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Download Free 70-410 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-410 - Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 |
Size: | 22.48 MB |
Posted Date: | Tuesday, June 18, 2013 |
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Hi guys this certexam is so annoying it changes the order of the questions when you reopen it at a different pc, e.g you go through an exam at your pc at work and maybe you end at question 30 and when you get home you open the same question to continue on question 30, you find the order has changed. How do i over come this because i have to use 2 pcs one at work and one at home.
the dumps is still valid. but with a lot of hard work and research. i passed the exam just yesterday with a 1000 pass. many new questions though
dump is good passed today
Q62 - It says before the Real Questions module that there will be no VPN questions in the test, can someone verify this? Were there any VPN questions?
Dump valid. I passed today.
Few issues,i believe around 10.
This dump is legit. passed 952 today. few different questions but not hard to figure out what the answers are from similar questions in this dump. Thanks
Hi people, i have 70-410 exam this coming friday so any recommendations of study material?
Thanks in advance
Hey cheezboi,
you can got to this link http://kickass.to/cbt-nuggets-microsoft-windows-server-2012-70-410-t6832192.html
and download torrents for 70-410 for cbt nuggets and http://kickass.to/installing-and-configuring-windows-server-2012-exam-ref-70-410-v413hav-t7325454.html for study mate.
Hi all I need to study for this exam does anyone have some study material like cbtnuggets..please email me a link maybe. my email address is z_shongwe@yaoo.com
Passed with 921. They have changed some questions, so read the question and don't just remember everything ;)
Still valid. Passed with 936
Hello All,
I want to prepare for 70-410 exam and i need materials to study. Can any one assist with study materials including CBT Nuggets videos ? Kindly send the links to my e-mail below.
Thanks for this great dump. Passed the exam this morning with 952. 10-15 new questions but quite similar to others. This dump has been very helpful, each question is very well explained, it has really been a great support to work with.
Q33 Which of the following is NOT true concerning DHCP failover.
The right answers are marked as false.
Thanks Omura / Snowden,
I have downloaded your latest dump and have begun studying that in preparation for my exam.
Thanks again, and voted for both.
Thereis a new dump, from now on I will place dumps under Snowden alias.
Bob from United Kingdom, in 5 days? Just read and take care of Exam A, it should be vey close to the real questions you will find at 70-410 exam.
Just make sure you know how to create/identify subnets. Exam have 5 questions like that.
Asadullah from Saudi Arabia, Buy the software, I bought it too 12 years ago and license is still valid.
Hi omoura,
Would like to say thankyou very much for putting this together, I have a question.
What section would you recommend as being the most relevant to the current exam? I've studied the entire dump over and over, I now want to concentrate hard on a set of questions before my exam in 5 days.
I read your comment about you submitting a new dump, has this not been approved yet?
Many thanks
Passed today with 921/1000. Some new questions, but still very valid.
Thank you
hi, i've next week the exam in switzerland. can i use this exams to learn. i also learn with cbt nuggets and exam ref pdf.
Moody from Unknown: for tomorrow only read exam A, Real Questions.
The rest would be if you had 1 month to prepare the exam.
I submited a new dump VCE file, should be online as soon VCE admin aproves it.
Thanks for your kind advise xxx, I will prepare using all the exams and hope i will do well in the exam. Will let you know tomorrow after i finish the exam.
Cheers guys,
Moody from Unknown - i suggest you see all the exams, that because you dont get in to a shoke, when you suddntly see someting new in the real exam.
relax. take it step by step. and im wishing you good luck.
please let us know how you did tommorow.
do you recommend studying Exam E (training guide) ? It is full of errors. Are the other stuff sufficient? Please if you let me know, i have my exam tomorrow
Thanks in advance
if you look about q 6 in B EXAM,
you will see that over there they talk about primary zone "." also.
omoura from Portugal , what do you think ?
Moody from Unknown - i think you right.
exam B, Q2, the answer should be "B"
Passed with1000/1000,
10 to 15 new Questions
hi guys,
exam B, Q2, the answer should be "B" right? Please if you can confirm
you need to create a primary zone "." to block internet.
still valid. passed exam with 936 points. there were 10 new questions.
Dump is valid. Passed today 968. About 10 new questions
Passed the Exam today with 956 points. About 15 new questions. One of them was the one that Snowden pointed.
Thanks to omoura.
You create a share named "data", the information inside "data" doesn't change a lot, users must be allow to offline it when they travel.
What should you run at server?
A: net share data /cache:manual
B: net share data /cache:BranchCache
C: net share data /cache:documents
D: net share data /cache:programs
Answer: A
Q76, Q98, Q96, Q35, Q18 from "Microsoft PracticeTest 70-410 v2013-06-24 by GillBeast 225q.vce". A question about "route add", but I don't remember it( Maybe was more new question.
Temox from Russian Federation .- How about share what new questions you got. that way I can update the dump with those new questions.
1000/1000 Thank you very much!!!! Was some new questions, and without practice knowledge I'm not have pass this exam.
Exam E is full of errors, I never full review it, check errata here. but beleive me, it's just a very small part of wrong stuff http://oreilly.com/catalog/errataunconfirmed.csp?isbn=0790145370914
You should dig too on this errata for ExamRef: http://oreilly.com/catalog/errataunconfirmed.csp?isbn=0790145369826
@nonymous from Philippines. Just check Wikepedia ;) It's there for you.
The Infrastructure Master - The purpose of this role is to ensure that cross-domain object references are correctly handled. For example, if you add a user from one domain to a security group from a different domain, the Infrastructure Master makes sure this is done properly. As you can guess however, if your Active Directory deployment has only a single domain, then the Infrastructure Master role does no work at all, and even in a multi-domain environment it is rarely used except when complex user administration tasks are performed, so the machine holding this role doesn't need to have much horsepower at all.
Now. what fsmo role you need to DC promote? ;)
In Q33 - Training Guide
Which of the following is not true concerning DHCP failover in Win2012
A - DHCP failover only suports using a maximun of 2 DHCP servers
B - DHCP failover is supported for both IPv4 and IPv6 scopes and subnets
C - DHCP failover can be implemented in 2 ways: load sharing or hot standby
D - DHCP failover requires that the DHCP servers be domain members and authorized in AD
The Answer is AC, but according to your own explanation the rigth answer should be BD. Can you please confirm this?
many tks
Passed the Exam today with 905 points
Few new questions and a small change in some answers.
I did a class course and this dump.
Learn not only this dump or els you dont pass the exam.
@Anonymous from Philippines
I think you need the Rid master for your Domain controler
You need to buy the full version of the Visual CertExam in order to see all questions. In the free version you only see 5.
hi can you guys help me?
What's the answer for the question.
What domain controller to identify to ensure dc5 can be promoted to a domain controller?
dc1 domain naming, master schema, master global catalog
dc2 pdc emulator, global catalog
dc3 infrastructure master
dc4 rid master, global catalog
Did you just study the real exam questions or all of them
In Q5 - (Which of the following tasks cannot be performed on a Virtdisk using either SM or Power shell)
You say that the correct answer is ABC, but according to you explanation the rigth answer should be B. Can you please confirm this?
xxx from Israel
I think you are right. In Q41 exam E it should be B.
Passed today with 921(around 5 questions wrong), 10 new questions, one I remember was about implementing two new printers in a warehouse and you needed to make a exclusion for these IP addresses within DHCP server. You needed to select the right place to configure the exclusion and that's inside the DHCP scope.Another new question was about migrating a share to another server using the migration toolkit. You needed to drag and drop 5 of the 6 options in the right order;
Install the migration wizard
register the migration wizard
sent the files on server 1
receive the files on server 2
Share the folder
omoura from Portugal can you please chack q 10 in exam D.
i belive the right one is B.
omoura from Portugal , can you please chack q 41 in exam E. i think the answer is only B.
Hello all ,
I neeed help urgent
I would like to know what is rhe deffernet between the exm with 116 and 380 . as the frum here the guys tel exam 116q is still valid and the 380q also valid . could you please adivs which oneshull I do preparde ?
hello omoura ,
I would like to know what is rhe deffernet between the exm with 116 and 380 . as the frum here the guys tel exam 116q is still valid and the 380q also valid . could you please adivs which oneshull I do preparde ?
anonymous from Canada. What should you do first?
Media used by the IFM option is created with Windows Server Backup or Ntdsutil.exe from another existing Windows Server 2012 computer only. How can you do it if all domain controllers run Windows Server 2008 R2?
Please provide a better answer.
Exam A, Q32. Answer is B (Create IFM media on DC1).
xxx from Israel, q 5 in exam e. you are correct, answer changed. Microsoft really needs a new errata on this.
To switch from Server Core to Minimal Server GUI mode: Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra -Restart
To switch from Server Core to full GUI mode: Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra Server-Gui-Shell -Restart
To switch from Server Core to full GUI mode with the desktop experience installed: Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra Server-Gui-Shell Desktop-Experience -Restart
To switch from Full installation to Server Core: Uninstall-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra -Restart
xxx from Israel and pajakh from Poland you are both correct, the only "dump" I didn't check was exam E, I trusted Microsoft on the publishing of the answers. thank you
im give you another example for a poor mistake.
q 47 in exam e
which of the following active directory administration tasks can you NOT perform using ADAC.
the right answer is B!!!
and Not Like this dump said that is C.
Poland- this is israel.
you are right !
Uninstall-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra = to server core
Uninstall-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell = to Minimal Server Interface instalation.
Like i wort before in the begining of this upload, there is a lot a lot of misteke in this dump !
In Q77 is D but I think it should be B:
What actions will the folowing Windows PowerShell command perform? Uninstall-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra -Restart
A. It converts s Server Core Instalation to a Server With A GUI instalation
B. It converts a Server With A GUI instalation to a Server Core instalation
C. It converts a Server Core instalation to a Minimal Server Interface instalation
D. It converts a Server With A GUI instalation to a Minimal Server Interface instalation
anyone of those who did the exam want to share the new questions?
btw did you vote for this file at bellow? Please do.
Thanks Amoura for sharing these dumps. It is so far the best one. Pass with 984 score Friday-21-06-2013.
Thanks Amoura for sharing these dumps. I passed today with 952 points! Awesome!
Q186 Talking about servers ABC-SR07 and ABC-SR01 where did the ABC-SR13 come from in the answers?
Passed yesterday with 984, Thanks for omoura、Xaelian、BruceyB and Gambit,10-12 new questions.
May i know how many questions on the test and how many hours
there is a lot of misteke.
like q 5 in exam e.
the answer is only B and not like its show in a green color.
The dump is very good approx. 50 question from dump out of 60. kindly review before go to exam. I pass exam with 872 marks thanks
sxleilong from Unknown,
Q186 you are correct "is not a valid option", I changed it
Q170 Answer is B
Tell me if you know something against option B
Hello.have passed today 952 score.please remember that Dump is very good, but 9-10 question must be new in every Exam, so careful about that. Thanks again.
100%. Good dump, just studied this one and only dump. Thank u Omoura.
I'm happy, I passed today with 921! Thanks for sharing these dumps.
Great dump! Thanks heaps. Passed yesterday with 936!
Passed with 921/1000.Very few new questions. I believe somewhere around 8-10.
Thanks a lot for sharing these dumps.
Absolutely great file. Everything is explained in detail. Thank you very much for this effort, omoura!
Q186:I think the right answer are B、D,not A、D, the same as Q170.
You work as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network consists of a single domain named ABC.com. All servers on the ABC.com network have Windows Server 2012 installed.
You have been instructed to make sure that a server, named ABC-SR07, is configured to be managed remotely from ABC-SR01 using Server Manager.
Which of the following is not a valid option to take? (Choose all that apply.)0
A:You could access the server manager on ABC-SR01.
B:You could access the server manager on ABC-SR13.
C:You could run the %windir%system32Configure-SMRemoting.exe from n elevated command prompt on ABC-SR13.
D:You could run the Configure-SMRemoting.exe -enable cmdlet on ABC-SR01.
Q170:The dump's answer is right, choose B.
You work as an administrator at ABC.com. The ABC.com network consists of a single domain named ABC.com. All servers on the ABC.com network have Windows Server 2012 installed.
You have received instructions to install the Remote Desktop Services server role on a server, named ABC-SR07. You want to achieve this remotely from a server, named ABC-SR06.
Which of the following actions should you take?
A:You should consider accessing the Server Manager console on ABC-SR07.
B:You should consider accessing the Server Manager console on ABC-SR06.
Anybody confirm ?
yorugua from Uruguay, yeaaa that why sometimes you read the book erratas.
and update the book answers. read the errata and come back
Please, check this exam. The answers do not match the information. Eg Examref
thanks for sharing these dumps again ;)
Do you have any good dumps on 70-411 or 70-412? :D
because i like the dumps which you did
Additionally these are extremely detailed questions, with multiple exams (not just dumps) so perfect if you actually want to learn the content not just pass an exam :)
Massive thanks to omoura for the massive 390 questions dump!
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