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Download Free 70-414 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-414 - MCSE Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure |
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Posted Date: | Monday, March 4, 2013 |
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Figarro is not alone I failed this morning as well. see comments on chumleymcse mesage thread.
******Failed today 395 using this dump and several others. The actual test looked nothing like these dumps. The two scenarios are completely different.Some concepts were the same. But only 4-5 questions were similar to these dumps
"bozo" let me tell you that dont follow that as I got 700 marks.try to follow chumlymcse dumps as Zozo from Kuwait comment on it and got 820 marks. I think you should follow that Dumps. MbF are risky
failed using this dump..
ABC can you tell me where to get the modified MBF exam from?
Thank you sir
Passed today using MBF only dumps (Not this one, modified one) and got 700. Thanks GOD become MCSE.Guys be careful while giving the exam.
@chumleymcse re B6 are you saying its 3 servers ? dont see why, the only requirements needing dedicated servers is the auditing no ? meaning 1 per department, what needs the extra server ?
I made 1 more change so far that I know is correct. B15 should be option D. Delete one of the host (A) records named Intranet. Modify the remaining host (A) record named Intranet. DNS Round robin works as follows: 2 A records will exist named intranet will point to the 2 web servers already so its the only option
I uploaded it here but it said it would take a few days. I can email it to you if you have a site you can upload it to which I don't
Chumleymcse can you upload your file somewhere public and we can check?
Sorry didn't complete the answer to d7 should be modify registry on server1. Someone please use mfb zip file with my changes and provide feedback. My file may not appear for a few days.
New file uploaded
I updated MFB's latest file with a few changes.
A14 Went with answers from Silence and 3 other test engines many people posting links to recover a CA, this question refers to restore CRL in CA offline, not recover a failed CA
- certutil republish CRL
- copy to web farm
- restore public key
B6 MFB was B 2 serversnow C 3 servers - his exam had a typo on line 4 - question should read as follows:
Provide R&D managers with the ability to back up all the files of their department only.
Provide finance managers with the ability to view the audit logs for the files of their department only.
Provide human resources managers with the ability to view the audit logs for the files of their department only.
Provide sales managers with the ability to modify the permissions on all the shared folders of their department only
C7 I Changed it to CLOUD - This is also based on silence and all other test engines. The way to do this is make this user a self service user which is defined as allowing this user to admin his own VMs. Self Service Users operate in a cloud environment.
"Self-service users now deploy their virtual machines and services to private clouds"
C10 silence and all other exams have vhd - key being making new VMs based on Minimize the amount of time required to create the new virtual machines - or the VHD would have to be converted to VHDS
D7 was E changed to -based on ANON dump and people posting since its a standlone modify the registry
D25 new file - forgot to copy CRL files to web server - how else are they going to get to new web server
Not all the questions in this dump, 4-5 missing. Some question's answers were different in the exam. None of the dump is %100 valid for 70-412, including MFB's updated one.
Wait guys..
Failed with 68X
@mik if i study this dump http://www.share-online.biz/dl/NYUE1GJMRV
i will pass with 790
Hi Guys,
here you can download the Exam file from MFB
Hope I can help you guys with that
Kind regards
@Amigo, here goes
@MFP: can you re-upload your file on http://www.papokerroom.com/mcp/vce.html to mediafire.com
I can't download today. I need get a exam on tuesday
Thanks so much.
@FVO from Netherlands
1) Two way mirror - can tolerate 1 disk failure. Two-way mirror spaces must use 3 or more physical disks. Minimum number of disk is 2.
2) Three way mirror - can tolerate 2 disk failure. Three-way mirror space must use 5 or more physical disks. Minimum number of disk is 3.
I dont understand what you;ve written, how can it use 5 or more disks, then minimum number is 3 ? How can it 'must use 3 of more disks' minimum disks is 2 ?
@MFB: I'm afraid I've missed this opportunity, could you republish it for a while, I'd be more than happy to continue the work you've done so far, appreciate it!
@ALL I have taken down the dump from http://www.papokerroom.com/mcp/vce.html. It has been downloaded 20+ times, so someone that has downloaded it can post it here. Good luck all.
I think we can concentrate on CA questions (I failed 6XX with this dump, CA=50%, other sections >85%)
@ALL, Just passed the Exam using MFB's latest dump which uploaded to "http://www.papokerroom.com/mcp/vce.html"
But i did change 1 answer and got it wrong. So don't try to change it, use it as it is mentioned on MFB's VCE.
Question is mentioned below,
D 16 = SQL server 2012, NLB and The Windows Identity Foundation 3.5 feature. [Correct Answer is only SQL Server + NLB]
Anyway my score is 760. and Thanks to MFB, PJ and Anonymous. You all've done a great job by sharing knowledge. Hope you'll stop fighting. :P ;)
@MFB I think that for Q. A12 answer D - DHCP split scope is also correct. See: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winserverNIS/thread/6a4db2db-a0e4-44e3-9c54-1d3304f79f77/
@MFB, thanks for the new file, QD-27 seems to be incomplete
@ALL I placed it on a website a manage in a zip file.
Also, as I mentioned, you need to make the following change on it.
D18. Answer is just A (Server authentication certificate that is issued by a trusted third-party root CA and that contains the subject name serverl.contoso.com)
@ALL The other day after I passed this test, I posted about my test experience. I told you all that the CA questions on my dump needed a lot of corrections. But did anyone on here study, post CA corrections or try to help make the dump better in the CA sections? NO, more of you just went and took the test and failed. And I bet that if you look at your failed test score results, the "Identity and Accesss" section had the worst score. I went and took the test and came back and told you what you needed to do in order to pass, but none of you did it. Don't blame me or this dump or any other dump.
@PANAMAJACKASS I am proud...I studied hard and I passed with 790 on first attempt. You on the other hand try to take easy way out, not study, use dumps and fail twice. You bet your panamajackass I'm proud!
614 :(, this dump has many wrong answers
Failed today 08/03/2013, with 6xx. I had two new questions.
I answered with correction in comments, but .. next time. Now waiting for an other correct dump.
Good luck to all
Failed 6xx
With updated corrections from MFB from United States - Mar 06 2013, 2:03 AM
1 new question
CA section 50% good answers
Failed today with 648!!!
@ALL If you use this dump. you need to make the changes I listed way down below on this thread.
I suggest you wait until they publish the one I uploaded earlier, and use it as it has all the answers I used, plus it has the changes on the actual exam. You will need to Make the change to D18 that I mentioned in previous post.
@PanamaJack..shut the F#^% up.
I uploaded my final draft earlier today and it reflects just what I answered and also the changes on the actual exam. It may take a day or 2 for it to be published
I know i missed D18 on my test, here is correct answer: D18. Answer is just A (Server authentication certificate that is issued by a trusted third-party root CA and that contains the subject name serverl.contoso.com)
@MFB Could you please tell me if i study this dump with your answers i will pass or must see the members comments
I agree with Sandworm from United Kingdom.
Any chance of your updated VCE? I only ask as there's so many corrections, etc. from people I have no idea which one you went with in the end.
@MFB I think everybody is confused about the fact how many disks are required for creating and not the minimum number of physical disks for running
1) Two way mirror - can tolerate 1 disk failure. Two-way mirror spaces must use 3 or more physical disks. Minimum number of disk is 2.
2) Three way mirror - can tolerate 2 disk failure. Three-way mirror space must use 5 or more physical disks. Minimum number of disk is 3.
3) Parity - designed for capacity efficient & improve resilient. Minimum number of disk is 3.
Answer: 3 3 5
@ESHA DFS is correct. "Ensure that the users in the branch offices can access files currently on the main office file server if a Internet link fails." If BrancheCache is in place, the only files that they access are files not cached locally. Files that are "currently on main office file server" are the files they haven't yet cached and therefore could not access if the WAN link fails. DFS works. They may have to buy another server, but it is cheaper than buying replicated storage.
Case study Contoso COM, question 6:
As far as I can see, the company has just one file server in the main office. There is no plan to change this. Therefore DFS can't be the technical solution. There are no replication partners. So BranchCache in distributed cache mode should be correct. It meets exactly the needings in the descriped environment.
@ALL, looking at the link I just posted, we are all wrong on the 3-way mirror question. The 3-way mirror requires 5 physical disks, but the 2-way mirror requires THREE physical disks, not TWO.
The answer is 3 3 5
@John We are talking about VHDs, but the question asked how many physical disks are needed. 3 way mirrir requires only 3 VHD, but they must be spread accross five physical disks. see: http://www.ms4u.info/2012/10/storage-virtualization-in-windows.html
@ALL I just uploaded my final draft with changes made to show exactly how I answerd questions and it also show the changes on the actual exam.
@john, the correct answer is 235 base on this reference
Layout. The storage layout is simply the type of RAID you want to use. You can choose Simple (RAID 0 or stripe set without parity), Mirror (RAID 1), or Parity (RAID 5 or stripe set with parity). You can create a simple set with one or more physical disks from the pool. Parity sets require three or more physical disks to be available in the pool. Finally, mirror sets can be created using either two or more physical disks for a two-way mirror, or five or more physical disks for a three-way mirror. http://www.windowsitpro.com/article/what-would-microsoft-support-do/navigating-storage-spaces-pools-144558
About question c2:
Simple (no resiliency): A simple storage space writes one copy of your data, and doesn't protect you from drive failures. A simple storage space requires at least one drive.
Two-way mirror: A two-way mirror storage space writes two copies of you data, helping to protect you from a single drive failure. A two-way mirror storage space requires at least two drives. Three-way mirror: A three-way mirror storage space writes three copies of you data, helping to protect you from two simultaneous drive failures. A three-way mirror storage space requires at least five drives.
Parity: A parity storage space writes your data with parity information, helping to protect you from a single drive failure. A parity storage space requires at least three drives.
I think the right anwser is : 2 3 3, because we are talking about vhd disks
MFB and others:
Question C7 C, not D
Host groups are containers that an administrator creates within VMM to group a set of virtual machine hosts for easy management. Host groups are hierarchical; a host group can contain other host groups. For example, if you use VMM Self-Service, you can create a host group that identifies all the hosts that support self-service users. You create a self-service policy on the host group to allow anyone who is covered by that policy access to all the hosts in the host group.
D15 C thats right!
A12: B and C only D does not account for ip reservations, that right!
A1: B OpsMan Alert , oke, did some research on internet
question from exam D:
sharepoint server2010 and wsus
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff806329(v=office.14).aspx#updateprocess, so answer is BCEF
question exam c 10 ( i think) about vhd or vhdx
right answer is D
question contoso 6
Nothing about BranchCache, win7 or win8 clients in scenario , so answer A , Distributed File System (DFS)
If i am wrong, so comment please
Any chance of your updated VCE? I only ask as there's so many corrections, etc. from people I have no idea which one you went with in the end.
Failed - 665 using this exam, was getting 100% in training so I don't recommend this dump - Questions were the same though
@MBF - Congrats on passing, and thanks for paving the path for the rest of us. This test kicked me @ss 2 weeks ago.
@ALL..I missed 1 question in the server infrastructer section and one in the hyper v section. correctly answered all high avalability questions. I missed a lot of the Identity and Access Solutions section questions. Stop wasting your time discussing all the questions not related to Security and Certificates. Focus on all the CA questions and get them right. Like I said earlier, use this dump and the corrections a posted and figure the right answers for CA questions, and you pass easily! Don't over complicate this. Good luck to all.
Here are my answers to some of the questions:
Exam B Q- 6 should only require 2 file servers. Using NTFS and/or Share permissions on the sales manager's folders to limit access to their department only doesn't require a separate server. What does require separate file servers is the ability to view only the audit (file access) logs for two separate departments, since the events for both departments are written to the same log. So two file servers will suffice.
Exam B Q 7 - You need to deploy WSUS in both offices, and point that site's clients to the local WSUS server. To have all updates approved via the Main office WSUS server, it must be in autonomous mode, and the branch WSUS server in Replica mode. All applicable answers: A., B.,E.,F.
Exam B Q 5 - You need OpsMgr to monitor the Event Logs. VMM by itself doesn't monitor Event Logs, it takes either creating Alert thresholds with Perfmon, or using OpsMgr. Service manager can assign incidents. Although Orchestrator would be a helpful addition, only OpsMgr and Service Manager are required. VMM's primary purpose is to manage hosts, host clusters and VMs. OpsMgr primary purpose is monitoring operations (even in a VM environment). Answer A.
Exam C, Q 10 - Multiple VM's with same config., minimize the amount of time required to duplicate the VHD and the amount of space used. Answer A., Differencing disks. (Note that VMM2012SP1 doesn't have a way to create them using the GUI, only via powershell, but you can use WS2012 HV Manager to first create the differencing disk, then use VMM2012 to create the VM and attach it.
I'll drop these comments on both this thread and the latest, since I take it in a week. You need to both know the material and know these dumps, some of the q.'s are not covered in any study material I've seen yet. The best study material I've seen is CBT nuggets. There are supposed to be a couple study guides from MS Press published in a month. It was helpful for me to buy a Systems Center 2012 Unleashed, to at least learn what each component does.
everyone keeps hammering the number of disks question C2 and getting it wrong.
PanamaJack those numbers you supplied are for cluster servers, the question was strictly virtual disks on a 2012 server.
@MFB Can you tell us what changes you made on your dump?
@ALL I passed with 790 using this dump and the changes i stated on this board and a couple others. Test in 4 sections, I scored very well in three and fair in one. The section concerning CAs are the ones that you all need to take a look at. And some CA questions on the test have different answer choices than listed on the dump. My suggestion, work on getting the right answers for the CA questions and then you will easily pass with this dump. Good luck too all
From the MOC 20411:
o One physical disk is required to create a storage pool; a minimum of two physical disks is
required to create a resilient mirror virtual disk.
o A minimum of three physical disks are required to create a virtual disk with resiliency through
o Three-way mirroring requires at least five physical disks.
o Disks must be blank and unformatted; no volume must exist on them.
o Disks can be attached using a variety of bus interfaces including iSCSI, SAS, SATA, small computer
system interface (SCSI), and USB.
hi pj i don't understand what is the best dump? Mbf with the correction? Silense? There is someone that pass this exam?
Thanks all for our work
This is just for Eam D on this Dump:
I compared Exam D of Mike's, Anonymous's and MFB's (with Correction in Comments) Dumps and the Technet Links in Comments.
So for this Questions of MFB's D Exam Dump i could not found clear Answers:
D F3
D F5
D F7
D F9
D F25
D F26
Maybe togehter we can find the right Answers.
Yes. Drill down to Silence20 first comments and add his vce to the D exam from Mike's vce if anyone can combine those and concentrate only on getting the D exam correct on this forum. But do it soon MS WILL catch on and change things again.
@Panama Jack, Hi is this silences sump that you guys are talking about ?Microsoft Test4Prep 70-414 v2012-10-28 by Silence20 62q.vce
Mid 800's after looking at my own vce I was never comfortable with it, but looking at Silence's vce people were getting 900's the reason they started failing that one was because MS had added the now known D exam. STUDY BOTH mate. try to put them together in a single vce.
@ Panama Jack I failed an hour ago. Sounds like Silence and exam D is the way to go. You scored in the 9xx range, correct?!?
OK last time I'm gonna comment here, check it. Exam C Q2 WRONG
For a failover cluster, you must have at least three physical disks in addition to any hot spare disks. Also, realize the following:
For two-way mirroring, you must have at least three physical disks.
For three-way mirroring, you must have at least five physical disks.
The disks must be blank and not formatted. Do not create volumes.
All disks must be at least 4 GB.
The physical disks that are used for a clustered storage pool must be dedicated to that pool. You cannot add startup disks.
Now tell me I'm lying !
I failed with 665 today. 51 questions (34 multiple choice, 5 drag and drop, 6 datum and 6 contoso case studies)
As is, this dump can probably get you 700 or 720. There were 2 to 3 questions where I wasn't 100% sure on the answer. No new questions. Still ALOT of incorrect answers. I would wait until the dump is consistently getting people high 8xx scores.
@romperstomper, I don't like to say I told you so. Please Please Please see my last comment below this vce is SH**T Silence's dump and exam D from here ONLY
MFB, let us know if you see anything new. I agree this exam is deceptively difficult..it looks easy, but due to the percentage of "select and place", "guess whether to choose 2,3 or 4 of the multiple-guess check boxes" etc. kind of questions, it is not an easy exam.
Exam A. Q 14 re planning DR for Cert Server down for "extended period".. what 3 actions should you take? 1) Assuming CS will need to be rebuilt, importing Private key to rebuild new CS is valid. 2) restore database, resign and extend CRL validity period 3) republish. (Don't "copy", since question says the CRL is "Published" to the web farm, you don't need to copy it first).
"They" have done a good job messing things up. Went down in flames with this one today. Just below sixhundred. Had the corrected answers available at the time - I can see there have been additions since that.
Dtaum 1: 4 CA needed, and offline root at main office and an online CA at each location, including main office. Users can't get a cert from an offline root.
better yet use the new one http://www.examcollection.com/microsoft/Microsoft.BrainDump.70-414.v2013-03-05.by.Anonymous.95q.vce.file.html
with the @AreUsure corrections
listed on the old Anonymous dump
Just quietly these exams are useless at testing your knowledge I bet one of the MS networking engineers couldn't pass it without a dump - Questions so vague and cryptic
Bring on the practical exams like Cisco I say :-)
key to passing this thing go back to before things got hectic
Use @AreUSure corrections and get 950 like he did
me thinks that MS might be sabotaging us on this one
Adatum case study question 1 (exam F)
"AN offline root CA must be configured" - one not multiple
So minimum servers would be 3 not 4
Companies only need one root CA for whole company otherwise multiple CA means Root CA certificates have to imported everywhere.
Offline root CA's need to be securely locked away and protected- better kept in the main office
Exam E question 6 (Contoso case study)
Minimise software cost - so branch cache answer might be wrong
need enterprise edition on Win7 or Windows 8 Pro to get that feature
so DFS would be cheaper.
(note under -What is branch cache)
Also Branch case only useful if the file has been requested and cached previously
90% valid!!
Passed with 740,i wasn't prepare well though.
no new questions received.
Thank you everyone who contributed here!
C12: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh427293.aspx
Requirements on the source machine
The physical computer to be converted must meet the following requirements:
• Must have at least 512 MB of RAM.
• Cannot have any volumes larger than 2040 GB.
• Must have an Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) BIOS. Vista WinPE will not install on a non-ACPI BIOS.
• Must be accessible by VMM and by the virtual machine host.
• Cannot be in a perimeter network.
A9: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee849845(v=ws.10).aspx
A10: http://programming4.us/security/3328.aspx
Windows Server 2008 R2 introduced a few additions to AD CS features, including the following:
Certificate Enrollment Web Service and Certificate Enrollment Policy Web Service—This is the most significant improvement, essentially allowing certificates to be enrolled directly over HTTP, enabling non-domain or Internet-connected clients to connect and request certificates from a CA server.
B14: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc782694(v=ws.10).aspx
When you use the unicast method, all cluster hosts share an identical unicast MAC address. Network Load Balancing overwrites the original MAC address of the cluster adapter with the unicast MAC address that is assigned to all the cluster hosts.
The Microsoft Online Responder implements the OCSP protocol, which allows a recipient of a certificate to submit a certificate status request to an OCSP responder by using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). This OCSP responder returns a definitive, digitally signed response indicating the certificate status. The amount of data retrieved per request is constant regardless of the number of revoked certificates in the CA.
A5: http://blogs.technet.com/b/servicemanager/archive/2012/06/25/add-user-to-group-automated-request-offering-walkthrough.aspx
High Level Steps:
1. Create "Add User to Group" Runbook in Orchestrator
2. Create "Add User to Group" Runbook Template in Service Manager
3. Create "Add User to Group" Request Template in Service Manager
4. Create "Add Yourself to a Group" Request Offering in Service Manager
5. Add the Request Offering to a Service Offering Service Manager
6. Test the Request Offering
A1: B Ops Mgr has the ability for Recovery Options.
This functionality hasn't really changed from SCOM 2007 R2 (I'm guessing OM10 means 2007 R2) to SCOM 2012, you would configure this the same was as you did before.
1. Create a monitor for the service
2. Create a recovery action to restart the service
3. Configure the notification subscription for email notifications
To create the recovery action, you need to open the properties of you monitor and select the Diagnostic & Recovery tab. Here, you will be able to add a command or script recovery action. The first set steps on this blog post will guide you on achieving this, http://contoso.se/blog/?p=605.
@Hollander That works with sharepoint services and sharepoint foundation, but Sharepoint Server 2010 is a completely different issue. Read this: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/opal/archive/2011/06/30/the-mystery-behind-sharepoint-2010-patching.aspx
I`m not agree with D9: BCEF.
You may install SHAREPOINT on your WSUS Server then the update can be listed.
Correct answer is : BCDEF
Passed with 820!!!
please be careful with the answers order.
good luck everyone!
@MFB, good luck in your exam ..
Wow, things sure got interesting in the last two weeks with these exams, haven't they!
@MFB - Thank you, you're still the man! If you like, please post here what you'd like to research, and we can try to lend a helping hand. Thanks again and good luck tomorrow.
@Trent and @all..my apologies. I've spent the last 10 hours in my lab trying and configuring and googling and techneting.
I made some more changes and will use my updated dump to study for my test tomorrow. I won't upload the new version until I take the test and see my score. But here are the changes.
A1: B OpsMan Alert. There's too many computers getting the error and the wuestion makes a point to mention the SC 2012 is in place.
A12: B and C only D does not account for ip reservations
C7: A Delegated Administrator
D7: C Modify the CAPolicy.inf file on Server2. This gets done before installing the cert from the root CA see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh831574.aspx
D9: BCEF, no Sharpoint Server 2010. Sharpoint Server 2010 needs manual intervention when updating. It isn't even listed on the WSUS server in the Products and Classifications options.
D15: C The settings of the virtual switch
D16: A and D only. E is wrong because WIF 3.5 is used for developing apps that can use AD FS
Datum Q8: B Upgrade the WAN link between the Miami and Seattle offices. Purchase a storage solution that replicates the virtual machines.
You must have a Fast WAN for Multisite clustering and DFS doesn't work for multisite hyperv clusters see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd197575%28v=ws.10%29.aspx
@All Just took using this dump and failed with a 63x. I managed one section to get 100% which was something on virtualization, but the rest were fails. I used this dump exclusively and was 100% accurate with my answers in accordance with this dump. I'd strongly suggest doing the extra work and researching each question.
Thanks anyway.
@Billy from United States: As you cannot register a nick, the comment about the silence .vce is obviously not P. Jack's
The server is installed as stand alone CA. Therefore, the templates folder is missing.
Stand Alone CA
* No Certificate templates available (specific requests are required)
* No autoenrollment available (approval needed)
* Supported by AD environments and non-AD environments
* Most of the times used for root and policy CAs that are offline)
Enterprise CA
* Certificate templates available
* Autoenrollment is possible
* Supported by AD environments
* Most of the times used for issuing certs to end-entities
Good luck and thanks for your input!
All~ D Q12
I believer the missing part is:
You need to ensure that you can issue certificates based on certificate templates. What should you do?
Uploaded a new modded version of this dump with MFBs last tweak and a few of my own based on experience, and technet. Good luck all.
@All I have one more change to make on my exam. B 6, the answer B, not C. This only requires two servers, not three. You only need two servers. finance one one, hr on the other, Only enable auditing on the finance and hr shares. Only put hr manager and finance manager in the read log group of the server that holds their files. Enable auditing on the advance page of the security tab of the property sheet of the folder you want to audit. sales files can go on either server, don't turn on auditing on sales shares and folders, Give sales manager full control of the sales shares and folders. I just tested this in my lab.
Im starting to think Panama Jack is trying to purposely screw everyone up by posting wrong answers in his own uploads and then lying about other users uploads that look promising. Just ignore him. He posted his own VCE and claimed he passed yet everyone else that used it failed. Suspicipus? J thjnk so.
Boys and Girls! I have to tell you that my vce was utter crap and all due respect to @MFB but he just copied mine and uploaded it with a couple of altered questions. If you rely on this vce you WILL fail with 600 or less beleive me, I passed by studying silence's vce and exam D together. To all those that have failed as a result of using my dump I most sincerely apologise and if you are ever in London I owe you a beer. Silence's dump is the bong.
MFB About question D12
The question is not complete, so we have to ques the answer
Good luck with your exam
@All- I will be taking this test having used this specific dump in about an hour. I will update here with my score, good or bad.
All. Exam D Q12..does anyone know what the question is? All dumps have this on it, but there is only a "YOur network contains.." part and the answer. There is no question.
Thanks to everyone for all the hard work. From the sound of things we may have found the final version. I will be testing 3 hrs before MFB (same time zone 9:00 AM UTC -05:00). I will inform everyone of the results.
I just wonth to say good luck MFB. :) Be our HERO !!! :)
@MFB: Sorry, I obviously meant You and Panama Jack and all the others
@MFB: I wish you all the luck on your exam. I know you and MFB worked hard unlike the paper mcse bozo's in this world! I'll be taking the exam Friday, so I really need to know your score ;-)
guys, i have gone thru carefully on each question and answers, except 5 questions out of 95, I'm 100% all answers are correct!
as MS is offering second shot free option, Perhaps our guys who did not fail this exam can give a try and give some comments to everyone?
anyway I'm planning to take the exam on coming Monday morning.
Good luck everyone! we are not going to fail the 414 final exam this time!!!
In few day`s time MFB put a lot of time on this dump and corrected as many wrong answers as he could on Panama Jack dump. I helped MFB beside but he done most of the jobs.
Therefore thanks a million to him.
P.S, We are almost sure that the correction are right cause of carefully searching and analyzing the explanations on TechNet and lot of individual notifications on Microsoft blog about those issue's.
So let me say that this dump [ MFP ] may become the final and correct one since Feb 5.
He will take the exam himself about few hour and definitely he will share his knowledge after the exam with us.I wish him lot of luck .
I will take the exam also 2-3 days from now on.
Also same wishes to those people on this forum how already planned to take the exam.
I am studying this dump from MFB, too.
Exam on Thursday - 01:00 PM UTC.
Actually, I Can't find incorrect answers in this dump.
Yours, tbinew
@Mbf Ok I will publish my score, I am studying this exam :) Have Luck..
@MFB if you test pass this exam so THAILAND HAPPY
@Okan My test is 27 hours..(12:00PM utc -05:00) I will post scores afterwards.
@Mbf me too taking tomorrow can you publish your score ? I have 18 hour for exam
@pendajo I don't have my notes with me right now, but I did change a couple answers.
I am taking this exam tomorrow and will be using this dump. I expect to score 900+. I'll report back here after my exam.
@MFB Are you sure of answers ? Everyone are plublishing exams but which dump is true ?
Hey MFB, Thanks for the updated VCE. Few answers have been changed as you comment on earlier thread.
@MFB: Dude, what's the difference between this one and your previous dump?
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