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Download Free 70-480 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-480 - MCSD Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 |
Size: | 8 MB |
Posted Date: | Friday, December 13, 2013 |
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Answer to dotnet:
-Microsft Exam Ref 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 is useless for the exam. I´ve really study this book hard. Only to just to find out that the best learning is by O'reilly, youtube and google.
can anyone share exam ref 70-480 ebook. I am unable to find it in net.
Total 8 questions not from this exam. Luckily, passed with 9xx
Still valid in Netherlands. Max 10 new questions.
Still valid in Turkey with a few (max 10) easy questions. I also strudied . Passed with 963/1000
I took the exam on saturday feb,15 most questions are from this one!
passed 780/1000 .. good luck and study hard
Can anyone tell me which one to study as there are two set of questions "Old" and "New"? From which set the questions were there in the exam? Thanks.
can anyone confirm the Q83 answer please?
I think the answer can be:
background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom,green,black);
margin:10px 10px 10px 10px;
This dump is still valid I gave my exam today and passed with 800+ score. Although 7 news questions in which 2 related to CSS3 and 5 related to HTML5 and JS.
New questions that i remember:
- choose the best technology to do a chat app (right one is websockets)
- set some dive content with javascript (use innerHtml)
- some to correct @font-face
Can any one share me the ebook of Exam Ref 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3? Thanks in advance. Please send it to
Hi Friends,
I am planning to write the exam in mid week of january. So guys who have passed can u kindly mail the dumps to my mail id It would be really helpful to me in clearing the exam.
Thanks in advance,
Used this dump exclusively, about 70% of these answers were on the exam. The results sheet I was given is a different style than previous exams, perhaps explaining why everyone is seeing different questions. I took this exam today and scored a 800 by making educated guesses on the questions not found in this dump.
Still valid , Passed yesterday with score 880 , about 10 new question.
Much appreciated if someone confirm is this dump still valid?? or pls suggest to take which dump to get Pass. i have my exam on middle of jan'14.
Thank you
Cleared today with 8xx. Quite a lot of changes in the exam; options shuffled, new questions, statements rephrased.
Though this dump can help you clear it, but it will be good if you have some practical knowledge as well.
In questions Q12, all options are wrong!
Possibel answer:
$("div#container ul:first").css("border", "1px solid black");
- section > h2 | Returns ANY (Not first)
elements nested immediately under a element
Q43 is wrong!
"D - relative" is the correct answer.
Hi Guys,
after downloading this vce format file i m getting only 7/8 questions not all...
hence can any one send me the dumps u r referring on my gmail id
TIA :)
Valid in Serbia. Passed on 20/12, result 820/1000. 5 new questions (out of 45) and question was with different options.
To @anton:
I had that question also, reg. "building of a selector for the name-attribute value ending with "name" -> the closest right answer is the option that use * ([name*=....]) because it will work the same in that particular case (in the question).
I remembered another question:
- CSS3: it's regarding @font-face style rule. The question is "you made a custom font but some user report that the browser is using its default font". It's a drop down list choices.
@font-face {
font-family: myFont;
src: url('special.eot');
body { font: 'special'; }
-> To fix that, you must choice from the drop down list, so the css become as the following:
@font-face {
font-family: myFont;
src: url('special.eot'),
body { font: 'special', sans-serif; }
Please, note that .eot is supported only by IE9, so you must add another version of the font (.ttf) to work with the other browsers. Also, you have to specify other popular font like 'sans-serif' so the browser doesn't use its own font, if any error occurred (as an example the fonts have not be downloaded for any reason).
Few new questions. I remember few new questions: and its child post title should be
- CSS: rotate an image 90 degrees -> it should be transform:rotate(90), not -90 because in the question the image should be rotated clockwise.
- Geo-location: there are three valid answers, but one is missing () after the function name. So please, pay attention. I have not thought that the tricks might be like that. Please also know that navigator.geolocation object does NOT have neither getLatitude nor getLongitude methods -> The right answer will be the one that takes success and error callback functions: navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(hasPosition, noPosition)
- Exceptions: you a function (functionName(number, message)) that represents custom error. The question is asking that you want to throw custom exception. The answers are: throw functionName(..., ...), throw new functionName(.., ...), return new functionName{..., ...) -> The right answer is throw without new (but I am just sure 90%)
-HTML5 -> website that many new posts on a page. How to define each news post. It's drag and drop question -> The parent should be
Good Luck
New questions, Q69
B & C are the correct answers.
A is not possible because web workers does not have access to the local storage.
can anyone confirm the Q38 answer please?
Why Q55 cant be "input:first_child" ?
In Q55 why they consider "input:first" instead of "input:first-child"?
both work...
around 10 new questions came.. passed with score 880
How it's possible to hide a "h" tag in css using only position,top,left ?
This Dump is valid. Yesterday I got 900/1000. there was around 10-12 new questions. Some questions and order of answers has been changed.
New questions are not much difficult.
But confused with modified questions since there was old answers for them. Carefully read all questions before answer. Good Luck!!!
Still valid the dump, however dont memorize the answers, better understand the question and the answer, as anton says new questions are added, one where you are doing a chat app, and you need to update the chat on the client, what do you use (i picked websockets), alse came the question about @font, it says something like this, you use the @font-face tag, loading a custom sans serif font family, it is not rendering well, what do you do?.
Cheers passed today.
New questions about:
- add html into "h" tag with javascript
- override inline style with css
- secure iframe
- hide a "h" tag in css using only position,top,left
Some questions and answers were modified from the questions of the dump.
Plz send me on the latest dumps of 70-480 (HTML5, JAVASCRIPT AND CSS3).
Q28 is right?
The dump is valid. I took the exam today (960/1000) and have about 15 new questions out of 45, but not too difficult and most related to the questions in the dump. Sometimes the questions are modified from the questions of the dump, so you should take your time. So this dump is a good base to secure passing the exam as the answers are explained properly.
One question that surprises me was related to @font-face and applying a special font from .odt.
One question that was irritating was the building of a selector for the name-attribute value ending with "name", but the $-option was missing. I think just the *-option is correct then. (?).
can any one forward me these latest dumps with correct ans.
I m going to appear it on day after tomorrow.
urgent plz...
Peter what question 30, the old or the new, for the old (the throw exception) the answer is right, for the new (the ms flex box), the ms-flex-align: START is ok, the ms-flex-pack: Justify or distribute, both are ok, however it seems none of them are there.
please ,it is valid or not?
Q8 shouldn't be if(type==’application/bint’)..
"dataFilter -Type: Function( String data, String type ) => Object "
lot's of corrections and explanations.
nice one
Can anyone tell me if the Q30 is right?
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