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Download Free 70-462 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-462 - MCSA Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014 Databases |
Size: | 1.43 MB |
Posted Date: | Tuesday, March 4, 2014 |
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New High Availability questions. Pls update. 60% Valid. 28-04-14
there was a hot area question, which other applications corrupt due insufficient memory resources. you need to limit the memory?also kapeltp,marco,tvn9bu commments are correct.also as elharbia said the answer is change tracking for q19 I can even find that option in it, I think the answer is partitioned tables not sure
The dump is valid to 60% to 70% in my opinion. Most of the questions from this dump.around 10 questions new. Others all from this dump slightly modified or re-worded. I remember the new questions but not all the options
1.you sql server agent log is growing too much how will reduce the log
a)shrink msdb b)shrink master c)event logging d. disable trace execution message
2.you administer sql server instance and azure instance(drag drop) you need to match security implied for each instances
@osama ,,, Pllllz do u remember any new question?!!
this dump is hardly valid less than 35 of 50 questions too many new questions in Egypt
just passed today with 7XX.
Still this dumps is valid, only 10 questions are new. I have pass with scored 866
Exam premium with 143 Questions and date 01/April/2014
Passed today with 700. I'd say about 10 identical questions, many questions are either differently worded and scenarios reversed,quite a few a completely different but doable. My main problem was lack of time(only 2 hours here in UK) and nerves:)
Prep material:
Microsoft Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Jump Start(free on-line)
Official preparation Kit book
MeasureUp(quite helpful as it has robust explanations).
Trainsignal SQL Server 2012 Administration Essentials.
CBT Nuggets
Past last week with 8xx score. About 10 new questions but quite similar to this dump. Conclusion: dump still valid
Congrats Aless, thanks for sharing! I'll take mine soon..
What do you mean by exam premium_143Q_1-4-04?
Dump valid + exam premium_143Q_1-4-04. Passed 800. 50 Questions. 1 question new.
Passed with 700 in Canada !!! There were enough questions from this dump to pass, but also a lot of new questions. I was very very lucky to pass... :)
I took my exam today and passed with 7xx. Thanks to marco and others.Guyz careful this dump is only 60% valid. around 15 new questions. will not pass if you depend only this.New questions on processor log, output log, init backup, audit & standby ,recovery, no recovery backups. Extend session event (tracking all the select queries for the failures)and so on.All the best.
For question 38 in Exam A, it denotes that the first row of the file contains the first row of data, if that is true then we wouldn't select the checkbox for "Column names in the first data row" correct?
this dump is good, study all deny/revoke questions. Passed today with 7xx. Kapeltap's comments are correct.
This dump is the best one out of the options for this exam. 50 question test, about 12-15 new questions. Passed with 7xx. Study all of the deny/revoke from sales and userA questions, they are almost all there.
812 from turkey, mostly valid
Passed the exam with 766. Valid 60%. 15 new questions. Question about Azure is included here in dumps. 3 new hotspots questions. I forgot all about it. I remember 1 question, you have 2 servers one is princpal and one is mirrored. Manual failover was done. You have to investigate why is that it took so long to mirror the database. Options to use in server1 and server 2: log queue, process q, output q. Goodluck!
can someone please advice if this dump is valid in cote d ivoire
I've just finished to install SQL2012 instance and I reminded one more question.
There was an error during instalation of SQL Server and the instaltion crushed.
Where can you find log of instalation to find out what was the couse of crush.
A. %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Log\Errorlog
B. %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Setup Bootstrap\Log\Summary.txt
C. %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Shared\ErrorDumps\SQLDmpr[XXXX].mdmp
D. %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\mastlog.ldf
I took B
(D - DB transaction log, A - SQL instance log, C - Integration Services error dump)
I passed today (900 means 45/50 - quite good I think).
New questions:
1. Fill the Article Properties dialog (replication) to ensure that only clustred indexes will be replicated (three combo-boxes to set including "Action if name is in use"). You must set "Action if name..." becouse there are additional requirements which I dont remember sorry...
2. There are a lot of inserts into a table which has a few indexes. You need to do something to make operations in shorter time/less affective. You must not destroy permisions on this table (you cannot drop the table I think). It was "arrange in the correct order". I set - drop all indexes >> insert >> create all indexes. Other options were - drop the table, insert * into..., reorganize index, alter index disable
3. You have a few severs and you must prepare policy with schedule which avoid to set SHRINK DATABASE property. It was "arrange in the correct order". I can't remember what I set but It was't OK I think.
I studied Training kit (I made all practice parts with Virtual Machines - lots of fun/work)
I simulated exams on MasureUp (from training kit) and of course on elharbia.109q.vce
And I also watched CBN Nuggets on 70-462 exam (12 hours of presentations but very helpfull)
Dump is 50-60% valid. Studied this dump a lot and googled every solution when i was sure that the dump was false. E.g. SET CONTAINMENT TO AZURE is false. Try to really understand the answers and why they are true and this dump will still help you. I scored 850. Good Luck!!!
This dump still valid but a lot of answers are not correct. you have to validate them.
Some new questions in the exam about 12 but not hard to answer if you already studied this dump. I passed today with 900. Good Luck All.
Dump is 50-60% valid. Not too many questions about SQL Azure, maybe about 2 questions in all - one is about how to migrate users. Most of the drag and drops questions are there and also the DENY/REVOKE questions. Studied this dump a lot and scored 800. Good Luck!!!
valid, 60% questions on the test, however check the vailidity of some of the answers.
Is following matching correct?
C:\ 128 Gig ->> Binaries (must lay somewhere)
D:\ 128 Gig SDD ->> Temp DB (fastest)
E:\ 300 Gig Raid 10 ->> DB
F:\ 300 Gig Raid 5 ->> Backup
I found such opinion:
You can clearly see RAID 10 outperforms RAID 5 at fraction of cost in terms of read and write operations.
I decided then to match that way.
What about recomendation : separate drive for each kind of file - separate for log, separate for data, separate for tempdb???
Can anyone confirm/deny, please.
Exam is on its way...(On monday)
60% valid still passed using these dumps.
New Question:
C:\ 128 Gig, D:\ 128 Gig SDD, E:\ 300 Gig Raid 10, F:\ 300 Gig Raid 5 choose location: Binaries, Temp DB, DB, Backup
valid upto 60% take chance
yeap 60% valid...
60% valid in Brazil but some answers are incorrect.
Dump is not valid anymore, only 50% of questions were from this dump.
Only a small percentage (when I say small i mean 5 out of 50 questions) come from these dumps. The questions are mostly all new, so be careful how you use this dump (it's still a good idea to go through as the questions are similar, I passed by using these as mock exams)
How does it go that publication date of VCF file is MAR 04, 2014 and first comment is from MAR 02, 2014?
Does the file conatain all known questions (especially AZURE)?
I'm taking 70-462 on MAR 24 so all informations are welcome!!!
Hi all,
I realized the exam today and passed with 900 points, the dump is still valid.
Hey Guys, did the exam yesterday and passed it... there were lots of new questions which are not in dump.. 60% questions did came from this dump...Lots of backup and Azure questions.
Leon, Marco please tell whether this dump is valid , Hope the exam went well.
Passed with 700 on 06/03
Dump is 60% valid.
I take the 462 exam on 05-Mar(exam center in Hong Kong), result is fail 564 score
Although the dump including some new questions related to azure, but it still not enough to make you pass the exam.
BTW, when we can have new / \
60 % correct. Some New question about Azure, and 3 new drag and drop on my Exam. I took i yesterday and passed. Norway
Passed the exam today (833/1000).
About 30/50 questions were the same as in this dump.
About 11/50 were slightly modified.
About 09/50 were new.
So if you learn the book and this VCE you will pass the exam, in my opinion. Good luck to you all!
Please confirm the validity?
Is This a valid dump in india??
Passed on 06/03 with 700..dump is useful..you will see around 35% questions from outside
Dear Marco you did a good job, i have confirm the answer there is some problem furthermore...Could you please specify the questions mention below as every time you restart the software the sequence changed...
Q19 : (C) Change tracking
and all Q is right
BTW you will find more new Question in the Microsoft exam , I examine but I found more new questions not found for any dump , but I try to save this Questions and get the answer , you can to check also for any answer if you can , but I'm sure for this answer till now
I agree with the answers of Marco, except for Exam B Q2. The question states restore SQL 2008 (and not 2005) to SQL 2012.
Dear tv9b4u you are the real champ as you helping others i was just kidding don take it serious.
The questions are no longer current, these questions will bring you to 40 percent of maximum.
There are a lot of new questions related backups and restores, version azure, and more ...
When questions will have been updated news?
Hi Guys Please let me know whether this dump is valid in India :)
questions related to azure are in this VCE.
Mr pak_kool, is not about who's champion and not, it's all about helping others.
I've seen different answers for below questions from dumps purchased, not sure who is wrong and right.
Q 12 -> about limit the number of cores, VCE answer D (i/o affinity), in dumps provided by testkings answer is B ( Processor affinity)
Q 35, some dumps have chosen: most recent backup and other back from last night.
Q 36, correct answer , choose both filters with : '@name LIKE 'sp[]% , Operator to NOT LIKE, and Value to 'SP[]%' followed by enable Stored PROC naming Policy.
now you guys decided and let others know which is right and wrong.
soon I will comment few more question related to Azure migration which aren't covered in this VCE.
Hi Elharbia,
Any comments for this exam, is this valid?
Please suggest
This dump got Azure and failover questions. My exam is Thursday. Will let you know if this dump is valid.
The questions is no longer updated, it brings you max 40 percent.
There are a lot of new questions related backups, azure not appear.
When questions will have been updated news?
Not all answers seems to be correct. I think the answers below are the correct ones:
Exam B Q19: Unanswered, but I think the answer is B
Exam A Q14: System Monitor, SQL Profiler, XEvents, XEvents
Exam A A19: Unicode, Format
Exam B Q32: E
Exam B Q2 : D (You cannot restore a SQL 2005 master database on a SQL2012 server)
Exam B Q11: D
Exam B Q20: A, B (In SQL 2012 you cannot set the containment level to FULL or AZURE)
Exam B Q9 : B (Not sure)
Exam A Q62: A
I will do my test this Friday
Is this valid? tv9b4u could you please confirm which questions have wrong answers and please confirm the correct answers as well. If you are the real champion (edda tou rehan da nai)
Dump not valid, more than 50% new questions. Still passed - 850 in europe
Is this valid in Pakistan please update?
These are the exact same questions I saw on exam hopefully answers are correct. Can someone please verify?
is this valid ?
Today I passed the exam with 816, is valid, only 10 new questions, including 3 of Azure
tv9b4u please highlight these question which have wrong answers....and furthermore if you know the right answer please mention as well...really great full to you Thanks
Anyone test that dump ?
Is this Braindump valid? Any experience yet?
Is this dump valid in india ????
Hi all,
This dump is valid ?
Any comments for this exam, is it valid?
Guys, few answer are wrong in this VCE b careful.
Hi every one.
This dump is valid ?
i can see some azure and failover questions in this one..can anyone please confirm if it's valid!?
Is this valid?
Can someone please advise If this dump is valid in Australia?
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