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Download Free 70-413 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-413 - MCSE Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure |
Size: | 2.24 MB |
Posted Date: | Saturday, January 4, 2014 |
# of downloads: | 1 |
Free Download: | This file is outdated. Browse other 70-413 VCE Files |
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questions in premium vce are spot on. Answers are DEAD WRONG. At least 30% of the answers are wrong.
@HA - i experienced the exact same results. all the questions on the exam are in the premium dump and I answered 100% but scored a 686. obviously the dump is seriously f'd up with wrong answers.
I've submitted the vce and will be published in a day or two. Trust me 99% of the questions that I got in the exam were from that vce. However, I'm not sure whether all of the answers are correct in it. As long as you study the material from CBT nuggets, use the questions from the vce and research for the answer options in Google, you should be fine.
Remember there are many Yes/No questions in the exam which show the same scenario but asking whether a particular tool of technology would be suitable for the questioned scenario.
Also, I remember one question that I got which was not in the VCE (atleast the jist of the question) is:
What is the command to use to retreive employee numbers from the AD:
I'm unsure of the answer, but you can google for the command syntax of each of the options and check which command can achieve the result.
Good luck!!
I think that web manager will not permit to anybody publish any premium exam.
Be careful and confirm that is published on the web is exactly that you published.
I agree with james and wazza. questions of premium updated April 18 correct. wrong answers. I failed the exam with 686.
Today failed. result 616. I buy Premium vce and upload. It could take upto 3 days for it to be published.
I failed today. All the questions was the same as the premium dump. But its got a lot of wrong answers. Hopefully Some one can review the anwers
Will your newly submitted dump be public, or will it be restricted to premium?
Just passed today with 700. Made a couple of last minute corrections in exam. Phew!!. I've submitted a new vce which I used for the exam, it could take upto 3 days for it to be published. Almost all questions came from that including the case study, however there must be some mistakes in it, as I answered all of the questions exactly as per the file. I suggest using the file for questions and researching for answers in Google. Good luck everyone!!
What is your mail ID
Could someone please kind enough to correct the wrong answers mentioned by "HA" in last post and upload the dump?
Does anyone have the R2 update for this exam? know when to expect it to be published?
HA send me or post here the vce file, I give you the answer :D
Latest dump available in premium area.I took the exam today for the second time (after failing the first time because of the new questions), but today all questions are exactly the same, also case studies are exactly the same.The strange part that I answered exactly the same answers in the dump (and I'm quite sure the same answers), but I FAILED with a score of 686.Which means that there are many wrong answers.Waiting for any news
The premium file is now updated.
new 413 and 414 VCE files have been released dated April 15 but based on the shady reputation of this site I am very apprehensive to buy it. I bought a premium subscription and when I went to download the newly released file, they did not honor my premium subscription. This company is so dishonest they give a whole new meaning to deception.
Anyone upload latest dump
Smbdy plz update z dump... need it... thanks
In case anyone wonders why use WSUS as opposed to SCCM 2012 to update Windows Defender: SCCM *disables* Windows Defender, so your only option is WSUS.
I took 413 today I can confirm that the premium dumps and all the free VCE's for 413 and 414 are NOT even close to the new 2012 R2 exams. Unless you really, REALLY know your stuff, don't even attempt to take 413 and 414 until NEW 2012 R2 dumps are released. Probably won't see them for at least another 30-45 days.
Just STUDY the book if you want to pass! How hard is that. And read on internet (Technet or something) about the updates.
if the new question is not include in premium exam, that is really hard for me to passed this exam
Netherlands also R2 questions
Sbody ,plz upload updated dump... thanks
the dump is not valid any more. There are almost half new questions and 2 case study. Just failed on Apr. 15 @ 580.
Failed with 686 last monday.
Below is rough question inside 70-413 44 questions of part 3,after i took the test this week.
-GpoPrefixName -IpamServerFqdn
1.802.X for Van tunneling (yes no question)
It can configure RADIUS attributes or VLANs.health policy, including the SHVs and remediation policy)
Defining the SHVs to be applied to this policy along with how to handle computers that
aren't NAP-capable.
802.1X compliance enforcement enables the NPS to work with the 802.1X network component
to keep non-compliant clients in a restricted network.
NAP for 802.1X uses the following components:
802.1X networking components such as wireless access points or switches
NAP-capable clients with the NAP service and EAP enforcement client
Answer: yes
2.IPSEC for Van tunneling (yes no question)
NAP policy enforcement is configured based on the access method, such as IPsec and
Answer:Yes? (I do not confirm the answer, please find yourself)
3.DHCP for vlan tunneling (yes no question)
Configure Policies for DHCP Enforcement
Answer:Yes? (I do not confirm the answer, please find yourself)
NAP step-by-step guides show you how to set up a test lab to deploy one of the NAP enforcement methods.
Step-by-Step Guide: Demonstrate IPsec NAP Enforcement in a Test Lab
Step-by-Step Guide: Demonstrate 802.1X NAP Enforcement in a Test Lab
Step-by-Step Guide: Demonstrate VPN NAP Enforcement in a Test Lab
Step-by-Step Guide: Demonstrate DHCP NAP Enforcement in a Test Lab
4.Window Migration tools for Report of window enough to generate upgrade report (yes no question)
Answer:? (I do not confirm the answer, please find yourself)
5.Window Depolyment tools for Report of window enough to generate upgrade report (yes no question)
Answer:? (I do not confirm the answer, please find yourself)
Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit - (MAP is to generate report)
The Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) provides a rich set of tools for both
examining performance and deploying Windows. The assessment pieces help troubleshoot
potential problems with hardware and drivers and measure things such as energy and battery
usage. The deployment pieces of the ADK combine the Windows OEM Preinstallation Kit and
the Windows Automated Installation Kit as well as new tools related to deployment
6.Force tunneling for Van tonneling routing internet resource and coporate resource yes no question
7.Split tunneling for Van tonneling routing internet resource and coporate resource yes no question
Direct Access-By book
With a split tunnel, clients connect to corporate resources through the tunnel
coupled to the corporate network, and connect to Internet resources through their normal
network connection. With a force tunnel, clients use the corporate tunnel for all communication,
both to the corporate network and to the Internet.
8.To see the relication of state of Domain controler by two commands:
Monitoring replication is accomplished through two command-line tools:
repadmin /showrepl
dcdiag /test:replications
9.two commands for add a DNS record of *.replmon state
DHCPrecord add *.replmon state *.replmon state
get computer -name Repmon
(I do not remember all details, please help to confirm yourself)
10.three repadmin for DC1, DC2, DC3
There are one question ask about three repadmin command usage.
Please make sure you understand below repadmin usage.
Repadmin /kcc
Forces the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) on targeted domain controllers to immediately recalculate the inbound replication topology.
Repadmin /prp
Specifies the Password Replication Policy (PRP) for read-only domain controllers (RODCs).
Repadmin /queue
Displays inbound replication requests that the domain controller must issue to become consistent with its source replication partners.
Repadmin /replicate
Triggers the immediate replication of the specified directory partition to a destination domain controller from a source domain controller.
Repadmin /replsingleobj
Replicates a single object between any two domain controllers that have common directory partitions.
Repadmin /replsummary
Identifies domain controllers that are failing inbound replication or outbound replication, and summarizes the results in a report.
Repadmin /rodcpwdrepl
Triggers replication of passwords for the specified users from the source domain controller to one or more read-only domain controllers. (The source domain controller is typically a hub site domain controller.)
Repadmin /showattr
Displays the attributes of an object.
Repadmin /showobjmeta
Displays the replication metadata for a specified object that is stored in AD DS, such as attribute ID, version number, originating and local update sequence numbers (USNs), globally unique identifier (GUID) of the originating server, and date and time stamp.
Repadmin /showrepl
Displays the replication status when the specified domain controller last attempted to perform inbound replication on Active Directory partitions.
Repadmin /showutdvec
Displays the highest, committed USN that AD DS, on the targeted domain controller, shows as committed for itself and its transitive partners.
Repadmin /syncall
Synchronizes a specified domain controller with all replication partners.
10.to add Heath Certificate to which server (network Policy NPS, HRA,RRAS)
to add Direct access Policy
to add
There are asking about Direct access.
Your need to apply health certificate, direct access policy and something to below three server.
Make sure you understand below three components.
Network Policy Server (NPS)
Routing and Remote Access Service (RRAS)
Health Registration Authority (HRA)
11.how long to receive a DNS record of below zone type in two conditions:
One is user added a new DNS record.
One is the client change the IP address.
Scaving time
Please find out yourself.I don't know answer.
Aging and scavenging terminology
12.Hardisk volume for iSCSI SANs
There are asking iscse SANS file format and somethings.(I don't remember)
iSCSI file formant is NTFS
and other data need?
13.Method for Direct Access to one time access client.
You should select OTP and apply OTP Certificate templates
OTP Certificate templates
Configure the Remote Access server to support OTP
In the OTP Certificate Templates section click Browse to select the certificate template used for the enrollment of certificates that are issued for OTP authentication.
16. how many IPAM need to install on each site.
IPAM does not commuicate to each other.
You need to find out any inside the question ask about individual placement of IPAM server.
18.To configure the server so that it is manageable, add the appropriate GPOs to the server
by running the following Windows PowerShell command (as Administrator) from the IPAM
Invoke-IpamGpoProvisioning -Domain
It is not confirm right.Please find it yourself.
19. which server will be benefit most from data De-duplication.
There are four listed server.
Mail server
SQL server
window server with hyper-v host (may be -if VHD file)
file server -yes
Data deduplication
Data deduplication is another new feature in Windows Server 2012 that helps remove duplicate
data to preserve storage capacity. A role service within the File and Storage Services role,
data deduplication breaks data into small chunks, identifies the duplicates, and maintains a
single copy of each chunk. The following workloads are considered ideal for deduplication:
General file shares house general content, home folders, and offline files.
Software deployment shares house program setup files, images, and the like.
VHD libraries store VHD files for provisioning.
Please email me with my name in gmail.com
Someone take this Premium VCE of 413? He is reliable?
No dumps since January. Not very useful, unless you're only trying to drive business to the paid "premium" dump.
i'm really hope, that anyone upload the latest exam dump
Someone upload the new exam with R2 content pls!!
new dump is bogus. it's just another old and outdate dump. do not be a victim to this company. they are nothing but scammers
failed with scrore 560...in indonesia
Could someone post up the latest R2 dumps for this exam? Thanks
Failed yesterday 588/1000..
Alle new questions, 1 Case Studie over northwesttraders with new 2012 R2 questions/servers
44 regular questions: mixed with new and old questions
1 case study: Litware.inc: 7 Questions, no new ones here.
Is there anybody working on the new questions?
Just to let you guys know in South Africa... the exam has been updated to Windows Server 2012 R2 so there is allot of new questions and I failed with 5** marks. please can someone let me know when new exam questions will be released, because I want to do a retake soon. My email address is a.beerkie@gmail.com
Guys can we please get the latest dump?? Thank you in advance
in my exam:
2 cases (27 + 7 + 36 questions)
TOTAL: 70 questions
new questions: 8-10 aprox
flunk at 600... 2nd shot expiring 31st Mar, I guess no hope finding new dump
in my exam:
2 cases (8 + 7 questions)
36 questions
TOTAL: 51 questions
new questions: 8 aprox
questions from this dump:43 (
same answers with erros)
Noticed some questions have different answers than 70-413.v2013-12-31.by.Amber.94q.vce!!
But some questions new in this one that is not in the other one, I failed today with 633 and questions I did not know was in this one... lets see if I do both exam questions if it will go better at 2nd shot...
Is this exam OK? there are different answers to the same questions if you compare it with 70-413.v2013-12-31.by.Amber.94q.vce!!
Failed with 533 points. Few questions in this exam are seen in this dump. NOT! ENOUGH!
passed with high score. All question was same as with the materials
Today failed. In total 51 questions, 28 were new mostly AD related, one new case study. I am pissed off as they werennot testing knowledge, but english grammar. ... in Slovakia
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