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Download Free 70-483 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-483 - MCSD Programming in C# |
Size: | 3.9 MB |
Posted Date: | Thursday, October 31, 2013 |
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Q88 correct answer is C
Is 70-483 Premium VCE File valid? I'm watching Premium VCE File, 214 questions inside
Q4 - Correct answer is A.
Q9 - Correct answer is B.
Q12 - Correct answers are B/D.
Q18 - Correct answers are B/C.
Q26 - Correct answers are D/E.
Q27 - Correct answer is A.
Q31 - Wrong question/answers.
Q44 - Correct answers are B/F.
From what I see my notes are consistent with previous comments.
No, sorry, Q14, AF is not possible
Q31, B would be correct
AF is possible
Very agree with Ibrahem Khalil
Thanks to xz for his notes, I agree with his comments, except:
-Q4, I don' understand it.
-Q22, this question is drag & drop, not choices!
Here is my new comments:
*Q5: should be
orderby amount ascending
select amount
*Q26: DE is the right answer (E is used for production)
B is wrong, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k5b5tt23(v=vs.110).aspx
*Q23: AD is the right answer
A for the first 3 requirements
D for the last requirement (B can be right but not when using the 'default release
configuration', we will need to do more modification after that)
*Q27: A is the right answer
Check Remarks (table) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9h21f14e.aspx
*Q44: BF is the right answer.
D is wrong, because the rquirment is to execute CalculateInterest in all builds, so we need to
stop only LogLine
*Q14: I think the question is mssing sth
E is enough but the question asks about 2 actions!
CF is the only logic answer that will be compiled (I think the meaning of "accessed & modified"
is to restrict only the set accessor)
public int MyProperty { get; protected set; }
*Q21: I think the statement "_catalog = new ..." is missing, so the answer would be:
if(_catalog == null)
_catalog = new ...
Q28: The order should be:
-Create CounterCreationDataCollection, CounterCreationData
-Add CounterCreationData to the collection
-Call Create() on PerformanceCounterCategory
Q2: None is correct, A would be right if Distinct is added.
Q12: BD is the right answer. AC would be right if we don't w
dump valid?
dump still valid
Passed yesterday. Questions still valid, but some of them have wrong answers as others mentioned. 4 new questions were included in my exam.
Please send me the dumps in PDF format. My mail id is engg.kumaramita@gmail.com. I have to take to the test b4 Jan 5, 2014. Kindly help me out.
am not able to download here even though i had registered
hi, anyone did exam in this month can you upload the exam dump or advise on which exam dumps to focus on
I took the exam with 918 points. As the others already said the dumbs cover around 50%. I don't remember the exact text of the new questions but I'll write what I remember.
1. There's one more switch/case question.
2. There's a question about a Dictionary that throws an exception when the user add a new record.' a member with this key already exists." You must fix the code by selecting the rigth code snippet.
3. You have a method that receives two arguments Temperature (double) and date (DateTime). In the method you must format the arguments using string.Format and set the value to a variable. You select the right formats from a dropdown.
4. The last questions are interesting. You must answer with yes or no to three question based on a provided code. For example you have inheriting classes. The question is which of the members of the base classes are available in the child class.
The last tree or four questions are of this type.
5. There's a question about opening a file and writing its content to two other files. First 20 bytes must be written in a file called header and the rest in a file called body.
6. You keep a password in a MSSQL server a hash value. You must select a Hash algorithm.
7. There is a question with an array of integers. You must filter it by using Linq. There are four possible options.
Anyone from india took this exam.Pls suggest me which materials to go through.Pls Help me to pass this exam with gud score...
This exam should not be used. It will only confuse you.
The best exam currently available is:
I passed on 14 Novemeber with 932 in the Netherlands.
I got at least 50% of my questions from this one.
Like said before: study the material thoroughly and be sure to know the mentioned exam by hearth and you'll be good.
Oh and always comment on examcollection.com about the quality of the exameS
I have only come to Q7 so far, but almost all the answers were wrong. I would advise to find out the answers on your own, just use the questions as a guide for the exam, ignore the answers.
F21 has no answer.
F22 correct answer: B and D
F28 correct?
F38 correct answer A
F44 didn't understand the answers
F4 not C !?
F8 I think A would be correct
F31 I think B would be correct
F18 I think AB would be correct
F9 Answer B
let us find the errors and post them here. That would be a great oportunity to learn the topik and will give us more clean dump. i will try to finde some errors today evening
wtf is this? . a lot of questions here have the wrong answers !
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