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Download Free 70-410 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-410 - Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 |
Size: | 24.58 MB |
Posted Date: | Friday, September 13, 2013 |
# of downloads: | 1 |
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Dump not valid. Today failed the exam with 612.
@Rosewell: Give me ur email ID, I can send it to you. I jus uploaded but it will take 3 days to publish on this site..
Shezy or anyone that grabbed Hugo's vce can you please re-up or e-mail thanks. will look in this post for your reply.
passed last week friday with 700 ;P think dump is 80% valid. 4-5 new questions
@ chezy
thank you for your efforts
i don't know what's wrong with it. it is valid
could you leave your e-mail then i will send you first then you reply or just upload it on an upload center?
thank you
@David: I tried sending you the file 2 times.. it comes back to me - Mailer Deamon
@ shezy
thank you
it is: o.skhalid@yahoo.com
Passed today but just barely. Almost all of the questions were on the PDF that Robert posted and Hugo made into a vce. I would suggest spending extra time on the questions that are in the Robert PDF that are not in the MCSouza.230q.vce I only spent a few hours the day before the test going over the new dump, if I had more time, I know I would have done better.
I would really like to thank Robert and Hugo for posting the pdf and vce.
hi everybody
please help.
this dump is valid and the other one is ,,, ?
i can't find any rober's or hugo . could you help me please.
@janay Where can i find the ead2pass 231q dump?
Very good dump from robert..will help grapple the concepts for the exam however don't learn question for question as this is not bullet-proof dump (none of the new ipV6).thanx nevertheless
hey Guys the new VCE will be here next 2 days that created bu Hogo frpm Robert PDF
and if u need it fast here PDF robert link so u can install file as pdf
@ScottCha where can I find your new VCE?
Dear All,
This dump (MCSouza) and the Robert's PDF/Hugo VCE are the perfect combination and valid 99%! I passed today with passing marks 850! Thank GOD! Most of the question about 50% came from the Robert's PDF. There is only one(1) new question regarding "IIS - Digest Authentication". I'm not sure i answered it correct or not. So hurry up guys before Microsoft put up a new set of questions! Good luck to all!
@Wintermute: Good luck for tomorrow.. let us know how was it. I have my exam on 29 Sep.. I am also studying from Robert's PDF..
passed the exam today, used passguide 231q dump and still valid.
I am taking the test tomorrow and have only studied the MCSouza.230q.vce and the .vce that Hugo made from the Robert PDF. I will let you guys know how I do..
This looks good. I failed a week ago, so I still remember some questions from the exam. This should prove a valid dump.
One more comment..thanks to Robert for the upload and I also made the Drag & Drop, Hot Spot and Hot Area questions work.
I just published the VCE I made. It took longer than I thought and had to create several of the questions manually. Look for it in about 3 days.
thanks guys Robert and Hugo
the VCE will be publish here after 3 days thank you
Thank you!!! You are great!
Checking it out now! ^^
Awesome Hugo,
Thanks bud, been trying the whole of yesterday. @ Robert thanks a mill.
Im writing on thursday, will let you know how it goes.
Hi everyone! i just convert the Robert pdf file to vce. Thanks to Robert and good luck!
Best regards!
Hi, I tried to make a vce from this pdf, but I was not able to convert it, Virtual Cert Exam Designer wouldn't want to recognize the individual questions from the rtf (made from the pdf). It's annoying I tried several times.
Could someone with more experience with this app try it too?
Did anybody read this pdf and wrote a test?
Thanks George
I will make in VCF and upload today with credit to you Robert. Thanks!!!!
@Robert: thank you very much!!!!! :)
I ran through it and at first glance, these questions are very similar to those that I had on the exam, so thanks so much! Now I have some hope to pass! :)
Question 251 is also incorrect
thank you Robert so much
Link will be up for a few days
please make it into vce file.
I wouldnt, already found 4 faults in the pdf file
hi Robert from United States
please send me the PDF on 89.ibraheem@gmail.com
Tnx in advance
I had 665 on Wednesday, in Hungary, studied from the Snowden version, at least 40% of the exam were new questions :(
Could someone upload the new questions? In any format (pdf or anything), and even any place. There are some new questions in this dump but most of the new ones which are missing from the Snowden dump, are missing from this as well.
I need to pass the exam till mid October, please help :(((
Would you upload this please Robert, there is a tool to right of chat and upload at the top once you are done, I am losing confidence in this particular dump.
Just going through and posting what questions I notice might be wrong as I am going through them:
Says A is answer, gives reason that D is incorrect because you need to convert the disk to dynamic, however, you still need to convert option A to dynamic..
I have the newest 336 question pdf if anyone wants to make it into a file we can use.
Is it just me are some of the answers wrong on this one? The one I am specifally thinking of is the question of having a user in a different OU that a GPO is linked to, the question comes up twice, one answer says to "Link a WMI filter", the other says to "modify the settings for GPO".
This isnt the only one that seemed wrong, I am just starting with it and will update again, would love others feedback though, as I am in full study mode with test in about 9 days.
4 me now new IPv6 questionz..the exam iz jus the same with snowden nd this dump 80% waz from the dumps
Hi Vesta. What was your score and how many questions did you get?
Dump iz 100 percent valid in south africa.jus kill'd it 2day.pass'd
i give the exam on 16 september i got 505 morthan 40 qusetion was new until now 19 september there is no valid dumbs.
@ROD - just going on past experience buddy, and with R2's imminent release the question pool is bound to expand somewhat.
from south africa. this dump has some of the questions in the exam that i wrote on monday. failed
Don't think so, not even cisco exams have so many questions..
I think one of the biggest problems is with the server 2012 exams is that the pool of questions for the exams themselves is expanding constantly, i would guess there are probably over 1000 questions now for this particular exam alone.
Worth looking at this dump, i had 12 questions from this one
I'm willing to pay for dumps to share with everyone. I hear testking is the place to go, but if you google it you get a bunch of sites that are test king just spelled slightly different. Can anyone confirm that it is exactly 'testking.com'? If you know of another valid pay for dump site please let me know so I can buy and share it. Thank you.
Passed today in the mid 800's. I was keeping track and out of 52 questions, 28 were form this or similar dumps. A few of them reworded.
The new ones had to do with PowerShell, IPv6, Hyper-V, and Permissions. Good luck to all. Use these as a layout for where to focus your studies. Don't focus on just this material and you should be good.
ErikN where the Powershell questions a b c d type or you had to type the entire content?
Greate information thx Erikn
Dump not valid. only 4 or 5 questions out of 55.
I had about 15 powershell questions and not the simple -addWindowsFeature. Furthermore I had about 10 ipv6 questions.
The rest was hyper-v/print server/ntfs etc.
Advice: learn powershell commands by head...
We are waiting for your updates Mo from United States
your efforts are appreciated :)
my exam will be after 3 days please help me with a valid dump
guys watch some video at you tube and take dump then go exam
Thank you Mo from United States
We are waiting. :)
Good Luck. do updates us. thanks
good luck Ryan. Give us an update on how you go.
I re-take this test tomorrow.. I've gone through this dump as well as others and can confirm that there are a bunch of new questions so I've taken the time to watch the CBT Nuggets videos and have gone over as much of the material I could in the books. Wish me luck.
55 questions . hurry up guys. we are wating .
fail :( alot of questions on powershell, VM, permission
Guys/Girls..please wait for the new dumps. They are on the way..people are working hard..
@leroy You dont come to a dump site and call people lazy, it purpose of the site is for braindumps. That would be like going to a homeless shelf and saying, you people need to get jobs.
you people need to do some actual studying and stop being lazy
I like how Park says he likes this dump being not valid yet he is viewing the page. hmmmm I wonder why?
I'm actually glad. If everyone can just take memorize a few questions and get a cert, I could care less about certs.
DUmp is not valid in Switzerland (digicomp) faild with 665 Points, but there was a lot of IPv6-Questions (Subnetting..)
just wrote today n failed wit 420, any upadates dump please.
just wrote today n failed wit 420, any invalid dump please
from South Africa
@Terry did u ryt today? i wanna go book but the dumps here dnt think they are valid.
totally invalid dump..& you have wrong answers to some of your questions
Many new questions, please update it. Else trust me, waste of time to apply for the exam. Either you master the books well, then go.
Dear Microsoft we will never apply the exam until download the new dumps.
I'm speaking for a group of plp who is going to take the exam on the 09/17/13!!!
We need a VALID dump!
G-D bless you!
this was loaded on the 13th and people have failed already, dont know who to believe
failed today with 665, about 20 new question
Sorry, I don't have the dump but, for those who are about to take the exam, I'd like to recommend studying IPV6 (couple of new questions), Hyper-V (clone VM, snapshot, virtual disks, integration services, memory), DNS (two questions regarding turning a server to be authoritative for a domain hosted in another server)
Good luck!
hey guys hows it going..im planning on writing on the 20/09/2013..which dump do I use..can some please help..sharp..
Hi, for thouse who already passed the test can you share soe questions ? or just tell us which questions from each dump youv got
hi guys do feedback if you pass the test .i did my test on 10 sept .i failed .manage to get 620 ..35 to 40 new question .i got 52 question .only around 10+ question valid from the dump .for any good souls out there with a valid dump .do share and may god bless you
Similar to the Snowden dump. Very few new questions are in this dump. Doesn't have ipv6 questions. Won't discount this, but I probably only had 10-15 questions from this dump appearing during my exam.
I took the test this morning and these are the same questions I had on my exam. This is the most current dump I've seen.
!! Guys my exam is setup for next monday.. we need people that already took the exam since 09-06 to check if this is valid ?? thanks
I looked at some of the new questions and they seem to be relevant to the test I had taken earlier this week. I don't know if the answers are correct that are provided but this seems legit.
How are people discreditting this when its only been uploaded a few hours now?
Re-scheduled today to take the test end of the sep, 2013. Hope someone updates a new dump!!
@anon, pardon my ignorance , but in what place do i look for the study tool, that your are refering to.
@ anon - If that is the case what are you doing here then? ;(
Already did, failed 595.. ;(
Weird I see people complaining about the dump not being valid. A noble idea here, use it as a study tool. Don't depend on the dumps to guarantee pass!
@ DUmmIE when are you writing?
dump not valid, many new questions
So Took the exam today an faild 560. many New qustesions
At the moment no valied dumps ..
dump not valid ,missing many new questions
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