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Download Free 70-463 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-463 - MCSA Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014 |
Size: | 995.6 KB |
Posted Date: | Wednesday, August 14, 2013 |
# of downloads: | 251 |
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Dump is still valid , I wrote 10/11/2014. South Afria
Still valid, just passed 8xx and completed my MCSA, studied from this and Microsoft.Actualcerts.70-463.v2014-04-26.by.Stacey
As last post this has around 30/40% questions as of Feb 27, 2014 in Canada.
Anyway just scrape through qith 717 points.
this dump is no longer valid.
in my test 30% of the questions were from this dump.
seeking the most updated dumps.
this dump is 70-80% valid in the US, had 6-7 new questions that were not in the dump, i would suggest studying the sets of questions that have the same answer set but different questions. 79 questions and 2hrs to take it. hope this helps
Passed 925 today.
s this dump still valid?
Passed today with 9xx.I got 50% questions from this dump. You could prepare yourself for the exam through training kit or cbt nuggest 70-463.
Is this updated dump?
Thanks guys, I passed today with 89x. total 79 questions. PeterPan and this dumb is still valid in Australia. I would say two or three new questions mostly on DQS and MDS.
Also watched CBT nuggets video and pass4sure dump available at http://www.mediafire.com/view/1y4ixaxh2q4x6vy/Microsoft-70-463.pdf.
I would say this exam is one of the difficult one so study hard and know the subject well as many answer in the Pass4sure pdf file are wrong.
can anyone give me a link to nice's .pdf and/or and updated vce file? Taking this in the near future and would love to be ready. Thank you.
Thanks, passed today with 8xx. Total 79 question and 65 in the dump.
Can somebody please send me the updated dump and also pass4sure PDF?
I'd appreciate if there is anybody kind enough to forward me the pdf dump to mce@webmail.co.za. Thanking you in advance
Will someone be kind enough to forward the PDF from NICE or AUSSIE to the mce@webmail.co.za email please?
Hello all.
Could someone send me pdf for this exam ? My mail is ab5789@gmail.com
There are some questions from this load but more that are not including powershell. got 718 but have read the entire 463 book too etc
@nice/anyone , Can anyone please share the pdf download link or email to me arajkumar82@gmail.com. many thanks
Would you pls share the PDF download link or forward to my mailbox.
really appreciate your help. sh.hossain@gmail.com
Pass in 833 on last Sat, 79 questions tested and 20 questions are out of this dump.....
DQS and Azure question is added....
Pass today 887,
This Dump cover round 60%
Around 24 questions out of 79 not in this dump. Tested on Dec 27,2013
Hi, Passed on 26-12-2013, score 925, total 79 questions, this dumb is valid, but you have to study also the Pass4sure PDF posted here, especially questions from 135 until the end, as (Nice) said, questions with options from A To R came from this PDF, maybe just 3 or 4 brand new questions faced, also review questions in dumbs of 461 and 462, as some of them faced too, good luck and happy new year
just around 30 0f 79 total exam questions only is coming from this dump. failed yesterday with score 550 . :(
Hey Guys,
Just passed with 9xx. However I should say this dump only covers about 60%. Concentrate on DQS, Proj deployment model vs pkg deployment model, column store index, CDC. Good luck and thanks for helping out.
PASSED TODAY....736/1000..
Please kindly upload the correct answers for the pdf file.
Otherwise it will lead people wrong direction. Thank you.
is this dump still valid? Please send me updated pdf :) thanks in advance
Can anyone upload the update dump? Thanks.
Anyone knows how many questions in the exam? Thanks.
Can anyone upload the update dump please?
Passed today with 800 but there were many questions in the exam which are not in the dump
Can anyone upload the update dump? Thanks.
this dump is still valid in the Philippines.. 24 new questions. passed with 906. :)
Valid in south africa. I wrote today,passed 87% ...65% of the questions are from this dumps
Can anyone validate this is good vce? Thanks.
Is this valid in US? Thank you.
can someone send me the new pdf, please? rogifaria@yahoo.com.br
Hi, someone could send me the pdf pls ? My mail is nachopatinho@hotmail.com
Thank you !!
Passed today with 7XX. I got about 40% from this dump. They added a ton of 'put the steps in order' questions. This dump needs some updating. Study the dump and work with some basic integration designer labs.
Just study this VCE and look into the questions after q135 from my pdf.
you will pass for sure
Just passed with 72X. the A-K multiple choice and A-R multiple choice were on the exam. A few new questions. Glad I don't have to write this sucker again.
Plssss shumail, kindly send a copy of the pdf file to me also, I'd be very grateful. My email address is hunkkokolyn@yahoo.com. Thanks alot.
my email is mapatel2000@gmail.com.
Thanks in advance.
hey shumail
my email is mitul1910@gmail.com. really appreciate your help.
thank you so much.
Nice Pdf, Aussie & Peter Pan perfect to pass, saw only 3 new Q's. Thanks to all especially Nice, Aussie & Peter Pan, May God bless u as He blessed me.
Passed with 718 today. 79 Question in 120 minutes. Only 60% from this dump. So prepare yourself for the exam.
does anyone have pdf available for this dump? i am not able to open my vce file. please help
someone please share the dump pdf..
Passed today with an 850, dump is valid! Only about 5-7 new questions on the exam. Pay attention to the series of questions that have answers A-K. That series of questions is on the exam.
Dump is valid. Passed this exam 2 weeks ago, got 9xx (with this dump only). Had ~50% of new questions.
there were 79 question in the exam. 25 questions were new. I advise find extra sourse for new questions.
Thanks for dump, I have not studied books, only practice Aussie's dump and passed with 810. I think 55 questions out of 79 was from this dump. There was several different questions with reference to the answers on question 135 in the PDF from Pass4Sure. I would study those also. Also there are som different answere to questions in this dump and the PDF.
Passed the exam with score 850
Passed today with 943! Almost all the questions are in the Nice's pdf. Only one different question. But the answers of some drag and drop questions are wrong in the .pdf file, the correct answer are those in the Aussie and Peter Pan dumps.
Nice, I have downloaded the pdf but the drag and drop questions have different solutions with respect to the ones given in the dump. Any idea on which answers should we consider as correct?
Yes, it's the latest version
Is this dump still valid??
@Nice- Is ur refered dump latest and valid??
I pass the exam with (905) score on 28-Nov-2013. about 70% from the exam questions are from this dump.
Thanks a lot for the dump. I PASSED today. There were a lot of new questions. Cant remember all of them but one i can remember has to do with Powershell commands that you have to arrange in order. Some now hot spot questions. But i just worked through this dump and i made it. Once again thanks a lot
Is it this dump still valid??? i am writing next week thursday.
The dump is about 60-70% valid in Hungary. It was about 25-30 new questions from 79.
Is this dump still valid?
Thanks guys. I passed today with 87x. The dump was quite helpful, but you need to know what you are doing. There were about 35 new questions i would say. Quite a lot on deployment, logging and Data quality.
Thanks guys. I passed today with 87x. The dump was quite helpful, but you need to know what you are doing. There were about 35 new questions i would say. Quite a lot on deployment, logging and Data quality.
Passed the exam yesterdag, 970+. About 60% new questions. Watched all the vids from CBT Nuggets, read all the MSDN articles linked in the Microsoft Prep guide then did one run through this dump. Noted the subjects I answered wrong and studied MSDN to better understand. Then repeated all the questions I previously answered wrong.
Important things to focus on (also noted in the prep guide):
- The differences between project and package deployment model
- Isolation level, Transactions & Checkpoints
- Datataps
- Encyption
- Tables and SP's in the SSISDB
TL DR: Study hard and use the dump to aid your learning process and you will make it. Be confident.
The dump is about 70 % valid in Nuremberg, Germany. Wrote it on Tuesday and got a 949. I would say that out of 79 questions, about 20 were new. Some hints:
- Look at the passguide sample exam, a few of the new questions are on there. Even though some of the answers of the sample are wrong.
- The mix and match from this braindump are CORRECT.
Use dumps from Peterpan and this exam and I passed in South Africa. Most of the drag and drop questions are wrong though. I found this website very helpful as well http://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/2862/exam-material-for-implementing-a-data-warehouse-with-microsoft-sql-server-2012-exam-70463/. Good luck
@ReluctantYoshi, if you already bought passguide dump then why don't you upload it here. Really appreciate it if you can upload it. Thanks
Normally when you have a fair knowledge about a product you can answer about 60%-65% of the questions right, the first time you do a test. Yes! the tests are that hard, no matter how much knowledge you have in the product. This specific test gives you already about 60-65% of the questions from the real exam. If you trust in yourself and your knowledge - Of course provided that you have some knowledge in the product - then you will be having a fair chance to get about 60% och the unknown 35-40% of the questions, So guys, ladies. trust yourself that you can pass the test. You will be proud! I know, because I have done it. For those who only want to rely on a test without spending a minute learning the product, maybe it is about time to ask yourself some relevant questions.
I panicked and bought the passguide dump. I would not recommend it, unless you enjoy having 3 of 200+ answers explained and wrong answers sprinkled throughout. I passed 3 days ago, using this dump, the passguide dump and Microsoft Training Kit 70-463. The only way the passguide dump helped was by stressing me out to study more, since I had just wasted 90$.
Janay we still waiting boet, please post.
Looked at the passguide sample and it seems that some of their answers are wrong: http://www.passguide.com/downloadable/download/sample/sample_id/3672/
Question 1 - Should be D. CDC Splitter and NOT C
2. Is correct
3. Don't know
4. Is correct
5. Is correct
6. Is correct
7. Is correct
8. Should B and D, not A and C - there is not such thing as catalog.start_package
9. Should be C and D, not A and B.
10. Is correct
Anybody confirm? That would be good. If anybody could post an updated dump that would be GREAT :-).
nico - Thanks I believe you are correct.
janay - Please don't make promises you can't keep. A lot of people were expecting a new version of the exam to be uploaded and you didn't come through.
Q54 and 85 are the samebut have different answers. Is it normal ?!
Today I pass the exam with 9XX. This dump is valid. This exam have some slightly changes and 10-20 new problems.
People - did you honestly expect janay to upload the dump? I, for one,believe those things when I see them as opposed to taking people's word for it. He probably made that promise in the euphoria of the moment and then forgot about it so don't expect for a dump to be uploaded anytime this week or even month.
Just read the book, know your stuff, do the book practice questions and then go over this dump. I guess that's the best we can do for the moment.
Passed today. this dump is not valid anymore (in Poland). About 70% of the questions were new or changed. revise administration in DQS and MDS, data profiling task.
Hi Janny,
You promise to upload new dumps on this weekend.Please upload.
Tord Jung
Janay please post this weekend. I failed with just under 800 and need to retake. Thank you!
Passed today 800+. Besides the new questions some of the questions from this VCE is changed as well. For example Q16 in the second test: you caolumnstore index as the nnot just choose Crete Columnestore index, you have to specify with INCLUDE, MAXDOP or ASC. There is also a new question on columnstore, so learn the concept. There was a question on the profiling task type. Another one on executing a package using powershell. Deployment of package for junior admins, where you have to specify giving them an ispac. Q7 from the second test gives you not only script component but script task and yet another option with script. about 6-7 questions similar to Q1, but with a lot of more choices.New questions keep coming all along the test, not after Q 50. Time will be a valuable resource.One question on MDS security. Good luck
Yeah! Me too! At least the new questions are helpful!
janay - If you just would have been a bit earlier. I have my exam tomorrow :)
Pass today with 978 and used passguide 200q dumps.
Many new questions not were from this dump, so be carefully.
I will make the VCE file this weekend.
Sorry John, You said Q6 in the second exam not Q4. My bad! IN Q6 I think XML is the right answer, because EFS can only be implemented on the files in the file system.
John. In the second exam Q5 there is a reference link and according to the information there: "Many SQL Server configurations can be stored in the same table, and each configuration can include multiple configuration items." So the answer looks correct. Q4 is also correct I think, because there is a cleansing task in SSIS which does cleansing, which is required according to the question. in the second exam Q22 seems to be wrong though. The question states that the package is already deployed, so I think the first step should be replaced with: "Add the Environment references to the Deployed Project". The 2nd and 3rd steps are correct. People who had done this test before 21st of Sep scored above 900, so most of the answers are correct already. Cheers.
Nico is correct I think. But what about questions 5 and 6 in the second exam? They don't seem to have a clear answer. For question 5 it can be either XML Configuration or SQL Server. Anybody?
Number 9 is currect, because you want to keep historical historical changes. If you specify answer B you can only keep one version, which would mean you would khow if the record is up to date or not. I am not sure about nr. 7. Nr 4 looks wrong. I would guess choice c unless they mention it is a SQL 2008 machine.
Some of the answers of this dump are wrong. Question 9 for example, the answer should be B - IsCurrent instead of A - StartDate and EndDate. And Question 7 should be D.
If I'm wrong please correct me and explain.
Passed the exam yesterday with 8XX score. Total number of questions were 79. Do a preparation before appearing this exam. Don't depend upon totally on this dump as only 50% questions came from this dump. 50% questions were new.
Passed with 9xx. The dump was still very helpful. around 30 new questions, ex. five options of CDC source, restore DQS databases, DQS stored procedures, MDS permssiions, new Qs for the deployment question series in the dump. Learn as much as u can from Exam 70-463 training kit.
Hi Friends,
i am planning to take this exam next week.
pls post the new questions.
passed today with score 870, with this dump you can guarantee 60% of the questions but you need to study to answer the rest, there are new questions about MDS, DQS, project deployment wizard and event handlers.
install SQL Server 2012, practice it, then you will understand the new question
I've interviewed several IT guys in my company, most of them have Microsoft licenses. one person even had 7 licenses. But when I asked some practical questions such like "how many type of replication model you know and what's different" "what's the model you/your company using now"..
Finanlly, we hired a person who only had one basic Microsoft license (MCP), because he didn't have lots licenses but he's served over 200 companies.
is the practice test in
Exam 70-463:Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft® SQL Server®
2012 Training Kit good enough to handle 23 new questions?
passed today with 887
23 new questions, you can implement the new questions anwsers from the dum, of the 23 a lot on DQS
Passed with 780 today. Has many new questions that started showing up after 50th question(Total 79 Questions) of the exam. Few of them are drag and drop type based on DQS and can be answered with little BI knowledge.
My Suggestion: Don't take the risk if you are completely new to the SQL Server BI world and have just prepared from the dumps.
Passed this afternoon. 79 questions with 23 new. You need experience to pass this or you will be treading a fine line. Lots of new questions on DQS.
Pass this morning in US. Dump only good for about 50% of questions. Only passed because I have work experience with SSIS.
Passed this morning in UK. The dump is no longer valid. Will give you insight into about 50% of exam. There were 79 questions. I thought I failed but passed. I'm glad I read some books and watched some videos.
NOT valid dump more! Passed today with 8xx but between 30% and 35% of the (79) questions were totally new!!! Be careful plz
Hey guys, i have a question..I want to know if this answers are same or re-arrange because i want to go write the exam next week monday. Please i need to know although i know most of the answers myself but just wanna know if the question follow particular parterns or they are re-arrnged
Valid dump!! passed with 9XX marks today
Passed today with 868. About 20 questions were from this dump, about 59 were completly new or changed. You can never pass with just the dump now.
Passed today with 810 points in Germany. Very hard exam with many questions out of the dump. From this dump like 30-35 questions and order of answers were different. Learning only this dump will not give you enough points to pass the exam. Total number of questions 79.
Thx for test:) , really helped! Passed with 925. Around 30 questions of 79 total was new (some of them were similar to ones from the dump), the rest of questions from this dump. In some of the questions order of answers was different. Had 10 of those awful questions with the same answer list and similar question (4 of them from this dump).
some of the questions are repeated in this dump, is this a valid one!
100 % Valid. passed with 9XX on 07 sep 2013 in Kuwait . no new questions.
In Exam Question 7. Additional Option is added [Script Task ] .
Thanx man it really helped me out.
Pass 9xx
Pass today with 904. no new question but questions order are shuffled. This dump is very valid.
Pass today with 9xx. Thanks for the dumps, no new question. This dump is valid.
Passed the exam with 904. Thank you Aussie, dumps are really valid.
Dump Valid! Passed with 959! One new Question!
Dump is valid, got 932! 2 new questions.
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