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Download Free 70-413 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-413 - MCSE Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure |
Size: | 4.12 MB |
Posted Date: | Tuesday, December 25, 2012 |
# of downloads: | 1 |
Free Download: | This file is outdated. Browse other 70-413 VCE Files |
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Passed today with 9xx. :)
Hi All.
I took the test today and fialed 6xx.
The test has all the questions, but there are some wrong answers in the new test. :(
Pretty sure Esben's exam has some wrong answers. For example: Exam B, Q18, regarding transferring DHCP settings from physical to virtual machines. The q asks for the action needed on the physical (so, the source) server. The answer in my eyes should be: Export-SmigServerSetting, but the exam tells that it should be B. Import-SmigServerSetting. That I don't believe.
Regardless, happy we have a new more up2date exam now. I will attempt to pass it coming Wednesday :-)
I took my exam a week after they had changed it and got a score of 600.
I've had a look through most of the exam uploaded by Esben and can confirm that the questions are valid. Although I will be going through just to make sure that they are all correct.
Seems to be 180 questions because of duplicates but not complaining.
Good job Esben.
@bozo @dasfand @all
Again, I retried the file and it downloaded fine with no virus activity. Not sure what happened the first time. I just know Symantec didn't like it.
And, again, I apologize for the false alarm.
I'm taking the test Thursday. You'll have to wait until then for my results.
Definitely not a virus. It downloads and opens fine. My question is: Where do you guys see 186 questions? I only see A, B, C, D (90 questions) then another section called "Exam all questions" that appears to show all 90 questions together, so I only see 90 total.
Dasfand, i know!!! I am not understanding why Mr. Meyers is saying it has a virus impregnated on the main file as I have it in my system and it is working fine. Besides, my sophos antivirus is great and maybe a little too cautious when it comes files from unknown sources. its working great for me. I just need to see some testing center results from people using this file before I give it the OK myself. Please understand. Thank you
dear that is not a virus. the same file i received on my dasfand@hotmail.com email id from esbn. total questions are 186. guys i want to know that is this valid dumps???
If this file does work for you then I need to know if people using it are successful at the testing center with this material. I gave you the file, please repay the favor accordingly Mr. Meyers. Thanks
Just sent it Mr. Meyers. My system is fine. Please let me know how this file works out for you.
Just retried and the file is back. I downloaded it and it appears to be fine now.
My apologies.
@Rob Meyers. I downloaded the Esban file with no problems. Virus Checker didnt pick up any hints of a problem with it. The file contains 183 questions. Please explain why you feel its a virus. Please, do tell. It looked clean to me on down load.
First you'd have to be able to get the file.. Which apparently no one is sharing.
Dasfand's file is a virus.
Can anyone please confirm that they are passing or failing with this Microsoft Brain dump from Esben please? I see alot of 70-413 exams out there on this site that people are failing miserably on. And if they are passing with Esbens Microsoft Dump what scores are they getting before I invest alot of time with this particular file. Please advise and God Bless You All.
Hi, I´m planning to take the exam next week, please those who are taking the exam studying from Esben dump confirm as you are taking your exam please.
Good luck and thanks in advance guys!!!
Guys i have uploaded the Esben file which he has send to me. download it from
Thanks a lot Esben,
New questions are in your dump (I failed last week)
Hey All.
I have uploaded the new Exam. Spent a lot of time making this exam. All you that have taken the new exam could you please verify that this one i good. :) Enjoy
Be our HERO Esben - from Denmark :) Serbia is with you !!! :)
Got the new Exam 70-413. I will take the exam on Monday next week. If i pass I will upload the new exam. :)
Failed today with 648
Latest one has 90 Questions. Refer below link,
@Esben - The new exam , I have seen just now , but all 7 questions in demo are old ones which is already there in exam collection. We can't trust as these dumps are already outdated. I had attend this exam on Feb 6th and failed. So waiting for the new dumps and comments from you guys to take it again.
I live in Haifa and toke an exam in Herzliya.
very interesting view that I spam
New exams are you there. ;)
Demo: http://www.passguide.com/downloadable/download/sample/sample_id/3381/
Failed - 614. Case study were the same (except one question). In the suestion section, not half of these questions were presented.
gimdegris from israel . where do you live and where you toke yore exam?
just want to make sure its not a spam
Today 08/02 I failed with 4xx, full dump was changed - all new 36Q + 2 case study (7Q+8Q) total 51Q.
need new dump to study and pass this exam
its totally changed dont try wait for updated paper,badly failed with 335
Not Valid in India Bangalore as well. Attended today and failed badly. around 30 new questions , 2 case study - same cases but few different questions. 36 normal questions, 2 case study (7 + 8) 15 questions - So total 51 questions I got. score 546. I had prepared 2 to 3 dumps from exam collection but no hope. Be careful friends. Can we get new dumps please.. ??
Failed , Exam changed 36Q + 2 case study (7Q+8Q) total 51Q
failed on exam today 51 q its just like 4 or 5 questions only from this dump !
score 4** Lol
O yeah.also number changed to 51 questions. 1st 8 questions, end; then 36 questions, end; last part had 7 questions
Failed.they changed the exams today. A lot of new questions!
I failed today. Only 9 out of 36 questions were the same as in file. Two cases studies however were completely valid.
Passed with 946!! 100% Valid
Please be aware that "v2012-12-18 by Examer 64q.vce" is having few wrong answers,
Passed on Jan 30th with 925. All 40 questions were from this dump.
Valid .. Passed with 943/1000
still valid. pass today, no new question no case study
only questions from Exam A on this DUMP
and no new questions
PASSED TODAY. with an 943 score.
No New Questions.
The exam still valid Thank you!!!!
Passed today in Germany with 9xx.
All questions from dump (exam A), NO case studies.
@ Mohammed
You mean that you had only questions from Exam A on this DUMP? Please give feedback as soon as possible
passed with 981.
no case study
Still valid passed with 925.
just passed 9XX
valid , no case study
good luck
@ RT u mean there was no question from case study at all
This dump is 100% valid in US. All questions in this dump are on the exam. If you study this dump hard, you will get around 943 at least
Still valid in Kuwait pass score 962 just 40 Q no Case Study Thank you very much
Still good, 943. Still study, some of the wording is dfferent
@sam, did all questions come from Exam A? Did you study B and C as well?
Thank you and just to give some feedback Passed Today Q are valid 40q only. Good luck all
@ken: it does not matter in what order you take microsoft exams, it's just important to pass all exams as part of a certification.
40 questions..no case studies..962
Eaxm A Q1, I would go with B > Replace DC2 with a domain controller that runs Windows Server 2012
just passed today with 962 marks. still valid. all questions on Exam A existed on the exam. no case study.
Not sure is it enough if just study exam A only. more save to study both Exam B and C as well for just in case.
Did you guys only use Exam A or B and C as well? Do the questions only come from Exam A?
I have a question , i have studied and prepared from dumps and cleared 70-410 and 70-411 , i still have to go for 70-412 the dump is totally changed , is there a way i can skip that and go for 70-413 , or its must to clear 70-410, 70-411, 70,412 before taking 70-413 and 414
legit. passed 965. only 40 questions in this exam.
valid valid valid pass 9xx
still valid, pass 943 - no case study
Praise be to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Passed today 900+ no case studies. Amen
Passed today with 943, all 40 questions from here. No case study but few answers were wrong. Thanks all for the contributions.
passed in malaysia 925/1000
This is still valid. Passed today (900) with this dump + cbt nuggets videos.
thanks to everyone who helped!!
Passed with 943. Some wrong answers there, but it will get you through without problem. Good luck all!
valid...passed with 943 today..
Q4 the correct answer is "two domains and two sites"
Got 981/100 and Design and Implement an Active Directory infrastructure (physical) part was 100% correct including this question.
925/1000 today.3 Jan 2003
No, TWO domains. Because the requirement is to minimize replication
traffic -> 2 domains would do. A Domain is replication boundary and the
whole Domain Partition is replicated inside single Domain. Making 2
Domains will decrease amount of data travelling between the offices.
In regards to question 4, if each domain was isolated to an AD site that would reduce replication traffic as only a subset of AD information (Global Catalogue, etc) would be passed between domains. So I still believe that two domains, two sites is the correct answer.
Q4 the correct answer is C. "one domain and two sites"
B. ( Two domains and two sites ) is not the correct answer. there is no need to use to domains.
Does this have the corrected answers? this is different then magican's.
I pass with 962 point,still valid,thanks for all
Source vce file:Microsoft.Test4Prep.70-413.v2012-11-27.by.Test4Prep.62q.vce
Added some links in answers,
changed answers for next questions:
Q19 B+D > A+B
Q34 B > C
Litware Inc
Q4 B > D
Q6 B > C
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