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Download Free 70-411 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-411 - Administering Windows Server 2012 |
Size: | 39.74 MB |
Posted Date: | Wednesday, November 13, 2013 |
# of downloads: | 16410 |
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Did any one enter the exam by this Dump recently please answer me
Is this exam still valid?
Studied Sacriestory, snowden and a few others. Didnt really understand the content, I failed with 618. Went back and brushed up on NAP,NPS, GPO and Auditing and used ANGUS and passed with 800. While the exams help, it is important to understand why the answers are what they are. Use this exam as it has the most recent questions with only a 3-5 new questions. But also use the others and understand the content and you should pass. Took this in the US Oct 2018.
This covers a good amount of questions.
However, you need to pair it with George and ScarieStory. A lot of inacurate answers. Look them up online. Expect 3 to 5 new questions.
Go over WSUS, PSOs,Get-AD powershell (get-addDomain...,GPO (DCgpofix, SetGPermission) Drag and drop, and Answer areas.
Did anyone take the exam recently ? is this dump valid ?
any one help me please
You have a Server named Server 1 that has a Server Core Installation on Windows Server 2012. You need
to view the time-to-live (TTL) value of a host name that is cached on Server1. What should you run?
A. dnscacheugc.exe
B. ipconfig.exe /displaydns
C. nslookup.exe
D. Show-DNSserverCache
what is the correct answer d or b
any new dump for 411? is this valid - plz help
Got premium dumps got 700 pass mark(lucky)quite a few more questions. They try to confuse in the way they ask the questions differently to what's on the dumps. The premium dump I was getting over 90% average. I suggest to watch a lot of dumps as well. This was done in South africa
Is the dump really for russia?
No longer valid in US, less than 5 questions show up.
Can someone share the vce link along with 70-411 & 70-412 dump premium files?
I want to ask about the success rate in this Exam?
Scriestory & Snowden - Both are valid dumps and most of the questions are from these dumps only.
Passed Yesterday with 7XX.
70-411 examcollectionpremiumexam259q valid or not ?? please your support as my exam is next week :O
Please guide ... Do we need to configure the Servers in a simulation in an exam or type the commands?
Passed today with premium dump, which is valid with three new questions in the UK.
I passed with premium dump 70-411 yesterday. Only one new question about Bitlocker Hard Disk Encrytion - Brazil
Premium dumps still valid. Passed today with 925. Only one new question.
It's necessary to study Snowden and Sacriestory. Some wrong question in the files.
Hi, can some one tell if this dump is still valid?
Premium dumps still valid. Passed with 9XX. Only one new question.
Is it enough with the premium exam?
@Lavhelesani khombela premium arali akhadivha nayo.
write to the support:
is this dumps Valid or no ? any one know must let's know please
Hi all
i'm in the same case that angel , i purchased the dump 411 but when i try to import it , it blocks to 31%.
i tried to download the file one more time again i have this message
You've reached download limit of 70-411 exam product. Please contact website support for more details.
can you help me ?
Thanks, its working now
very very thanks :)
please, download the file again and try to open it.
We fixed:)
Hello Friends,
I purchased premium dumps, but its not working. its loading 50 percent then its closed.
before i purchased 410 that one is still working but 411 is not working :'(
Please help me. I need your help
Can anyone confirm how many questions are in the premium dump ?
Many thanks for all supporters:)
this dump is no longer valid about 20 questions were on the test from this dump, please update
Passed with 8**, prepared from premium, 2-3 new questions.
Hi South Africa
Premium VCE is valid about 5 new questions
I passed with premium dump 70-411
Passed. However none of these dumbs is valid !
I failed ... 6xx . There were to many new questions.
You have to learn more than Snowden answers in this case
Passed. Studied Snowden and Sacriestory. However was like 6 new questions.
@Mark....thanks buddy. I will also study sacryestory then.
@Blizz66 Only this dump isn't enough to your pass, do you need study sacryestory too or buy the premium dump
Can anyone please confirm if studying only this dump will be OK ?
Is this dump valid in the Netherlands?
I Passed with 7xx with snowden damp(90 % valid almost 4-5 new questions). Thank snowden
@Ahmad How was your exam? Did you pass?
These dumps are not enough. I got failed as I just prepared from these dumps.
@Ahmad - Dear friend, I hope that you pass in your exam, i think that is better to study the sacryestory too
I will to do the exam in fev 03
Good luck !
@Mark i will tell you on 13-1 my exam on 13 and i study this dump only :) wish my a good luck
People, The Snowden and Sacrietory is valid ? Is possible pass only with these files?
Hi, anyone who can help me with VCE exam simulator, i will be writing this month end?
I will appreciate.
is this dump still valid
is this dump still valid i study only this dump and my exam next week
Passed with 8XX using Premium Dump, CBTNugget and Pluralsight video tutorials about 10 New Questions.
is this dump valid i study only this dump my exam on 13-1
Dump still ~70% valid. About 30% new questions.
Passed today 841 Sacriestory dump is still valid new 2-3 questions
I passed today with the score of 929 using premium dump
Valid in Pakistan but you need to have a study of Sacriestory dump is you wanted to get 100% clear this Exam
Passed today with 8xx score!!
Would like to ask, what version of premium are you using guys? 259 questions or 234? Thank you!
still valid. with Sacriestory
I passed scored 858,using premium .Only one new question.
This dump is still valid. I passed the exams today with 9**. Just some little twisting. read the questions carefully. All the best.
8xx alhamdollah i have studied examcollection premium exam 259q,
is 100% vaild ,but try to verify any questions, on the exam they will try to fool you by changing sample syntax ,like deny to allow don't hurry up ,breath and read the question two time carefully,and goodluck all...
passed 8XX, used only premium, only 2 new questions.
@ Guardiola
Thank You a lot bro.
@Solomon, use Sacriestory dump. The questions are valid, but Make sure you verify the answers with other dumps.
Is this dump still valid? i will take it next week please help me
70-411 examcollectionpremiumexam259q valid or not
is 70-411.examcollection.premium.exam.264q still valid ?
Buenos dias, este repositorio esta erroneo. no he pasado con 420 score. algun sitio donde descargar uno correcto? Muchas Gracias
Good morning,
This reppository is wrong. I have not gone with 420 score.
somewhere to download the right one?
Thank you so much
Is this dump still valid. Writing in 2 weeks.Thanks
Anyone written the test recently?
Did not pass, score 6xxx. 70% of the questions are in the exam but I guess in this file the answers are wrong.
Where can I find the premiun version. Thnks
passed tody with score 8xx using premium
still valid
Cleared the exam !!
Snowden & PT dumps are still valid.
Passed :)
Still valid. passad today
Hi Kitso, this dump is valid in SA, wrote on Saturday and failed with a score of 640. There is only change in Simulations get them right and you are set
Premiu valido, monte também os laboratórios fica mais fácil!
@Lavhelesani Pls. I will be writing 411 soon just need an advise regarding the premium
Premium is valid in South Africa......I pass today 8**
Passed today (02.10.2017), 48 q scored 788, learned Premium Only
hei guys, any one with with the latest dump for 70-411 i am sitting for the exam this Saturday
Passed 8xx.
B0th free dumps (snow&sac) have mistakes.
Premium vce much better and smaller(264 instead of 383 questions)!!!
With half prep I passed.
Passed - Premium Dump valid - few new questions - Some of the answers were not in the same order as the Premium Dump.
I am attending my exam tomorrow and I am using Premium dump only - I`ll let you know...
I passed but this dump was horrible.
Passed today!! Only studied Premium. 48 Questions only 3 that were not on the Premium guide. Some of the answers were not in the same order as they were on the study guide.
premium valid in South Africa - Passed
Used Premium Dump. Premium is still valid. Passed with 876 using premium. Only 4 new questions.
Hi guys
Is this dump still valid need to sit for the exam next week Tuesday
Latest valid dump for south africa.
God bless.
Much appreciate
If you want to pass, use premium,I pass today 100% premium dump valid
Passed with 8xx 10 days ago studying this and PT. Research, research, research! Never study one dump, study more than one and research all doubtful answers!
Exam no longer valid.Had about 5 questions from this dump.Exam had 48 questions
Passed today, 8-11-2017, using Snowden and Sacriestory. Both still very valid. Some inaccuracies between the two, but mostly straight. Sacriestory is the better of the two, in my opinion. Also used Sybex course study book and some practice exams. The VCE's were more helpful than either of those. Study them HARD, the exam is not easy at all. Read every question at least twice before answering. Lots of WSUS, Network Policy, RADIUS, Powershell, and Group Policy stuff. Quite a few "Drag and Drop" questions...know those well.
Premium 100% valid in Germany passed 7xx on 7/27/2017
I used this dump but i only got 660.. anyone who passed this? Advise please
Exam passed today with 8XX, snowden still valid.
Some new questions but google is your friend :)
Thanks to Giovanni Ramajola for the help.
Premium dump 100 % valid pass with 800 plus.
Is primium enough to study?
Hi Everyone. Today, i passed the exam with 805 score. 10 new questions.
Passed today. 10 of 48 question wasn't in this dump. Passed with 7XX
Premium 100% valid passed with 8**
Got 6XX here in the US - the Sacriestory dump seems more valid since 3/4 of my test questions seem to be only in the Sacriestory dump when i compared it at home.
Stil Valid. 4 questions new. Study Sacriestory and Snowden.
can some1 hook me up with latest dumps um suppose to write this month
pass 850
premium dump is vaild
new questions 4~5
in korea
pass today with 8xx only using Snowden
Today I've passed the Exam 411 with grade 8XX. Premium is enough to study
Dump still valid in SA, passed with 770 using Snowden and Sacriestory. be sure to do your research.
Dump is Valid in SA. Read carefully do research on answers passed 8xx used snowden and sacrestory.
is this dump valid?
I took exam today and I had a 36 of 48 questions in my exam. But unfortunately answers are not valid! stay out of these dumps!!
Is this dump still valid?If not, please tell me what should I study instead.
Today I've passed the Exam 411 with grade 8XX. Premium is enough to study
Passed yesterday with 8xx, study the premium dump and you will be all set. know what the question is asking before answering. Good luck guys :)
This dump is not valid in Egypt! more than 20 new questions
Dump válido, he pasado el examen hoy con 8xx.
Dump Still valid in South africa? Writing in 2 weeks time.
Passed with premium that had around 250 questions and also used test labs and 3rd party videos to complete study.
Passed today with 8xx. Study Snowden and Sacriestory.Good luck!
There are 7-8 questions new.
how I can get premium exam
Passed today with 8xx. Only threw news questions. Study Snowden and Sacriestory.Good luck!
Aprobado 788, usando el premium.
3 nuevas y preguntas desordenadas.
Passed 2 weeks ago with 940 using premium only. Some questions have their answers shuffled, 3 new questions. Go for premium
Passed last month with 8xx using premium only. Some questions have their answers shuffled, only a few new questions.
Dump is valid. Read the questions carefully. Choices are shuffled.
Done (thank God ...).. just 752...
I had rephrased questions
This needs update on questions and answers, I have seen about 12 questions reworded (and other answers therefor) as well as 5 total new Questions.
My advise: RECHECK and RESEARCH all answers.
Passed today with 894, studied with Snowden and Sacriestory, 2 new questions : one about GPO and one about Bitlocker
Premium exam is totally valid, took the exam yesterday, got 7.xx only 2 questions were new.
Passed with 841. Studied with Sacriestory
Is the premium still valid??
Passed with 968...check our sacriestory as well
Very valid, passed with this dump 8xx. Check out Sacriestory as well. Make sure to google questions if your not sure about an answer
Passed with high marks using this and Sacriestory.353q.vce. Google every question to research and confirm answers. Paticularly the following:
2, 21, 58, 63, 77, 97, 104, 113, 127, 129, 130, 133, 150, 152, 153, 154, 174, 176, 179, 181, 186, 189
Hi guys, how much do you pay for your 70-xxx exams?
This dump is not enough. I failed 70-411. Found around 8 or 10 new questions which are not in this dump.
hi guys, just wanted to check, i would like to understand should i subscribe to vce premium or avanset vce exam simulator in order to play the VCE files? For the reason I seems able to download the snowden file without purchase the premium, but in order to play it , should i get the player or subscribe the premium? thanks.
I didn't Pass 660 on 3/25, The new questions not available in any dump files on this website.
Snowden's dump need urgent update, 40-50% of the questions will be seen on the exam.
I didn't pass with 640. This dump not enough.
What is the difference between the premium and regular?
Passed with ONLY premium. All questions on test, start with the higher numbered questions from premium. Had more of those on the exam.
Premium content is pretty good and worth it. Full explanations and verified correct.
Passed with 8xx. Studied Snowden/Sacriestory/Sacriestory_Aikonfx. All 3 were helpful. I ensure you pass with those 3.
passed 9xx with snowden and pt
I passed with 8XX in the Turkey,
I used snowden and Sacriestory dump There were 48 questions on the exam just 1 new question. Good luck to everyone. =)
passed today with 8**
many reworded questions happened and then some questions came from 412
Premium still valid
anyone else unlucky like me?
Microsoft and Pearson VUE regularly evaluate the performance of our exams, and during a recent review, we identified an issue in the delivery of your exam that affected your exam score. We have re-evaluated your score in light of this issue, and we’re pleased to inform you that you have passed this exam. Congratulations! Your transcript has been updated to reflect this correction. Please log in to your Microsoft account at www.microsoft.com/learning and navigate to “Your Benefits & Exams” to access a new digital copy of your updated score report.
We sincerely apologize for this issue. In light of this issue, we are issuing you a free exam voucher which can be used to take any Microsoft certification exam free of charge. Your voucher numbers and registration instructions are listed below.
Guys can u plz tel me which premium did u use
I passed today with grade 9ِXX .. there are 2 0r 3 new questions .. (Mansoura_Egypt)
How do you know what is Premium. I believe that is what I have. Also I am using Snowden right now. It seems people are passing with Snowden..do any and all of you agree?
passed yesterday. 788.only used premium.there 8 new questions.
Passed today 7XX. Everything from premium except maybe 2-3
passed 700+ 28-Feb taken@JB Malaysia reviewed snowden and sacriestory about 12 new/twisted questions, watch out for the get-ad powershell series
I passed yesterday 7xx with 48 question. Only used premium.
Hi guys thanks for your input. Both dumps are valid read Snowden and Sacriestory if you know both you will pass. About 5 new qns I just passed today with 735
Not vailed. ... 20 question new
Failed today. I was studied using only this dump. Just 10 questions from this dump.
Passed on the 21 Feb, Snowden and Sacriestory is enough to pass, only 2 new questions
Passed today using premium dump, 92X. Also looked at Snowden and Sacriestory, but all you need is premium. Only 1 new q
Passed on 10/02/2017 with 88X using Snowden and Sacriestory. Did research on most of the questions in the dumps and found a couple of incorrect answers. If you know both dumps you will pass.
Pass today 717
This dumbs need VCE player ? where can i find free ?
Yo aprobe con este VCE, saque 812.... Adicional a este, estudie con el de Sacriestory_Aikonfx y Sacriestory
Passed today dumb still valid
Passed today 793.
7 questions from snowden, other all new
Passed last week got 890.
Using Premium that include fixed questions for snowden.
Good luck !
Failed today. I was studied using only this dump.
Passed Today,still valid in Canada (Toronto). 5 new questions and 2 new scenarios.
Passed with 7xx. Exam has Sacriestory and Snowden questions. Study from both
Passed 8xx Premium all the way baby. Pay for the peace of mind. Premium dumps are totally valid.
does anyone has premium 70-411 dumps
please tell me
Hi, pass 812. Studied this dump and Sacriestory.353q. Thank everyone
muhammad (Canada) - thanks :) writing soon (Toronto)
snowden still valid in Toronto,Canada only 2 to 3 new questions.passed today
Hi guys where can I get this dump can someone possibly share a link
Hi, passed with 747. 12 news questions
Passed with 7XX. Studied Sacriestory & Snowden - about 6 new questions. Good luck!
I paased today score 7xx..studied Snowden and Sacriestory-353q dumps
5-7 new questions,Good Luck
Hey guys passed on 29th Dec, 2016. Scored 812...well snowden and sacritary dumps are enough to get through..God bless !!!
passed today, 42 q scored 8xx, learned Sacriestory & Snowden dumps. More questions were from Sacriestory dump.
Successfully passed, learned Sacriestory & Snowden dumps. More questions were from Sacriestory dump.
Passed today with 737. 42q. a lot of new questions. I learned this dump and a few premium version.
Passed with 9xx. Studied this dump and Sacriestory.353q. Snowden dump has some wrong answers. Sacriestory much better. Read carefully each question and check all Goodluck
Passed esterday 865. 42 Q. about 6 new. Dump still valid
Still valid in PL - Sacriestory & Snowden - about 8 new questions
Passed today with 756. Dump still valid, but 6 new questions.
I passed exam today wit 800 points.All questions are from Snowden.238q.vce and by.Sacriestory.353q.vce .Not have any new questions. Good luck
assed 812..3 new questions.. Used premium..
I passed the exam today with 830.
I have studied Snowden.
8 news questions.
Passed 820..3 new questions.. Used premium..
pass today 800 i study premium dumps only 2 new questions
I pass this exam today 12/06/2016 with 800 score, just study premium, 5 new questions. Premium still valid in USA.
pass today 752 i study premium dumps only 5 new questions
passed yesterday , this dump still valid + Premium , i got 5 new Question.
failed today with 677. 42q in exam and 16 from them were new. studied only this dump
Passed today with the showden exam files. 5 to 10 New questions. 4 About RODC
passed last week... 42q ... ~60% from this dump (cross check answers for this dump) ... multiple ques with same answer set ... new ques in pwrshell (not so tough)
Passed today with this dump with 850. Stil valid in NL. Studied with Sacriestory
passed Today , this dump and Maya Dump still valid , 5 new Question will found them in premium
passed today 8XX valid with premium 1-5 new qs
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