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Download Free 70-487 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-487 - MCSD Developing Windows Azure and Web Services |
Size: | 3.41 MB |
Posted Date: | Friday, March 28, 2014 |
# of downloads: | 441 |
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Still valid, test at september 2015. pass with score 8xx.
Still valid but one new case study and a few new questions.
kindly tell wht is the correct ans for this question
how to update entity framework ?
is it using entity framework or library package manager
Still valid about 70% in VietNam. Passed with 775/1000.
I recommend that you should learn from:
- Comment of this dump topic, very helpful: http://www.examcollection.com/microsoft/Microsoft.Certdumps.70-487.vv2014-10-13.by.ARIEL.63q.vce.file.html
- New Case Study is in this file: http://rghost.net/59933484 (get from comment of above topic)
About 15->20 new question:
- Visual Studio 2013:
+ How to build Nuget Package from Command line? 1. Create "nuspec" file; 2: run "nuget pack ****.nuspec"
+ How to build and deploy web package automatically: hotspot with image similar to http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-D4PBv34d4Lw/U9KY-67p7XI/AAAAAAAAAY4/CgbbbguiVdA/s1600/tfsbuild.png, 4 option:
> **forgot**
> MSBuild Platforms
> MSBuild Argument
> the last item of that windows, something similar to "set output destination"
- Drag/drop: IExtensibleDataObject and IExtensibleObject
- Config service in web.config
+ Config for Windows Authentication with binary message security
+ mexHttpBinding, ..
+ timeout config for httpBinding
- Collection: selectMany, AsQueryable,.. 1 question about IEnumerable, IEQueryable with get data from SQL server before return to web application
- How to create and build Authorization override from AuthorizeAttribute: sample http://stackoverflow.com/a/747208/2892845 can help
- About OutputCache: nostore, varyByParam, duration (notice duration unit)
- ..
I did this dump and Microsoft.Certexpert.70-487.v2013-08-14.by.efyw.63q.vce dump. There questions were not same to same but studying through the official microsoft guide and this practise dump did help. More than 50% were from this dump though.
Not valid in R.S.A got 582 on 03-12-2014 there are about 17 new questions.
This dump is not 100% valid in South Africa. I wrote today and i got 718. There were almost 20 new questions and most of them i answered them by my understanding
Someone update us with latest questions + last update of vce.player.
I think not even the premium dumps have the new questions..
Is it valid? Does someone have new questions ?
only 50% valid . failed in Singapore
lots of new question . new case study abt bookstore. SIGH . we need better dump
Is it valid in India? Planning to take next week.
updated exam includes 59 question.
New questions are about Studio 2013 settings, web role upgrade domains, new bookstore case study.
Never use so-called premium dumps from http://www.becertify.com/. They send outdated questions with no explanations and wrong answers
Passed today, got 980 only one new question...
passed with 800 in Germany.
- 1 new use case (bookstore)
- 20+ new questions
Passed exam on October 28. 9XX.
This dump is valid.
Not valid in France... don't try it !
About 60/70% of new question.
I failed
I am afraid it will take too long before anyone updates this dump..
There are only ~70% of New Questions...
can anyone please upload more new questions and the new case study ?
any one have 70-533 paper to share? I am looking for this exam, but not available here.
Solo el 50% de este dump es valido las preguntas han cambiado y se anexa un caso de estudio mas
Dump helps 50%, but as others informed there are many new questions and new case study.
Any infomation on the new case study, Online Bookstore?
New questions:
- About How to build NuGet package with command line
- Configure Metadata Exchange programmatically
Now no more valid in India. Approx 50% questions are new.
Passed today in Poland but got only 775pts. About half of the questions in this dump are valid.
thanks for sharing the new questions in comments!
anybody who remembers anything of new questions, please help us and write :)
I was luck and passed today with 700
Exam is changed and more than 50% of questions are outside this dump.
there is a new case study about online store, questions about mex protocol , and output caching
Not valid. About 50% new questions
This dump is Absolutely valid. 1 or 2 new questions.passed today!
Hello. Does anyone have new dumps that are updated?
Did this exam today. 50% from this dump and 50% new questions including a case study on Online Bookstore application. Luckily I passed, got 775/1000
Is this still valid in South Africa?
Still valid right now! Passed!
One new question on Azure Management Postal and the answer is "Cloud Services".
The question about updating Entity Framework is changed: no ability to choose Library Package Manager -> instead of choose "Extension Manager"
Still valid in Italy on 7 October.
One question about Azure Management Postal is new. Answer is "Cloud Services".
scored 1000/1000.
Is this dump still valid as of 1 October 2014?
/till valid in india. scored 980/1000.
Thanks to Laura!!
Still valid. 1 new question, answer is cloud services.
Dump Absolutely Valid all over the #World. Wrote the exam yesterday (18th Sep, 2014).
Scored 960 there is just one new question.
And it is related to WINDOWS AZURE PORTAL.
What service would you use to work with cloud?
Still Valid, 980!!!
Still valid
Still valid in France. Only one new question. I passed yesterday with 980/1000.
Still valid in Brazil, one new question. 900+
Valid in Brazil. Only one new question.
Sarathy - When did you appear the exam
Still valid in India.
Valid in Mexico. Score 1000
Valid in Latvia, got 960.
Still Valid
still valid in SA africa passed yesterday
Is this still valid ??
This dump is valid, i got 960/1000, thank u Laura
Still valid today, pass 980/1000
Still valid in India???
Are the answers right? I've downloaded other vce's for this exam and the answers differ.
This is still valid in Barcelona. Passed today with 980. 1 new question in a case.
Is this still valid in india???? i am planned to write it on 24th July 2014.
Passed today, 14/07/2014, with 92%. Still valid, one new question.
Is this still valid in INDIA? I am going to apply on 18 July 2014. Please reply guys.
Passed today, still valid. One new question...
I did today and this is still valid in Brazil. 1 new question.
Is this dump still valid in Brazil?
Someone in Brazil who performed this test on 07/2014?
I took the exam yesterday, I passed with 900/1000, valid in Naples.
Is this dump still valid?
Is this dump still valid?
valid in egypt
This is still valid. 1 new question. scored 940 today.
This Dumps are still valid on 27th June 2014 in India.
Passed with 1000 on 26.06.2014. Still valid in Bosnia. The same new question with Cloud Sevices as answer.
Good dump. 100% valid. I got 90% in South Africa
Is this dumps still valid in India? Have anyone appeared?
Passed with 980, still valid in Portugal. The same new question with Cloud Sevices as answer.
Passed with 940 on 18-Jun-2014. Still valid in India.
Still valid in Japan on 16th July.
One question about Azure Management Postal is new. Answer is "Cloud Services".
scored 1000/1000.
Dump valid in Brasil.
Same new question.
Dump valid in Spain, I pass with 980. Only one new question (Cloud Service). Thanks
Still Valid in Bahrain, I just pass the exam
Passed with 980 on 06-Jun-2014. Still valid in India.
Still valid in Pakistan. 31-05-2014
Still valid in Turkey, My pass:980 , thanks
Still valid in Portugal. Passed with 980.
Completed exam with 9XX in India today. Perfect dumb. Thanks.
Still valid in Malaysia, pass with 768, thanks.
Please confirm if the dumps are still valid. confirm ASAP as I am appearing on Monday June 2nd. And also, are all the answers correct? What is the answer to question about validating CSDL/SSDL/MSL. Is it A. EDM Generator B. ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer
Still valid. 1000/1000
100% valid, 1 New question about deploying application in azure, answer as previously mentioned is cloud services.
Still valid in France on 26 May 2014. Score: 960/1000
It is valid in peru and pass 960 26/05
2014-05-26 valid dump.
1 new question mentioned before.
Thanks a lot for uploading this.
Still valid in Pakistan on 24 May 2014. All the questions were from this dump. Just 1 new question about window azure role which is cloud service.
Dump is good, 42 questions on exam, 1 new and I chose "cloud services"
Dump still valid, pass 9XX today.
This is still valid. 1 new question. scored 940 today
Still valid in Portugal. Pass 960/1000
4 Different questions
Is this dump valid now? Wish to attend on May 30. Kindly update.
Still valid in Italy. Pass 960/1000
Question about EF install on Visual Studio 2012, now it's on 2013. I think is Extension....
And Web Role in Azure - from Marky(BR) - Cloud Service
Still valid in Italy. Pass 960/1000
Question about EF install on Visual Studio 2012, now it's on 2013. I think is Extension....
And Web Role in Azure - from Marky(BR) - Cloud Service
Are these dumps still valid? Anyone given exam in May 2014? Please reply!!!!!
Is this dump still valid? Going to take the exam on May 23. Wish me luck! :)
Still valid. Just one new question, about hosting web role in Azure.
Right answer is cloud service.
Still valid in Italy on 15th May
only one Correction: option is UdpDiscoveryEndpoint not DiscoveryEndpoint.
Is this valid?
Hey Dino I am a troll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still valid in Italy on 13th May! No new questions yet.
This is valid Dump in Egypt 30/4/2014
Anybody took the exam after May/01 ? Anybody have new dumps available ?
Is this still valid in SL?
gonna take it on May 2nd week
Took my exam April 30 and it was valid here in Portugal 1000/1000
967 / 1000 april 30
dump valid in Medellin-Colombia.
Is this dumps valid in india
Is it valid in Pakistan
is this dump still valid? gonna take my exam on april 29.
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