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Download Free 70-412 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-412 - Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services |
Size: | 10.42 MB |
Posted Date: | Tuesday, October 1, 2013 |
# of downloads: | 1 |
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Dear All,
Please provide me a book link of 70-412 and 70-410 latest dump at your earliest convenient.
Ashief Ahmed
Passed today with 805. Thanx a lot Singapore, Mohammed, Peter, Gentleman, and everyone else that contributes to this site!! I am now MCSA! :D:D
It's enough to pass provided you read the explanations for the answers and understand the question. All the best :)
Passed the exam today, thanks to the PDF from Peter and Singaporean. The PDF questions are valid as of now but some answers are wrong. All I could say is study smart and understand the answers well. Good luck to you all !
Less than 5 questions have problem. If you found mismatch, just rely on the highlighted note in explanation.
you said passguide PDF has wrong answers, could you tell me how many questions are wrong ? i mean if there are 5 or 8 questions, that's OK to pass, but if there are 70 or 80 wrong answers, i should better not to study that.
one more question, if i found a mismatch between answers of passguide and peter's and mohammad, which one should i choose ?
thank yoi
@jun-mcsa from United States
Both Peter's and Gentleman's PDFs valuable, they have 95% same questions. Within those same questions, Peter's PDF have some answers left no explanation which different from Gentleman's one while Gentleman's have some wrong answers in compared to it's clearly explanation. Just read both two PDFs carefully, especially explanation & references will help you find best answer for each question if the answer is not same.
@ F9X
WHICH ONE IS MORE VALID and which one has the most correct answers ? passguide OR PDFs ?
I passed 412 last weekend, thank you Peter & Gentleman for your PDFs, all them valid, even though some answers are confused or not match the explanation
Thank you ANNA,MOHAMMED and Carol for the time you took in helping us I am now MCSA 2012, passed the exam on the 11102013.My advice to the guys Carol dumps is good with exhibit but answer are not all correct had to compare with the other two dumps.Thank u a lot guys
@CK you can go to hell for as long as I care.
Passed the exam with 8xx. The dumps are OK; however thanks to Singaporean, passguide PDF became very handy. Get your studying straight - CBT Nuggets tutorials are wonderfully impressive - and use below questions to smoothly pass the exam:
passguide 70-412 - 247Q.
Download from http://adf.ly/XP9q5
Password: 5ingap0re
Thanks Exam Collection, Singaporean and all others who contribute to the website. Good luck! :)
Ok Guys,,
passguide 70-412 - 247Q.
Download from http://adf.ly/XP9q5
Password: 5ingap0re
Good luck!
@David. I didn't mean to study carol237! I meant to study the 254Q and the passguide link from GENTLEMEN.
@David. passguide is more valid as far as newer questions are concerned (it came out 10 813).Both of them have incorrect answers. The best thing is to study them both, and cross reference them with a third party.
Have fun. passguide PDF
@ everybody
if there is a difference between the answers of this vce and 254 254Q pdf, which one should i choose ?
guys, keep it mind, use the dumps as a helping tool ;)
i'm using till now Trainsignal, 30-days free cloud account for test and books(free it books) . passed the 70-410 and 70-411 with high score.
@Bruce do you think you can send the 247 lead to pass dump or pdf
- The file is password encrypted. can you please state the password for the rar file
@Muhammad Ikram, you said the dump is 95% valid and you passed. Please tell us which of the dump is valid and we will appreciate if you can tell us you scores. This will encourage and gulde some of us. Thank you
SA_Guy from United Kingdom -
how did you find the new questions missing in mohammed 186 in the pdf?
It is valid dumps. I have passed exam yesterday.
95 % same question.
Still waiting for mine to post using the PDF from Peter from NL. It looks like Dark Knight and I both converted it. i did take out some of the duplicates as I recreated all the Hot Spot and Drag Drop questions. I also broke it out into four sections as the PDF had Topic 1, Topic 2, Topic 3, and Topic 4. If it takes only 3 days, it should be up tomorrow and Dark Knight's the day after.
I Took the test last week, and did not pass! the 20 new issues exactly are the "PDF".
I did a "vce" to study the "pdf" of mohamade.
I hope to spend with the new "PDF" but this time I'm validating issues.
Braindumps is great for understanding how they ask the quiestions, but i think you have to study and realy know the stuff and were to click too. Passed the test whit 970 this week. I used cbtnuggets to study and a lab eviroment at home for practise.
thanks allot peter and Mohammad, i passed my exam using your dumps, thanks again
Thanks allot peter, appreciate your generosity
thank you so much Mr.SA_Guy
Yes you are right ; i had started doing this
thank you once again for your kind information
Mohamed 186 is a very good dump!!! Just master it and only check the new questions on the pdf which are not in the mohamed exam,that's what I did
Hi Mr.SA_Guy
there are so many conflict between Mohamed Exams answers and pdf answers , so which one you had taken ??
thanks a lot for your feedback
Dark Knight
can you post it on the media sharing site so we don have to wait for it
Courtesy of Peter from Netherlands, I converted the PDF to VCE and uploaded it. Apparently it will take up to 3 days for the file to be published. Keep an eye out for it folks. Thank you! :)
I took the PDF from http://www.mijnbestand.nl/Bestand-DIWVHP8ZYHW4.pdf and converted. I tried to upload it, but I don't see it yet. We'll see how long it takes to upload.
Mohamed 186 and the 254 pdf
SA_Guy What vce do u use ?
Passed my exam today MCSA Certified!!! Thanks to all the guys who take their time to compile dumps for us!
Sam you're so right! there are 254 Q. in this dump: (http://www.mijnbestand.nl/Bestand-DIWVHP8ZYHW4.pdf). It has the same Q as the Pass4Sure, but only the 230 first questions are the same. So there are 24 unique questions in this dump, however the 7 last Pass4Sure Q are unique too. There are a lot of reading texts in the first one, but there are some errors, you can compare the answers to the Mohammed, Anontester and Pass4 Sure versions and choose the best one.
@peter: you quote 237 questions while there are 254 in the latest dumps, are these updated and verified by any one? Appreciate your help
Thanks. I'll test to do that quickly :)
You can download the file here : http://www.mijnbestand.nl/Bestand-DIWVHP8ZYHW4.pdf
John and GuGStar are working on it, but if someone else has got the time and the skills to post it online here, be my guest :-)
I bought the Key4Pass 70-412 PDF exam with 237 Q and lots of reading material, I spend hours to convert it to VCE but it just won't work. anyone else wanna give it a try?
i agree with you Shanice, some people have the right material but don't wanna share with other people.
So far Q3 Q10 Q15 Q31 Q34 Q42 have different answers.
Q34 on this dump shows A,B. Its Q84 on mohammed and shows A,E. Anyone have any ideas?
@CK then give the ppl the right dump, ur not helping anyone here by criticizing
If u are righting this week feed back on this exam would be nice ! plz : )
Lousy Dump. Repeat and wrong answer.
Dump no good is the PDF dump lots of questions repeat not a lot of new questions
Niceeeee . w8ing for some feedback too.
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