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Download Free 70-412 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-412 - Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services |
Size: | 8 MB |
Posted Date: | Thursday, September 4, 2014 |
# of downloads: | 11522 |
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Hello, please send me the latest dump, thanks
hi , can anyone send me the latest 70-412 dump file on my email : mohd.abuzuaiter@live.com
Hi guys..can anyone send plz a valid PDF dump
my email is 769366078@qq.com thanks
Would love it if someone could email the PDF dump to 769366078@qq.com. Thanks a lot.
Hi, can some one send to me the last dump please ,,,,zaghal9@hotmail.com
please send me latest update to ahmad_kh2@live.com 410 411 412 plzz
anyone with the latest pdf 70-412 please send to Ezekiel.sikaneta@yahoo.com thanx
Hi, can someone please send me the latest dumb for 70-412 to shita_n@yahoo.com
thx verymuch
hi Dilan, can u share the dump to shita_n@yahoo.com? best regards
I i hope that you well...
Please can you send to me the new dump of 70-412...Please...Thanks in advance...Dilan...Xencerra...please!!!
hi all , if you have bought any pdf please share,otherwise do not crash others brain.So please if someone has 412 latest pdf please send me.
please last dump sending mehmetzerdali@gmail.com
Hello @Dilan, can someone send me the pdf to vgemici@msn.com
Dilan, can you share the dump?
Hello @Dilan, can someone send me the pdf to ntonj@libero.it
how many question there are in the premium file
Hello guys, If anyone has the latest dumps, can you please send it to guzfmarin@gmail.com Thanks
Passed !! Premium File is valid :) all the best
hi Keef, are you saying we can use the 74-409 dump to study for 70-412?
Instead of asking for Dumps, let's try to sort the ones we have. I'm trying the Download Microsoft.Actualtests.70-412.v2015-10-27.by.Labs.342q.vce at the moment, please help me checking if the answers are correct and up-to-date
If anyone has the latest dumps, can you please send it to ayeyuzaw2013@gmail.com. thank a lot
can someone send me the latest dump please? seba_chabal@live.com
Sounds like most of you are looking for the easy way to get MCSA certified. If so, do the 74-409. Specifically Diana 99q. I did. Score 921! MCSA!!!
If anyone has the latest dumps, can you please send it to ivan.torres.187@gmail.com. Much appreciated.
If anyone has the latest dumps, can you please send it to ivan.torres.187@gmail.com. Much appreciated.
Hello, the new questions are not these new 2 dump files.
Hello, I got valid and latest file, get from me zakar.barg@gmail.com
Hi Guys, I see there are two new exams uploaded on the 27th of Oct, one by blade and the other by labs, can you guys just have a look if new questions are found there?
Can anyone send me the pdf please!
Thank you very much.
All the best!
Hello guys, If anyone has the latest dumps, can you please send it to regis9064@gmail.com Thanks
People ask for the dumbs but don't say how dd they write.
If anyone has the latest dumps, can you please send it to tonnoge@outlook.com. Much appreciated.
Can anyone send me the pdf plz!
martinbrens1@gmail.com i need your help please send.
hi all,
Can anyone send me the pdf ?
e-mail: irfanahmad144@yahoo.com
Thanks in advance
Can anyone send me the latest dump for 70-412 please to fierlamour@hotmail.com
Hello could someone please send the latest dump to cmartinoo123@gmail.com
Thank you in advance!
Hello, is there someone who is will to send me latest dump on david.jimenez000@gmail.com
Hello, can someone send me latest dump to david.jimenez000@gmail.com, Thanks !!!
Could anyone kindly send me the latest dump to david12134@outlook.com. I'm writing next week.
Thanks so much
Hi, can someone please send me the latest dumb for 70-412 to James17954678@gmail.com
Hallo gyboros!
Could you please send these new questions for me please??
Thank you very much.
All the best!
Marek, Poland
Fail again
anyone with the latest 412 send to innoe@gmail.com please
Its posible to write 70-412 before you write 70-410 and 70-411,
Passed yesterday 878, email vonganigoya@gmail.com I will send new 70-412 dump, but be carefull some answers are incorrect verify them before you take your exam
hello, can someone please send me the latest 70-412 to study? Thanks very much!
please send me the latest dump/pdf to zertmepls@freenet.de
Hi, can someone please send me the latest dumb for 70-412 to fierlammour@hotmail.com
Many thanks
Hi. If there is any kind person, please send me dump to this email mahabub1004@gmail.com
Hi everyone, can you please send me the latest dumps to pcred110@hotmail.com ? Thanx
Does anyone know if Microsoft will allow you take the other exams if you didn't pass say 70-411 and instead you want to move on to 70-412? Just curious, does anyone know?
pls guys help me with the updated dump m taking the exam nextweek.my email address is lembedeze@yahoo.com
tokyhot pls email me the updated 412 dumps,the one one you were using.m writting nest week pls. any1 can also help if u have
hello Bee, congratulation for your exam pass, can you pls send to me that PDF at prsam96@yahoo.com
Anyone who has anything new regarding 70-412. Pls foreword it to me. My email is charalambosn@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance
bee: please send dumps to francis.nddy259@yahoo.com
tokyohot: what dump did you use and can you please send to me. my email francis.nddy259@yahoo.com
Thank you
@Bee let us start the communication on my inbox d.k.macheke@gmail.com
cam anyone, please send me the latest 70-412 dump, would greatly appreciate it, thxx
Hi. If there is some kind person, please help me pass the exam. Thank you very much. dr.hori@centrum.cz
Hi All!!! Can anyboby send me the new pdf file to marianogietz@msn.com ???
if anyone have valid pdf, kindly send to shameer_104@hotmail.com
Yeah,Passed by750
Appreciate your generous help if someone could share a valid dump. :)
Can someone please send me the latest dumps for 412. Thanks, assyriac@hotmail.com
Can you please assist me with the updated dumps d.k.macheke@gmail.com
hi all please I need help send to me the dump azmil25@hotmail.com
Has anyone have any dealings with AMIR BAKHSHALIZADEH? He's been emailing me and I'm a little suspicious about what he's offering.
Let me know.
I can be reached at tolaileauanae@gmail.com
If you have study materials or valid dumps for 70-412, please send to me. Thank you!
I need the latest dumps for 70-412. If you have it please send it to me at TOLAILEAUANAE@GMAIL.COM
Thank you in advanced.
take the Microsoft.Selftestengine.74-409.v2014-05-17.by.DIANA.99q.vce. this can replace the 70-412. passed 8XX easily in usa
please send new and valid dump to juzzlegrace@yahoo.com
Much appreciated
I got the feedbacks, my premium file is VALID!
Buddies passed the exam with 7xx points!
gyboross at gmail.com
Can anyone send it as PDF please .
I passed by using the Premium Dump. Good luck.
Can i get a copy of that PDF to jsnowden637637@gmail.com pls, thanks!!!
Does anyone have any feedback on the Premium file? this was updated in September.
Hey LL, you are totally correct!
Where are the new questions for all of us to try to solve and help each other, like the posts of 70-411?
Hi! This dump needs to be updated...
Who can help me/us?
Please send 70-412 PDF to fersiamj@gmail.com
can anyone send me the latest pdf for 70-412 ninja_rural@yahoo.com.br , thankyou guys
I wonder if anyone has received anything by putting his email here. I've seen much more meaningful actions such as post new questions then research and study to get the answer under 70-411 dumps. No one would like to post a question or answer and then get flooded to the bottom by begging requests with email.If your hope is to get help from others, flooding email address is burying it.
Hi Please can someone send me the lasted files for 411 412 to my email - Inqu1s3tor@gmail.com. Thanks much appreciated.
please anyone with valid 70-412 send
i really need it
can you please send me the latest update of the 70-412, thank you! england07@hotmail.com
this dump needs to be updated
can anyone send me the latest or valid dump for 412 exam on windowsserver12@yahoo.com
Thanks in advance
if someone have latest dump, please send to stuff.lenso@gmail.com
can anyone send me the latest or valid dump for 412 exam on windowsserver12@yahoo.com
Thanks in advance
can anyone send me the latest or valid dump for 412 exam on rcr1011@gmail.com
Thanks in advance
can anyone send me the latest or valid dump for 412 exam on hirensoni55@gmail.com
Thanks in advance
Can anyone give me the latest pdf of ROD if you have send me at nthabisengpitso1@gmail.com
It looks that paid service killed examcollection and VCE. There is no updated dump for months after change now.
failed today 502 some new kestion
Please I need the latest dumps for 70-412 Kindly send it to me thanks for your help.
Please I need the latest dumps for 70-412 Please send it to me thanks for your help exami.mick@gmail.com
Hi Dears, Can anyone send me latest 412 exam dumps to sultan.afg@gmail.com.
Thanks in Advance
Failed....using both this dump and sonya
Hi guys , I need the last exam 412 in PDF, if someone has I thank you. Follow my email: camorimbr@gmail.com
Hey, Can someone send me valid pdf too please zr74@gmx.net
How about everyone stops filling this up with asking for the dump that they don't even know is any good. Research these questions and study! If a better dump is being put out, SHARE THE LINK, or add it here!
Can anyone give me latest pdf
Anyone has valid dumps in PDF format? Please send it to brokenmilos@gmail.com
Hi folks can any one share new 412 at my email skandhro@yahoo.com. Appreciate
I need the latest dumps for 70-412. If you have it please send it to me at TOLAILEAUANAE@GMAIL.COM
Thank you in advanced.
Can someone upload valid dumps. No valid dumps for 70-412 for a very long period
Anyone can email me valid dump in PDF? j_kscha@yahoo.com.sg
This dump not valid anymore, pls share if you have one, i failed today with 620 score, 80 % new questions..
Anyone with PDF please email to fersiamj@gmail.com
hi guys..can anyone send plz a valid dump
my email is josephmoussallem@live.com
Would love it if someone could email the pdf dump to k.mosawi@gmail.com
please help! Send the valid dump to kelvinwong927@hotmail.com
hi guy please I need help send to me the dump angelobaby91@hotmail.com
This is hard, anyone has the updated questions qould like to share with me at ariesow01@gmail.com ?
Can someone send me valid pdf too please ordermesome@gmail.com
hi guys please i need help 70-412 yu can mail me angelobaby91@hotmail.com
Please send updated dumps to derek.adams.email@gmail.com I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
hello jeor
studying this exam sonya 21 question ?
Would love it if someone could email the latest dump to joefulford96@gmail.com
Thanks a lot :)
Hi guys,
Please can some one send me the new questions. I'm really struggling failed the exam 3 times now, I'm always 4 marks off!!
Really appreciate it guys, send to Sarina_Lal@hotmail.co.uk
Hello, can someone send me the pdf to munnikies@hotmail.com
please send me a copy of latest valid dump
my exam is next week
can someone please send me the lastest dump to aaguayo@sertei.com, thank you very much!
Zijn er hier mensen uit Nederland die samen met mij een Premium VCE willen aanschaffen dan kunnen we de kosten delen.?
Please send a copy of the latest PDF/dump to agilliland58@gmail.com
Can anyone send me the pdf ?
e-mail: cmong2005@gmail.com
Thanks in advance
Dump still valid for 90%, 10% new questions. Passed today with a score of 800 by only studying this exam and sonya
Is it possible to have a PDF copy ?
My email is redband59@hotmail.com
Thanks !
Good luck to everyone
Is this Dump Still Valid? Are there any updated dumps available?
I failed 654 Score... Please vild dump. My Email is dbswnsgh0531@gmail.com.
Thank you.
please if anyone can send me the latest dump for 70-412, yesterday i failed the exam :(
my email is: m.sharif@arabou.edu.kw
thanks alot
Hello everybody. Would you please send me the latest dump to my email : antonio22ccrs@yahoo.com
Good luck to everyone on the test.
Thank you.
Please send a copy of latest PDF to aibrahem503@gmail.com
I've failed 70-411 even though i know the material very good ( 11 years in prof ), I got really confuzed because the exam is very easy in enerally, today after 1 month i recieved an email from microsoft telling me after review of my exam they found out that i passed, now i need to take 70-412 and im afraid to get though this again, anyone has the new questions of 70-412 ? if so is it possible to send it to sela_gal@hotmail.com ? i will appreciate it, thx alot
Hello gyboros, I hope you are fine!
Could you please send these new questions for me please??
Thank you very much.
All the best!
please assist I've been failing this 412 exam for long now, anyone please send me the latest valid Dump. my Email is Xirinddo@eskom.co.za.
Can somebody please send me the latest dumps for the 412 exam? teun1986@gmail.com
Hello guys, passed today (01, oct) with 860 score. My tips are: studying very powershell (manage AD replication, AD Sites, Azure Backup), Failover Clustering, Hyper-V Replica, DAC, AD CS and RMS. VCE Rod and Sonya has all the questions necessary - however, several wrong answers, warning!. Technet, Training Kit and MOC are essential. The best luck for all! Finally MCSA!!!!
@ Marty, could you send the PDF to me please? my email is lauzero@hotmail.com, thanks
Hello can someone please be kind and send me latest dump to mail esmirt@gmail.com
Thank you in advance people.
Hello, is there someone who is will to send me latest dump on esmirt@gmail.com
Thank you in advance,
Hello Kim/Mohammed, I hope you are fine!
Could you please send these new questions for us please??
Thank you very much.
All the best!
can someone PLEASE send me the lastest dump to roberto@hotmail.nl
If any one has some valid vce for 412. Please email to me.
I HAVE the updated, valid. It's not joke.
gyboross at gmail.com
Passed today. 700/700 - 1st shoot - so it was lucky. Advice? Learn on 100% questions from vce, aiotestkings (check comments!! - new questions there with most valid answers). Really good is to watch all videos from CBT Nuggets. There was between 5 to 10 completly new questions - nowhere found these - mostly configuration about site - forests replication etc. Finally MCSA - good luck guys!
Can someone please send me the lastest 70412 to my mail fhho@hotmail.fr
can someone please send me the dump pdf Yilmaz.serkan@live.nl
many thanks
Failed my ass off. 646 even with the studies i did (cbt and mcsa books) its hard. The new qsts involve a lot of experienced knowledge and commands for those who are to lazy to study anything other as dumps at all dont bother trying.
Hey guys, someone has news about this exam?
ROD and news questions by sonia are the enought to pass?
Hey guys, someone has news about this exam?
ROD + news question by Sonia is enought?
Hey, please send me the valid pdf to tobintucker@trash-mail.com. Thanks a lot!
Can some please send me the PDF for this dump. Mi email uno6621@gmail.com
Hi, I failed my exam today. I've got a 1 year old premium dump, but this is not enough to pass.
I 'll buy the new one premium, Could someone to join me to buy? It 'll cheaper, not $100,
Please may anyone send me a valid dump for 412 at buhlem1@outlook.com or mrhle@yahoo.com
Much appreciated!
hey guys kindly lets us know whether you have passed or not
Kindly do not post negative questions
Hi anyone with a dump with the latest questions? would greatly appreciate if it could be sent to my email at vernon.chia@yahoo.com
Can someone pls send the lastest 70412 to my mail tunde4ril01@yahoo.com
Please can somebody send me the new questions for 412 exam. (travisehouston@gmail.com)
Please could someone send me an updated 70-412 r2 PDF to bpatinio26@gmail.com
Would appreciate it very much. Thanks! :-)
can anyone send me the new exam please ?
Can someone send me a pdf with new questions to mgluhic10@gmail.com? Thank you!
Can some please send me the PDF for this dump. You are the best! oester27@hotmail.com
Please someone send me the pdf for this dump. You are the best!
Is the Premium valid and updated?
Does anyone know of a premium vce provider that is up to date?
Can anyone help about 70-412 exam, which file can I use, please if any can help me send my ben_517@hotmail.com
Thanks all for your help
Please guys help me with 70-412 erika_milla@hotmail.com
Failed 680. Can anyboby send me the new vce/pdf file to lsfortes@gmail.com.
Failed 683. Can anyboby send me the new pdf file to lsfortes@gmail.com.
send the latest dump deadlysin66@gmail.com
Can someone please give me the updated version of the 412 exam? kvnus@live.nl
Please could someone send me the latest pdf for this exam, email: cndc_gvndr@yahoo.com....much appreciated
Failed with 664 pts. About 10 new questions. Does someone can send me the new file to pipoloulou@gmail.com?
Failed thurday 25/09/15.
664. Not study enough and about 10 new questions.
Can anyboby send me the new pdf file to pipoloulou@gmail.com.
Can I get the new questions PDF sent to pleaseandthanks@sharklasers.com Thanks!!!!
i just take the exam on 26 Sep 15 but fail, feel free to send me the PDF i will reply you which question has been using. Thanks
Can some one send latest pdf for 70-411 @ leonardo_256@yahoo.com
I'm about to take the exam, can anyone be so kind enough to send the latest VCE/PDF to raidevera_coe@yahoo.com. Thanks in advance
Please , does anyone know where I can get some free emulator to run the new VCE files. If anyone knows or has the Emulator please send me dumpcertifica@gmail.com
Does anyone have the latest PDF? Would someone be so kind as to send it to samhouston447@yahoo.com? Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this discussion.
You have a server named Server1.
Server1 is registered for online back to Microsoft Azure via Vault Backup 1 . Backup of Server1 is created automatically every day.
You have a second server named Server2.
Server2 is also registered for online back to Microsoft Azure via Vault Backup 2 . Backup of Server2 is created automatically every day.
You need to restore a datafile called data1.dat which was backed up via Server 1, on Server 2. How you should proceed?
A. From the Azure Management Portal, upload the Server2 certificae as a management certificate.
B. On Server2, run the Start-OBRegistration cmdlet.
C. On Server2, run the Add-WBBackupTarget cmdlet.
D. From the Azure Management Portal, modify the configuration on the backup vault.
Answer D
There is a similar question about azure backup regarding a renaming of server 1 to server 2...in this case the correct asnswer is OBRegistration cmdlet.
Animo Alex!
Any one please send updated pdf/vce to shantilaal@hotmail.co.uk
You have a server named Server1.
Server1 is registered for online back to Microsoft Azure via Vault Backup 1 . Backup of Server1 is created automatically every day.
You have a second server named Server2.
Server2 is also registered for online back to Microsoft Azure via Vault Backup 2 . Backup of Server2 is created automatically every day.
You need to restore a datafile called data1.dat which was backed up via Server 1, on Server 2. How you should proceed?
A. From the Azure Management Portal, upload the Server2 certificae as a management certificate.
B. On Server2, run the Start-OBRegistration cmdlet.
C. On Server2, run the Add-WBBackupTarget cmdlet.
D. From the Azure Management Portal, modify the configuration on the backup vault
EXPLANATION: I think it's A, but the Certificate has to be exported from Server 1 to Server 2. After that the cetificate has to be installed.
Sorry for my bad english.
Please if you have the updated PDFs, could you send it to me? Thanks in advance. My email is: supergreats@outlook.com
Have a great day!
Could anybody send me the pdf file? Here's my email:andres_coyotl_acosta@hotmail.com
Please , does anyone know where I can get some free emulator to run the new VCE files. If anyone knows or has the Emulator please send me certifica.exame@gmail.com
Hi guys! please someone upload new dumps with the new questions
Hi, HELP, The answer is?
You have a server named Server1.
Server1 is registered for online back to Microsoft Azure via Vault Backup 1 . Backup of Server1 is created automatically every day.
You have a second server named Server2.
Server2 is also registered for online back to Microsoft Azure via Vault Backup 2 . Backup of Server2 is created automatically every day.
You need to restore a datafile called data1.dat which was backed up via Server 1, on Server 2. How you should proceed?
A. From the Azure Management Portal, upload the Server2 certificae as a management certificate.
B. On Server2, run the Start-OBRegistration cmdlet.
C. On Server2, run the Add-WBBackupTarget cmdlet.
D. From the Azure Management Portal, modify the configuration on the backup vault.
Posting sure passer materials will help us all. Avoid posting negative feedback
HELP,HELP Which is the answer?
Your network contains one Active Directory forest named contoso.com. the forest contains two child domains and six domain controllers. The domain controllers are configured as shown in the following table.
Name Domain Site
DC1 Contoso.com Main Office
DC2 Contoso.com Main Office
DC3 Contoso.com Europe Office
DC4 Contoso.com Asia Office
DC5 Sales.contoso.com Main Office
DC6 Manufacturiung.contoso.com Main Office
you need to enable universal group membership caching for the europe office and asia office sites.
What should you use?
A. Set-ADSite
B. Set-ADReplicationSite
C. Set-ADDomain
D. Set-ADReplicationSiteLink
E. Set-ADGroup
F. Set-ADForest
G. Netdom
EXPLANATION: Use -UniversalGroupCachingEnabled $true
Could anybody send me the pdf file? Here's my email: roberto@hotmail.nl
Your network contains one Active Directory forest named contoso.com. the forest contains two child domains and six domain controllers. The domain controllers are configured as shown in the following table.
Name Domain Site
DC1 Contoso.com Main Office
DC2 Contoso.com Main Office
DC3 Contoso.com Europe Office
DC4 Contoso.com Asia Office
DC5 Sales.contoso.com Main Office
DC6 Manufacturiung.contoso.com Main Office
you need to enable universal group membership caching for the europe office and asia office sites.
What should you use?
A. Set-ADSite
B. Set-ADReplicationSite
C. Set-ADDomain
D. Set-ADReplicationSiteLink
E. Set-ADGroup
F. Set-ADForest
G. Netdom
Answer: Set-ADReplicationSite
Indicates whether the cmdlet enables universal group caching. If this parameter is true, it indicates this site caches universal groups, which are those groups cached on global catalog (GC) servers. It can be useful in sites with no GC servers available locally.
Can someone please send me the update questions. Thank you very much.
HELP,HELP Which is the answer?
Your network contains one Active Directory forest named contoso.com. the forest contains two child domains and six domain controllers. The domain controllers are configured as shown in the following table.
Name Domain Site
DC1 Contoso.com Main Office
DC2 Contoso.com Main Office
DC3 Contoso.com Europe Office
DC4 Contoso.com Asia Office
DC5 Sales.contoso.com Main Office
DC6 Manufacturiung.contoso.com Main Office
you need to enable universal group membership caching for the europe office and asia office sites.
What should you use?
A. Set-ADSite
B. Set-ADReplicationSite
C. Set-ADDomain
D. Set-ADReplicationSiteLink
E. Set-ADGroup
F. Set-ADForest
G. Netdom
i just pass 70-411 today and i need the latest dump for 70-412 can anyone send it to me my e-mail:
Please , does anyone know where I can get some free emulator to run the new VCE files. If anyone knows or has the Emulator please send me .. dumpcertifica@gmail.com
Thank you!
Hey everybody,,, why cn't we just help each other by given out a dumps or some sort of PDF if u got ANY?????....
could you please give me any new dump or PDF ....here...
Could anybody send me the pdf file? Here's my email: jarko.t.brouwer@gmail.com
Please could someone send me an updated PDF to bpatinio26@gmail.com
Would appreciate it very much. Thanks! :-)
Hi Guys, please check this link by Sonya:
He is the one who actually complied the updated 21 questions + 11 new. He is a good help and he also defined the answers as well.I am going to share the status of my exam with the help of these questions soon. Please request sonya, he is regularly updating us with any newer updates further.
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