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Download Free 70-410 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-410 - Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 |
Size: | 6.93 MB |
Posted Date: | Tuesday, June 25, 2013 |
# of downloads: | 1 |
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Hi Gill do you have a dump for the 70-410, 411 & 412
Hello All,
I want to prepare for 70-410 exam and i need materials to study. Can any one assist with study materials including CBT Nuggets videos ? Kindly send the links to my e-mail below.
@ Yeagu
This exam should be deleted straight-away. Totally useless!
are there any sims associated with the mcsa tests? if anyone who's taken the test please post, regards
Thanks a lot, about 15 new questions.
@ Gill Beast
thank you so much
i remember in 10 new question include one about exclusion dhcp (i choise Address Pool)
@ Ke Chien Bai
Whow! Congrats!
Even without having nothing to do with that, it works!
pass to day with 899/1000
about 10 new question
@ Dave
Accepted, you got it know. Peace.
@ xxx from Israel (I like those inventive anonyms)
I think, you didn't got the message.
What are you trying to say?
you didnt belive me when i wrot this in the begining
@Gill Beast
Never done the W7 dumps so I am not familiar with your work, however from what I gather from what others say your work is excellent in quality and basically this one is made by a copycat trying to surf on your success. Sorry for not getting that and shame on the one doing an impersonation.
Gill Beast, as I saw the upload of a GillBeast dump I imediatly started checking it, but by the quality of this uploaded dump I understood it was none of your work. This dump is just a compilation of answers and not reviewed.
@ Dave
I think you didn't understand nothing.
I didn't upload this dump and I'm not it's author, but I uploaded dumps for exam 70-680, 70-685 and 70-686 only. Compare them and their quality with this one, and I hope, you'll know what I mean.
So your not the author and yet you say that this one is better then the ones on this site. How strange you upload someone else's dump and claim it as your own, you haven't checked it at all, all questions marked by omoura are wrong and his explanation is correct showing that this dump is utter rap. Maybe you should do some research before you post other people's stuff and don't act like a dick.
To all don't download this crap it's full off errors, I did a quick check and its horrid.
@ the forum
I'm not the author of this dump.
Compare the quality of the dumps I did with this one, and you'll know.
Exam A, Question 31 - Answer is Run the New-GPStarterGPO cmdlet and the Copy-GPO cmdlet.
omoura from Portugal i am SORRY if i offend you.
but try to understand that a lot of pepole are downloads this exams, and there some users that uploads a lot of misteke in the exams, and no body chack it berfor the uploading. so we need to be very carful that pepole wont lern the fauls answers.
omoura from Portugal start with learn how to READ!
i DIDNT talk about you, when i post my feedback here !
Exam A, Question 29. Enable access-based enumeration.
Because Dynamic Access Control represents several feature enhancements introduced with Windows Server 2012 Server that work together to improve authorization management for Windows Server 2012 file servers, not what we're looking for here.
@xxx from Israel, you DUMB. I didn't upload this dump. As always you talk too soon and don't read the facts. Whoever uploaded this dump just copy pasted the old questions. I'm reviewing it, you could help but you prefere just to talk and keep the others with low estime. You sure have a lot of friends at real life. Well. get a life and live it well before you came here. I don't see you place correct answers on exams or your corrected dump uploaded.
Exam A, Question 64. "You need to ensure that all users see only their own home folder when they access Home". Access-Based Enumeration is a new feature included with Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1. ABE can be enabled at the Share properties through Server Manager. This feature is not enabled by default.
not good, not good at all.
again you upload dump thats is not chaked out before, and have a lot a lot of misteke.
why dont you check your dump before upload it to others??
dont you understand that you can cause a lot of pepole to FAIL because of you??
Exam A, Question 19: "RID: Must be online for newly promoted domain controllers to obtain a local RID pool that is required to advertise or when existing domain controllers have to update their current or standby RID pool allocation." If you ignore it and try to do it you will get this message: "You will not be able to install a writable replica domain controller at this time because the RID master DC4.domain.com is offline"
Exam A, question 18.By creating DHCP policies with conditions based on Vendor Class or MAC address prefix, you can now segregate the clients in your subnet in such a way, that devices of a specific type get an IP address only from a specified IP address range within the scope. You can also give different set of options to these clients.(Multiple device types).
A server level policy cannot have a setting for an IP address range. Scope level policies is the answer.
Exam A, question 10.What should you do first? To manage servers that are running Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2008, apply the following updates to the older operating systems,The Windows Management Framework 3.0, this requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Don't assume anything as done or updated.
Exam A. Question2: You need to modify the Snapshot File Location of VM1.
You need to delete all Snapshots from a VM before you change the Snapshot File Location or you will get this message when trying to change the Location "The snapshot file location cannot changed because the virtual machine has atleast one snapshot."
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