.by.UmarAli.71q.vce.file.html) however, I feel like it was all the same questions. Anyone notice anything different?
Exam is Valid Passed Today
Still valid, i passed today
Still Valid, i passed yesterday
@Twinkle i sent you VCE files.
Pass in France with 957/1000.
Thanks for the available ressource.
Still valid in Brazil! I passed yesterday, 25th May with score 957/1000.
I have installed vce on my iPad but every time I try to open this file it's showing the file is corrupted .can anyone send me this 70-480 recent dumps to twinkleladyworld@gmail.com .thanks in advance.
Valid Dumps in Portugal! There are some small changes. Thanks Azad
Still valid in Italy.Passed today 950/1000
Valid Dumps, I passed Today 21 May 2013
Valid. All questions were from this dump.
Valid in India - 978/1000 - passed on 15th May 2013.
Good for the UK. Small changes, not significant.
Good for Spain. Some small changes.
Still valid in Brazil, just passed today with 880.
Exam with 40 questions.
Good for Switzerland. Some small changes.
100% valid dump india .no need to study any other dump ..thank u azad ..also thank u .pinoy pinto for all the guidance .. easily 1000/1000 score possible
1000/1000; 100% valid
Hi Azad, Thanks for the dumps. Its valid in Netherlands and I scored a 1000.
Thnx Azad, I scored 1000 on 11th May
Duplicate questions have different style - drop down and drag and drop
@AGuy : Could you please tell us something more about new changes?
Some questions changed a bit, a few new ones are there. but still legit and usable in Germany. Passed 892.
why do most of the dumps appear to have a couple duplicate questions sometimes? Is this intended?
This is valid in India, scored 957 on 04.05.2013
Hi Azad! I want to thank you for your comments. I asked a relative to get me the book mentioned. Plus, I am watching great online videos from channel9, where there is a man called Bob Tabor explaining very clearly all the exam subjects.
When I feel ready I will go for this exam having reference of your dumps.
Hi Azad. Thanks for the information, but I was meaning if anyone have the pdf book already downloaded, because it is not the fact I would not buy it but cause I have no international credit card at the moment... and any relative I can request this book to and I live in Uruguay and it is complicated to get it..
Anyway, I am getting trained with the Exam onlines Videos...
Thanks in advacne.
Training Guide: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 [Paperback]
Glenn Johnson (Author)
Available at amazon.ca and chapters.ca
Valid in USA
@Gremlin1708 can you tell us the new questions? thx
Hi ! Does anyone has the self paced traning kit for this exam? I have heard it is not available yet, but it would be nice to get it in order to develop a good preparation skill for the exam complementing these dumps.
Thank you in advance !
Juan Pablo.
Still valid in Brazil
Valid dump in Sri Lanka
passed with 875 all questions from this dump, Thanks Azad
Thank you for these dumps.
The exam consisted out of 39 questions. There were 3 new questions in the exam but that did not stop me from getting a full bucket of points :-)
If you download these Practice Exams you should be fine :
Most of the questions are the same but just cover all bases.
BTW the question about the shadow that you must drop with a radius of 5 pixels.
answer = 72pt 0em 5px
question about the display of the @ Symbol
answer = str = $("form").serialize();
str = decodeURIComponent(str)
Thanks this was a great exam
Greetings from South Africa..
valid dump!
Still valid in UK.. Pass my exam..
== and === both are correct
== is equal to (compares value only)
=== is exactly equal to (value and type)
In the given question you are comparing value 300 stored in string with "300".
Both == and === will return true
Passed today with 1000 marks.Thanks Azad.
Still valid in USA.
Q59: you say it should be with 2 equal signs and that the exam doesn't have this options. However it really should be with 3 equals signs. The questions states the type should be string and value should be equal to 300. This can only be checked with 3 ===. Try for yourself:
300 == "300"
"300" == "300"
300 === "300"
"300" === "300"
PASSED today with 957 marks
dumps still valid, just these 2 questions were slightly different
Q28 - Microsoft changed "var that = this;" to "var customer = this;"
Q10 - In this question you have to fill one extra field which is step ="?" over here question is mentioning '5' but 5 is not an option in answer list provided on the left. I put 'default' hope this is the right one
so the question will be like:
type =*range
min =*18
max =*90
step = *default (I could be wrong)
value =*37
*are the answers you need to drag and drop
Still valid!
Valid Dump in Canada.
2 question differences though.
Q10 - the slider question you have to fill all fields in not just(type,min,max, value =37 and required).
You also have to fill in Step and no option of "5" was given. "0" guess was not right maybe "default" I thought it might be as well.
Q28 - you need to implement the load address function
They changed
var that = this;
var customer = this;
The exam was drag and drop as well should you should practice on an exam that does this to get use to it.
Thanks Azad . for your revised dump. It is a valid dump and today i appeared for this exam and I scored 935 marks.
Whats new compared to previous version?
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