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Download Free 70-412 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-412 - Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services |
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Posted Date: | Thursday, September 4, 2014 |
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Premium is valid in SA, I passed yesterday only used premium to prepare
hello, this dump is valid?
what is premium dump? how can i download?
thank u so much
Failed also. None of these dumps will pass you this exam. You need to work in the lab. 7-10 new questions. Most of older questions re-worded. If you dont get new questions right you will fail
Do you remember what the 7 new questions were?
I just took the 70-412 and failed with a 5xx . I saw at least 5-7 new questions. Does anyone have an updated dump? Or know where to find one? Thanks
Passed Yesterday with 8XX :)
I studied GabbyDigital and Rod. Warning there are some mistakes in the answers and the order of the answers is modified. I had 7 new questions that were not complicated.
Gabby :
Exam B : 2,4,5,11,12,13,15,21,33,38,39,63,77,83,105,123,130,140,146
Exam F : 8 (not sure), 41(not sure), 46, 47
Exam G :1 (not sure),12 (not sure),16
Rod :
Good Luck!
Passed 700/700 by the skin of my teeth. Premium dump is valid though, some new questions however it's tricky a lot of questions are similar but require different answers and they do this in the test as well Study!
Failed today 55 Questions, studied Gabby and ROD but not enough too many new questions.
Dan - Romania
I used random VCE's ... Rod etc ... and general knowledge.
Now I'm using Premium, I bought ALL Premium Files.
I'm enjoying the Premium ... With current issues.
Has anyone done the exam with 54 questions?
Is Premium still valid?
Did you use Premium dump to study ?
I failed today with 537 score in Brazil. 54 Exam Questions. Anyone else who had 54? VCE Updated? Someone passing by these days? I need to pass this May too :(
Is Premium still valid?
Is Premium still valid?
Did anyone pass 412 recently?
The Premium file 421 Questions are valid or not?
Passed in Austria 759 - > still valid, used Most from Premium, something from Rod... answeres partly in another row but it's still workin.
This Dump is NOT VALID anymore, don't study.
Guys, is premium Dump is enough to study? i am confused from your comments? pls help thanks
Passed with premium dump - 47 questions - 3 new questions - be careful, a Lots of questions are not in the same order as they appear in the premium.
I just passed. 782/1000 with the updates from premium. Took it three times and the third times a charm. Some of tbe answers where in different orders and one of the question added a few answers to throw you off.premium still valid about 90%. Best of luck guys.
Scored 892. Most from ROD and Gabby. 3-5 new questions. But make sure you research for each right ans from dumps. Dont completely rely on the dumps, read the book and watch trainer videos
I passed with premium dump in Erbil
Took the test today and got a 680/1000. You might get pass the exam if you hit the questions with the right answers.
ROD and Gabby dumps still valid for Singapore. Passed with 800. But will need to check the answers for the questions as some answers are incorrect.
Passed with 746,I used the premium file 421 Questions
Hello, can anyone confirm if the premium dump is valid?. Thanks in advance.
Passed with 7xx with the premium dump 5-6 questions new.
@to all who lately passed the exam, should we study rod and gabby
how much it will cost to buy premium and vce simulator
ROD and gabby not enough.
i had 6xx the other day with ~15 new questions so obviously there were lots of wrong answers in those dumps.
My question to all is: are premium dumps any different or just packaged from those?
@John: only Rod is not enough, you should study Gabby too.
@to all who lately passed the exam,
is ROD file the only file to pass the exam?or should I study GabbyDigital too? (or instead of ROD?)please advise!
is this dump still valid
Passed! with the score of 7XX I studied Premium dump, doing some lab practice and watching cbtnugget tutorials. there are some new questions on the exam so i suggest that you practice practice and practice.
Is the Premium only enough to pass this exam?
Still valid, passed 868 points, but Gabby is needed!!!
Is it still valid alone or we need gabby ?
What about premium only?
still valid in Jordan , used rod and gabby dumps ,passed with 887, only two new questions,,, good luck everyone
Passed with 7xx, used ROD and Gabby dumps but some of the same question were having different answers.
Passed with 7XX by using only the Microsoft 70-412 Premium VCE. In case you cannot find it, you can download it from the top of this page, but it costs $69.99.
Hi guys, where can I get the Premium Dump? I am taking the exam soon.
Microsoft 70-412 Premium VCE is valid in New Zealand. Passed with a score of 812.The dumps are absolutely worth during studies.
Did anyone pass the exam by studying the file VCE Microsoft.Certkey.70-412.v2014-09-04.by.ROD.196q.vce?
hi took the 70-412 exam yesterday passed and scored 775i payed for and studied the premium weith 3 months updates. 2 new questions and need to check answers for some of the questions
Premium file(418) is valid here in Nigeria. Passed today with 9**. Thank u guys. MCSA bagged...MCSE is the next.
Am writing tomorrow and i have been studying with the premium file...any advice please
is this dump enough to pass the exam? please advise.thank you!
Any one please help me regarding to 70-412 which
dump is valid Please please.
Premium still valid passed 7xx
anyone can share free vce file ?
Passed using Gabby and ROD, still valid. Both Gabby and ROD have some same questions with different answers. You have to do a little research on some of the questions but other than that I passed with a 8XX yesterday. Good luck to you all.
Passed today in Egypt , studied from Premium Dump 418Q
Telling you passed using Premium is not going to help us, you can help us by telling us where we can find this Premium you are all talking about.
70-412 Rod and Gabby Digital passed, there are still 3 new questions in Turkey, the questions are correct but there are misleading answers, so you need to search the forum for the right answer
Passed my 70-412 preminum dumps still valid in South Africa on 3 new quistions which is about linking domain.
@SudZa , did you study only ROD.196????
where i can find premium dumps
Premium valid in Thailand - Passed My score is 8xx
Hi, is this dump still valid ?
premium valid in South Africa - Passed
Took the exam couple of days back. Passed with 8xx. Only 3 new questions. Studied the premium and more than enough to pass.
Can anyone send me a link for this dump Im writing soon
Failed first attempt. Maybe only half of the questions I ran into were in this dump.
Can someone please tell me where to find the premium, thnx in advance
@mbagiuan ciao che file hai usato?
hi guys, where can I get the Premium Dump? I am taking the exam soon.
Took two attempts to pass in the US with 7XX Studied premium both times.
This dump is valid i passed the test with a 718 score because there were a questions on the test that were not on the dump but the ones that were also on the dump were mostly correct. Some questions were recorded wrong in the dump so be careful and research but this dump is definitely worth the study time.
premium 100% valid in Germany passed 7xx on 8/5/2017
@oral 418 premium
can you guys tell me some of the wrong answers for premium?
@Lubengo which premium dump did u use?
Passed today in Italy! Research a lot of question in Internet and you can pass the exam!
Finally MCSA!
@Oral, I write my exam at CTU training solution Cape Town
Hi Lubengo, where did you write your exam?
I pass my 412 exam today, premium is 100% but do research some answers are wrong
passed 775 with primume dump, some wrong answers but u can pass!
do nit use rod dumps, they are wrong!!
Failed 07/17/2017. DO NOT USE ROD.196q dump, you will fail, most of the answers are wrong and most of the questions are not on the test. Use the premium dump, some answers are wrong, but you will at least pass.
USA - 7/17/2017. Premium 100% Valid (though there are several wrong answers). I had 2 new questions around Site Bridges and that was it!
Passes the exam few days ago. Premium dump valid 100%. But you should spend time to research and understand since some questions from the dumps have the incorrect answer. I think so. Good luck, folks.
Finally, got MCSA. MCSE, I'm coming.
This dump is not valid !!!
505 scored today. 80% other questions.
I have review gabbydigital and marked 46 of 49 questions what i got on my exam.
Is this still valid? if anyone used premium and passed recently, please send an update over here.. Much appreciate it.
failed with 641, about 30% are new questions
preaminup dump is vaild??
Passed with 7xx. Dump is still valid. Good luck. Next stop MCSE!
Studied this and Gabby. Still valid but.... Some answers are wrong so check before you go. Some are obviously wrong some need deeper investigation. Couple new question but 90% from this 2 dumps.
Dump still valid in India?
Dump still valid in SA..Passed yesterday with 8XX Score, Gabby and Rod are best way to go.
Dump still valid in SA?
In Mexico still valid, some new questions (10+) but i have now the MCSA.. my score was 8xx!!
Finally I'am MCSA with score 906, study ROD,GabbyDigital and premium. Guys please research each single question and compare with other sites and forums. All dump have some wrong question. Don't give up. You can do it.
Passed today finally MCSA ..
score 831 by using this dump aswell as others.
TP: INVESTIGATE every question and doubt every answer because many questions are slightly reworded in the exam or are answered not with the best answers
Example If you can choose between ADUC or ADAC then Always use the last tool MS provided for that type of OS.. (ADUC for 2008 and ADAC for 2012 R2
Study hard on Powershell and search for possible switches.. GOOD LUCK ..
Failed the Exam with 583 ... +- 16 new questions in a total of 49 Questions. All the best to those who will be writting soon. Going back to re-write in 3weeks time. FYI work hard on configuring identity and access solutions as well as implementing business continuity and disaster . NEVER GIVE UP & Study Smart.
Any update ? is this valid dump ? i want the MCSA from the end of May.
Can anyone help me on valid dump ?
Thank you.
Passed today USA. 812. One new question all others from dumps. New question about subordinate CA and how to proceed setting up web enrollment. MCSA achieved.
Passed yesterday with 8XX using this dump and GabbyDigital.
Is the premium file with 274 questions still valid? I see a new premium file uploaded with 418 questions.
Is this still valid in Brazil?
is this still valid ??
Passed!ALL questions from premium.
this dump still valid ?
Passed today with 9XX .. (Mansoura_Egypt)
Passed 7xx. Finally mcsa!! ALL questions from premium. One new maybe. make sure to learn the series of Qs
Passed today my 412. All questions came from premium dumps. Finally Mcsa now
Finally my MCSA Passed today: 868/1000
Premium and GabbyDigital
MCSA at last!
I studied the Premium Dump and passed 70-412 with 793.
There are 49 Questions in the exam, some questions slightly changed, for example the question would be exactly the same as in the dumps, but answers provided would be different like four cmdlet options as opposed to HOTSPOT GUI screen shot, a few caught me out, but still close enough to dump to pass if you know your dump questions.
Also, Google any dump questions and go check the answers on results in Google.
From here you only need to write one more supplementary exam during 2017 to get "MCSE: Cloud Platform and Infrastructure."
Options for exams include: 70-533, 70-442, 70-441, 70-744, 70-413, 70-414, 70-246, 70-247, 70-532 or 70-743.
Good luck.
i have prepared this exam with 274 Questions,but today i see new file with 411 questions.the old file with 274q is valid?when a new file is created date ...?
Pass 718
This dump alone is not enough to pass the exam. Studied ROD only the first time and failed. Studied ROD & Gabbydigital the second time and passed with 7xx
Passed today with 718 points. GabbyDigital and ROD are enough for this examination.
Passed today with a 9XX. Used premium file, there were a few questions that weren't on the premium file on the exam (3). Used Rod as well. Wrong answers so make sure to do your research on them. Finally, MCSA!
I passed yesterday 7xx with 49 question. Only used premium.
868 score
Passed today with 850. Studied from both ROD and Gabby Digital.
Passed Today , i've got my MCSA , used ROD and GabbyDigital about 10 new questions
(same Answers on these two dumps are Wrong)
After failing twice at last Thanks to Premium 276 and GabbyDigital. But Today's selection was also covering a lot from GabbyDigital and if you out there using GabbyDigital you too good to pass in South Africa, but always make research as these dumps and premiums are not always correct so be sure when you answering. MCSA finally. Thanks to my dedication. (843)
Just passed now. All questions from GabbyDigital. Be sure to research each question as some answers are wrong. GabbyDigital valid in South Africa
Passed 8xx points. I recommend used premium 274 questions. Next time for 412
Hello, How many questions are in premium Dump 274 or 276? Thank You!
Passed 7xx. Premium is 100% valid. Guys this exam is tough but if you know the premium 274 dump you stand a very strong chance. Answers have been switched around quite bit so know why you are choosing an answer. MCSA baby yeah!!!!!
Passed Today with 820. Thanks Rod and GabbyDigital.362q. Please very careful when answering questions on real exam they have been changed.
am taking 70-412 exam on saturday 21 this month please help me with new dump
Passed today with 8xx using ROD & GABBYDIGITAl..About 5 new questions, some answers are wrong. finally mcsa. good luck everyone
Finally I got my MCSA..passed with 800 score in the U.S
Premium dump is completely valid and its worth every cent i spent on it.
How many question in premium dump?
I just passed with a score of 720 in the US. I used the premium vce dump. Some questions are worded differently but the answers are the same.
This dump and gabbydigital is valid in Egypt I passed with 800 ,but there was only 3 new guestions in the exam
not valid. Not passed today. 10+ new questions.
15 Questions news...Not passed
Passed today Premium is Valid only few new questions
Premium valid, 2 new questions, 2 questions reworded, but seems to me a couple of questions might be wrong. Anyway, I got above 800 points
Premium still Valid, read carefully the questions
Too all who read this. Please study Rod and gabby digital. Focus on gabby digital. If your able to know all from gabby digital and rod you will pass I got 8xx for my exam. I'm now certified good luck all.
Studied this one, GabbyDigital362q and other file. Passed with 780.
finally got MCSA. premium dump still valid, read carefully the questions, some answer on the actual exam are different answer in the premium dump. Thanks
passed yesterday 720 by using premium dump still valid
I have passed my 412 with 720, please do the vce dumps and read the questions carefully. Finally got my MCSA.
Lots of new questions. total 13 questions new. Failed with 680 marks. Please update dumps
Passed dec 13 with 860.No new Question but some controversial Questions came!!I used Gabby
Passed today in EGYPT Gabby Digital & Rod
Passed 8xx todayin South Africa GabbyDigital & Rod are enough to pass
i passed today 840 i study only premium with 4 new questions good luck guys
I tell you now i went blind on this one, since you guys don't comment and all.. Anyway i passed on the 10th, South Africa. 850. Got 5 new questions, Azure. Fairly easy if you know the difference between NTFS and ReFS in back up perspective.. Used premium and a bit of Rod, Rod got few wrong answers.
Only studied the following vce:
Passed with 840.
around 6 new questions
Is the premium file still falid in the netherlands ?
I failed yesterday with a 660 after studying premium file only in Houston, TX
I got 840 pts, I studied premium file and 6 new questions about DHCP Multicast, Azure Backup and Password Replication Policy
Good Luck!!
Passed today with a score of 760. Only used this test exam. Got a whole new series of 5 questions about domain controller replication ; answers were all PowerShell cmdlets. Set-ADSite, Set-ADReplicationSite, Set-ADReplicationSiteLink, Set-ADForest, Set-ADDomain, Set-ADGroup
Hey guys does anyone the latest dump for CCNA ICND1 100-105 & ICDN2 200-105 ? please share
Passed using Microsoft.Certkey.70-412.v2014-09-12.by.ROD.196q.vce & Microsoft.ActualTests.70-412.v2015-12-30.by.GabbyDigital.362q.vce
Passed the exam today with 780 points with the premium file. I had about 3 or 4 new questions.
Only used these two: Microsoft.Certkey.70-412.v2014-09-12.by.ROD.196q.vce & Microsoft.ActualTests.70-412.v2015-12-30.by.GabbyDigital.362q.vce
There was about 3-5 New Questions in the exam which I had to roll the dice for.
Failed with a 660 from ROD today, counted 15 questions not found in ROD.
please, repeat your comment once more. Part of the text was cut automatically for some reason.
I added so much more to my Comment. Sorry Guys.
passed today with 7xx with premium dumps
2-3 new questions
@R and @johnthegreat
High Availability - Q2, A
Disaster Recovery - Q23, A
Network Services - Q3, D
Network Services - Q5, B
Could somebody confirm that premium file 274q is still enough to pass 70-412 ? Thanks
is the premium still valid?
@ShrekAlmight any update?
Thanks ShrekAlmight, could you send us a list of the wrong Questions
Still Valid,pass today with 8** marks.
I used VCE files by ROD and GabbyDigital.
Thanks a lot to the authors and Exam Collection.
To all the Users who are studying off ROD, there are 16 wrong Questions in it.
Be careful but I'm sure if you do the labs and study the dump you will be fine.
I'm currently going through the file to find the wrong answers. Currently found 10 mostly the multiple choose questions.
will let you people know when I'm done.
Passed my exam today. I've received alot questions about RMS Certificate and one new question about CSV hard disk type. Did not use any premium. Good luck everyone.
Finally passed 70-412 exam, with premium file, to complete my MCSA, and two MCSE's on 11/05/2016.
Passed today from Nigeria with 820. The dump is valid but there are some new questions. Used with Blade and Labs.
it is hardest exam
i study from premium and gabbydigital and corrected them
and no new question but i take 7xx
must study harddd or you can take exam 74-409
instead 70-412
Alhamdulillah passed today. Got MCSA finally....!!! Premium 274Q is valid. four new questions. All the best guys....
Passed yesterday with premium file. I had new questions:
Q: You have an enterprise certification authority (CA) named CA1.
You have a certificate template named UserAutoEnroll that is based on the User certificate template. Domain users are configured to autoenroll for UserAutoEnroll.
A user named User1 has an email address defined in Active Directory. A user named User2 does not have an email address defined in Active Directory.
You discover that User1 was issued a certificate based on UserAutoEnroll template automatically. A request by user2 for a certificate based on the UserAutoEnroll template fails.
You need to ensure that all users can autoenroll for certificated based on the UserAutoEnroll template.
Which setting should you configure from the properties on the UserAutoEnroll certificate template?
A. Issuance Requirements
B. Request Handling
C. Cryptography
D. Subject Name
Q: your network contains one Active Directory forest named adatum.com. The forest contains a single domain. The site topology for the forest is shown in the exhibit.
Each site contains one domain controller.
You need to ensure that replication between site2 and site4 occurs in 15 minutes or less.
What command should you run? To answer select the appropriate options in the answer area.
Answer Area
Q: your network contains one Active Directory forest named contoso.com. The forest contains a single domain. The domain contains the domain controllers is configured as shown in the following table.
Name Site
DC1 Site1
DC2 Site2
DC3 Site3
DC4 Site4
The replication topology is configured as shown in the following output.
Cost : 100
DistinguishedName : CN=SiteLink1, CN=IP, CN=Inter-Site Transports, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, Dc=Adatum, DC=com
Name : SiteLink1
ObjectClass : SiteLink
ObjectGUID : e1c8c335-b75f-4612-8a9e-58a0edead21f
ReplInterval : 60
SiteList : {CN=Site4, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, DC=Adatum, DC=Adatum, DC=com,
CN=Site2, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, DC=Adatum, DC=Adatum, DC=com}
Cost : 100
DistinguishedName : CN=SiteLink1, CN=IP, CN=Inter-Site Transports, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, Dc=Adatum, DC=com
Name : SiteLink2
ObjectClass :SiteLink
ObjectGUID : 9516948e-cd56-4a9b-b6ba-cdf3dd7fe0d1
ReplInterval : 60
SiteList : {CN=Site4, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, DC=Adatum, DC=Adatum, DC=com,
CN=Site2, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, DC=Adatum, DC=Adatum, DC=com}
Cost : 100
DistinguishedName : CN=SiteLink3, CN=IP, CN=Inter-Site Transports, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, Dc=Adatum, DC=com
Name : SiteLink3
ObjectClass : SiteLink
ObjectGUID : 07a7a37e-a12c-40c4-8042-f5d2e737b8a9
ReplInterval : 60
SiteList : {CN=Site4, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, DC=Adatum, DC=Adatum, DC=com,
CN=Site3, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, DC=Adatum, DC=Adatum, DC=com}
Cost : 400
DistinguishedName : CN=SiteLink4, CN=IP, CN=Inter-Site Transports, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, Dc=Adatum, DC=com
Name : SiteLink4
ObjectClass : SiteLink
ObjectGUID : 508810dc-30fd-4845-982a-d4552fba2e04
ReplInterval : 45
SiteList : {CN=Site4, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, DC=Adatum, DC=Adatum, DC=com,
CN=Site2, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, DC=Adatum, DC=Adatum, DC=com}
You discover that replication between Dc1 and DC3 takes a few hours.
You need to reduce the amount of time it takes to replicate Active Directory changes between DC1 and DC3.
What should you do?
A. Create a site link that connects Site1 and Site3, has a cost of 350, and replicates every 15 minutes.
B. Modify SiteLink4 to replicate every 15 minute.
C. Disable Site Link bridging.
D. Set the cost of SiteLink4 to 100.
Q: your network contains one Active Directory forest named contoso.com. The forest contains a single domain. The domain contains the domain controllers is configured as shown in the following table.
Name Site
DC1 Site1
DC2 Site2
DC3 Site3
DC4 Site4
The forest contains a member server named Server1. Server1 has an IP address of
The forest has the following Active Directory subnet configuration.
DistinguishedName : CN=, CN=subnets, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration,
Location Dc=Adatum, DC=com
Name :
ObjectClass : subnet
ObjectGUID : db362a6c-c0a9-4703-aaee-191083ab9ea5
Site : CN=Site1, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, DC=Adatum, DC=Adatum, DC=com,
DistinguishedName : CN=, CN=subnets, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration,
Location Dc=Adatum, DC=com
Name :
ObjectClass : subnet
ObjectGUID : ef101558-3afa-41f1-9c5a-717453436fc1
Site : CN=Site2, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, DC=Adatum, DC=Adatum, DC=com,
DistinguishedName : CN=, CN=subnets, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration,
Location Dc=Adatum, DC=com
Name :
ObjectClass : subnet
ObjectGUID : 33137047-6711-4195-940f-a463bbdab8fb
Site : CN=Site4, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, DC=Adatum, DC=Adatum, DC=com,
DistinguishedName : CN=, CN=subnets, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration,
Location Dc=Adatum, DC=com
Name :
ObjectClass : subnet
ObjectGUID : ef5235ab-759b-4dc8-992a-c5ec1dae97a8
Site : CN=Site3, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, DC=Adatum, DC=Adatum, DC=com,
Use the drop down menus to select the answer choice that complete each statement.
Answer Area
If you promote Server1 to a domain controller, its server object will be created in [answer area]
If you perform an Active Directory search from a domain member that has an IP address of, you will attempt to connect [answer area]
Q: You have a server named Server1 that runs Windows Server 2012 R2 and uses Windows Server Backup.
You need to identify whether the backups performed on Server1 support bare metal recovery.
Which cmdlet should you run?
A. Get-OBMachineSetting
B. GetWBVSSBackupOption
C. Get-WBPolicy
D. Get-OBPolicy
Q: You have a cluster named Cluster1 that contains two nodes. Both nodes run Windows Server 2012 R2. Cluster1 hosts a virtual machine named VM1 that runs Windows Server 2012 R2.
You notice that VM1 is marked as being in a critical state in the cluster.
You verify that VM1 is functioning correctly.
You need to ensure that VM1 is no longer marked as being in a critical state.
Which cmdlet should you run?
A. Remove-ClusterVmMonitoredItem
B. Remove-ClusterResourceDependency
C. Reset-ClusterVMMonitoredState
D. Clear-ClusterNode
Q: You run Get-FSRMClassificationule and you receive the following output
ClassificationMechanism : Content Classfier
ContentRegularExpression : {\d{2,}}
ContentString :
ContentStringCaseSensitive :
Description :
Disabled : False
Flags :
Lastmodified : 4/18/2015 12:59:47 AM
Name : Rule2
Namespace : {D:\}
Parameters : {FSRMClearPropertyInternal = 0}
Property : Property2
PropertyValue : Value2
ReevaluateProperty : Overwrite
PSComputerName :
ClassficationMechanism : FolderClassifier
ContentRegularExpression :
ContentString :
ContentStringCaseSensitive :
Description :
Disabled : False
Flags :
Lastmodified : 4/15/2015 9:17:16 PM
Name : Rule1
Namespace : {D:\}
Parameters : {FSRMClearPropertyInternal = 0}
Property : Property1
PropertyValue : Value1
ReevaluateProperty : Aggregate
PSComputerName :
You have a file named file1 that is stored on drive D and has the following content
You run the classification with all of the rules
Use the drop-down menus top select the answer choice that completes each statement.
File1 has [answer choice]
Only Property1 set to value1
Only Property2 set to value2
Property1 set to value1 and property2 set to value2
Neither Property1 nor Property2 set
If you modify File1 [answer choice]
Only the value of Property1 is
Only the value of Property2 is
the value of Property1 and Property2 are
Neither the value of Property1 nor the value of Property2 is
Q: You network contains one Active Directory domain named adatum.com. The domain contains a DNS server named Server1 that runs Windows Server 2012 R2. All domain computers use Server1 for DNS.
You sign adatum.com by using DNSSEC.
You need to configure the domain computers to validate DNS responses for adatum.com records.
What should you configure in Group Policy?
A. Network List Manager Policies
B. Network Access Protection (NAP)
C. Name Resolution Policy
D. Public Key Policy
hi King pls change country
Passed with 760, im used exclusively premium dump. 5 new questions. Im finally MCSA!!!!!!!!!!
Hi king change country the current will be $55.00 which rand
The premium file is valid??pls respond
@ Sivu and Leroux, am talking about 70-412 and it cost $165, so someone told me it cost R2300 into SA currency,, so I want any1 near to exam center who can find out for me please..!...
Hi king $55.00 v R840.00 but it depedent when book exam how rand makert but 800 your pay just the cents
im taking the exam in a week any1 who know which dump to use,
At king the Exam price is R870
guys how much is this exam especially if you convert it into RSA Rand pls help anyone
hello everyone how many questions there are 47 or more than 47/// 70-412
What dumps did you use please
Can anyone from South Africa pls talk to me here especially if you are about to take this Exam plss
Alhamdulilah,Passed 8xx, Exam is %95 Premium 274Q. All the best
What is the latest Dump-File Version ?
I passed with 8xx points,use only premium dump.
helo I need help regarding the test 70-412 when committing the test has 9 questions that I do not understand this question and time is only 5 minutes and then begins 47 questions
passed this exam today and 90% of the questions received from Premium Dump.
Please use this link to make the payment
Hey everyone, I need to give the 70-412 exam and I failed using ROD's dump. I have tried multiple number of times to buy the premium I enter the payment details and then hit pay and nothing happens. Can someone please give me the proper link to buy the 70-412 dump or if some one cna be kind enough to share it.
THank You
was approved today, 880, I studied the premium dump 274q
can any one share the valid dumps for 70-412 exam
Many questions have wrong answers in Rod,I have been studied premium and I passed with 820 points.
Dump still valid. Only study Rod and Gabby. Pass with 7xx. But just focus on Rod, as Gabby have a lot of wrong answer.
Passed today with 7XX, I studied with GABBYDIGITAL...is 100% Sure, all questions this Examen it is here..
Passed today whit 7xx. Some new questions. I only use the 196 Q by ROD
does anyone know if this dump is valid in south africa?
May Someone send me a link where I can buy VCE premium please Please please
I passed today with a 700. I studied only the premium VCE and barely passed. Only a few new questions but I have a feeling they changed some around from the Premium exam due to only barely passing
If I buy the premium will it open on A VCE app?
Please Can someone update VCE's when your on the other side of an exchange rate its not so easy to buy prem files
Hi everyone,
Where have passed all Cisco exams ?
I bought here !
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