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Download Free 70-480 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-480 - MCSD Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 |
Size: | 4.55 MB |
Posted Date: | Wednesday, November 14, 2012 |
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Passed with 913 points on the 10th may, questions still valid.. But many answers in this file are wrong, see the comments.
@King Kong who wrote: The nav tag seems the right option in that particular question. It can be used to group relevant content on blogs to improve search engine readability. The article tag is for self contained article.
I still think the <article> is the answer - I provided the explanation below. The article tag is especially convenient for blogs and in the question they mention blog site. In the question they ask to group related CONTENT, not to group links.
Sorry for non-working links in previous commentary. But I do think that the answer should be <article> and not <nav>. (http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/sections.html#the-article-element http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/sections.html#the-nav-element)
Exam B, Q27 - answer should be : JavaScript, String, JSON (?)
Isn't the answer to the question Q30 in Exam B (about modifying a blog site to improve search engine readability) <article> ?
"Article represents a section of a page that consists of a composition that forms an independent part of a document, page, or site. This could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a Web log entry, a user-submitted comment, or any other independent item of content."
Question says that you need to group relevant page content together - nav isn't used for that;
"The nav element is a section containing links to other documents or to parts within the current document.
Not all groups of links on a page need to be in a nav element — only groups of primary navigation links."
On Exam B question 9, this is the correct order:
Exam A, Q31 shouldn't the answer be D? (text-shadow: 72pt 0em 5px; )
Exam A, Q22 - is it maybe C and D (instead of A and C ?) (button.addEventListener and button.attachEvent)
I am writing the microsoft 70 480 exam in march. I am unable to get the questions from the vce file. Can you please share this exam dumps in pdf or any other readable format.
I have 70-480 exam on 23rd February.Please send me the dumps at sayani.banik@gmail.com.couldn't able to open the file in vce format it is showing error.
Hi, I have 70-480 certification exam on Feb 2nd, 2013. Please send me the dump of 69 questions to my mail id
Hi, I have 70-480 certification exam on Feb 2nd, 2013. Please send me the dump of 69 questions to my mail id vikassinghbhadauria@gmail.com
Thanks for your help in advance. Please help !!
Hi, I have 70-480 certification exam on Feb 1st, 2013. Please send me the dump of 69 questions to my mail id sagar.mummidivarapu@gmail.com.
Thanks for your help in advance. Please help !!
Plz send me on vkbindknit@gamil.com latest dump of 70-480 (HTML5, JAVASCRIPT AND CSS3).
My exam on 18th Feb 2012. Plzzzzzzz
guys are these dumps valid for january 2013.
Passed with 100%. Valid dump.
Please send me the dump for the 70-480 Microsoft paper . Whenever i try to convert the .vce file to PDF or to .Doc file .It is showing me an error..!!!!!!
So pls help me on it asap...!!!!!!!!!!!
I passed this today with 830.
sam, :hover must come after :link and :visited (if they are present) in the CSS definition, in order to be effective! http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_hover.asp
@ momo : for the pseudo anchor order, are you sure that it is link,visited,hover and active??? I think it is link hover active visited .as they have asked the questio based on user activity..Correct me if Im wrong.
Just FYI: with the promo code HTMLJMP you can take this exam for FREE, offer valid until 31.03.2013
Exam A, q27. Answer should be BC (onmessage shoud be used in both the main page and web worker. There's no onconnect event handler)
Part A, q8. I think the option "if(type == "application/bint")" should be selected in the 2nd dropdown because the type variable contains the response type andthe content-type is used when sending the request to a server.
Indeed, I think you're right. I posted the order from docs, but the question is asking the reverse.
Dump valid, 92/100. Thanks a lot
@menumorut shouldn't it be the reverse? Since it says from highest priority to lowest
Regarding Q34 from Exam A:
According to http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/cascade.html#cascading-order:
Sort according to importance (normal or important) and origin (author, user, or user agent). In ascending order of precedence:
1. user agent declarations
2. user normal declarations
3. author normal declarations
4. author important declarations
5. user important declarations
So, I think this should be the right answer.
Thanks everyone for your hard work collecting and answering the questions for this exam. I passed yesterday, all the questions were from this dump but the answers were not in the same order so make sure you know them. Good luck and see you for another cert ^^
This link mentions that the answer for the question with maximizing search engine readability should be article and not nav as mentioned in other posts. But anyone who has taken the exam and selected nav, please let us know the correct answer. Thanks
Passed the exam. Got 980 /1000. This dump is valid as all questions came from this. But some answers are incorrect. @momo, you are correct.
I am not able to open the files posted here. Can any one send me the PDF/XLS files for the 70-480 cetification on my personal email id - deepakdhamoo242@gmail.com ? Thanks in Advance :)
Here is the link to describe whether <nav> can improve the search engine readablity: http://sixrevisions.com/content-strategy/what-potential-impact-can-html5-have-on-seo/
This dump have some bad answers, but I got 840 using it.
I passed yesterday ! I got only 900, unfortunately. 100% coming from this vce file.
The mistakes i made was, probably, in the question involving prototyping in javascript (customer.prototype.) I chose a different answer to that in this dump.
If you want to get 1000, go and revise the 'implement and manipulate document structures and objects' section. This is the area where most of us are losing points.
I noticed in my exam that in some of the answers; instance names were changed. Also, in some answers, class names were different. Make sure that you completely know/remember the answer.
Yeaph I followed this test. I think some of the questions are not right, but I have to admit it is really hard to know if they are right as the question is not really, really accurate. So! that is probably why I scored 900 and not 1000.
100% was from this exam. I passed today-800/1000.
please be careful with some incorrect answers
@m_square, please post your answers if possible
Passed the exam today with 900/100 score. There are 40 questions in total so wrong-questions percentage is certainly low.
@King Kong, I still believe that <article> is the best answer there. Read the question carefully; its talking about relevant page content (I assume it means content on a single page at once), not relevant pages throughout the blog. Also check out http://www.developerdrive.com/2012/09/seo-and-web-development-5-html5-tags-for-seo/ and http://www.webconfs.com/html5-seo-article-27.php
@momo @nick
The nav tag seems the right option in that particular question. It can be used to group relevant content on blogs to improvesearch engine readability. The article tag is for self contained article.
There is another mistake in this dump - it's about the error object.
The answer should be throw error 200 invalid.
check this for ref - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dww52sbt(v=vs.94).aspx
@momo the other errors u mentioned seem genuine.
i'll be taking the test tomorrow.
i'll keep u guys posted,
Can someone confirms the Answer for Q8, ajax attribute accepts vs dataType vs ContentType. I did a lot of research and can't seem find a suitable answer. In the api.jquery it says that "accepts" should not be used
@momo, you are correct.
I think that there are a few mistakes in this dump
! there is a qn about canvas and svg. the answer should be svg because it does not lose quality when scaled.
Another mistake seem to be on a qn about java script inheritance -
The answer to this question should be b and c. option c is the one making the consultant class inherit from the employee class.
Another mistake seem to be on a qn about the anchor pseudoclass(a:) - the correct order should be: link visited hover active.
There is also aa mistake in a qn on web workes. The answers should be json, string and javascript.
Finally, a qn on which html tag to use to improve searh engine readability. the answer seem to be article but nav is given.
Could somebody confirm these mistakes ???
@ET: Option A and B are correct. Refer to the Protoype and Inheritance section of this page:
var myObjectConstructor=function(){
myObjectConstructor.prototype.myMethod =
function () { alert("mymethod")};
@Exam Terminator, the simulator randomizes the exam questions on each start. Therefore, please write down the question if possible, and what you assume to be the correct answer?
@Nick Exam A q12 and examB q29
@ExamTerminator,which question exactly about inheritance in javascript using prototyping that you think is wrong?
SVG seems to be the right answer for q39. Canvas lose quality when scaled.
There are 2 questions on inheritance in javascript using prototyping that seem wrong. Option a and b are given as answers but it seems that the good answers are b and c. Any guess about these questions ?
EXAM B,Q32 item 39 of 69 my guess is that the correct anwswer should be SVG found this on http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_svg.asp
Can anyone confirm this?
Comparison of Canvas and SVG
Resolution dependent
No support for event handlers
Poor text rendering capabilities
You can save the resulting image as .png or .jpg
Well suited for graphic-intensive games
Resolution independent
Support for event handlers
Best suited for applications with large rendering areas (Google Maps)
Slow rendering if complex (anything that uses the DOM a lot will be slow)
Not suited for game applications
Thanks to my dear Allah, I have passed my exam 70-480 yesterday with 900 marks still valid dump but still there are 4 or 5 wrong questions which should be correct in future. but I cleared this paper. Now I m plan another paper 70-659. so guys try you level best and if you really wanna pass this exam you have to give 100% then you will be able to clear this other wise 5 or 6 wrong answer by this dump + 2 or 3 your mistake can take away, so do you best.
@mast67: what you say seems to be correct since Web Workers operate independently of the main browser UI thread so they're not able to access many of its objects. One limitation is that Web Workers cannot access the DOM, so they can't read or modify the HTML document. In addition, they can't access any global variables or JavaScript functions within the main page. Finally, access to some objects, including the window, document, and parent, is restricted.
Part B, Q27 is has wrong answer, right answer is : JSON, String, JavaScript
Workers do NOT have access to:
The DOM (it's not thread-safe)
The window object
The document object
The parent object
The dump is valid.I passed the exam today with a score of 880
@xxgorrasxx : Great! How many questions are there in the actual test? Are there new questions not in the dump?
@xxgorrasxx : Congrats! :) So, say something about Q on test :)
@xxgorrasxx : did you follow this dump ?
Just passed 900 score!
@fireowner: what about other questions? all from this exam?
Passed it 19 november. 740/1000. Thanks.
By the way there wasn't an option 5 in question with range min = 18 , max = 90..
There was AvgAge() option.
how come none of drag&drop question aren't working ?
I am using VCE 3.0..
Cleared the examination 800/1000
Exam A, Q19 IS correct must be AB!
B q30 should be B in my opinion
Why cd? It says, lower on the page lower is 5px not -5px.
Q19 has only one answer so which question do you mean? App sorts questions by default.
Exam A Q19 is incorrect,
must be CD
Just download new version of Visual CertExam Manager
Correction: On Exam B question 9, this is the correct order:
a:link {color:#FF0000;} /* unvisited link */
a:visited {color:#00FF00;} /* visited link */
a:hover {color:#FF00FF;} /* mouse over link */
a:active {color:#0000FF;} /* selected link */
Thanks for correcting the exam CarnX.
Top job!
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