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Exam | 70-480 - MCSD Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 |
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Posted Date: | Wednesday, May 22, 2013 |
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When people get in Limpopo they post such comments while some are focused on studying....
Can anybody tell the answer for:
The page must look like this (dots stand for empty space):
This is main contents. This
is Section 1. The end of
Section 1. The end of main
...Section 2
The HTML is:
#section1 {
position: *choose*;
#section2 {
/* choose position or float*/
position: absolute or relative;
or float: right;
top: 200px;
left: -100px;
width: 100;
This is main contents.
<span id="section1">This is Section 1. The end of Section 1.</span>
<span id="section2">Section 2 contents</span>
The end of main contents.
this dump 50% valid, about 20 new questions
passed with 930
15.dont forget the order of link, visited, hover , active (i forgot :P)
16. I had a question with webworker and had to post a message,
My answer was something like :
var msg=document.getElementbyID("abc");
$.post(socket.onmessage, function aab (msd) { } )
17.a question was like how to stop a web worker from main page. My answer was:
1. from the main page call the close() method of the web worker.
2.from the webworker call the close() methode of the main page.
18.there was a list which need to be sorted and then added back to the html. the html was like this:
u have to sort the list. i dont remember the code.do check this.
19. there was a number of divs in an html page with some css associated with the divs. u have to change the css of all the divs.
13. An HTML was given something like
E-mail: <input type="email" name="userid" required><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"><br>
<input type="submit" formnovalidate value="Save">
3 questions with Yes/No options
a) If you click submit without filling email error occurs - Yes
b) If you hover over email it shows a message about the field - No
c) If you click Save without fillinf email error occure - No
css was given for
article {color :something}
aside {color :something}
article h4 {color :something}
aside h4 {color :something}
h4 {color: something}
headline{color: something }
html was something like
<h4 class="headline"> International News</h4>
<aside> <h4> New Developments </h4></aside>
<h4>Impact on Markets</h4>
questions were Yes/No type
a)color of International news was something -
b)color of New Developments was something
c)color of Impact on Markts news was something
| |
| |
|Start Of text. span1 starts|
|here.span1 ends here. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| span2 |
| |
| |
| |
The html was
<p>Start of text <span1>Span1 starts here <span2> span2 </span2 >Span 1 ends here<span1></p>
and the css was
span1 : float : ??? (i selected left)
span 2: position : ??? (i selected relative)
11. There was a canvas questionand you had to associate an event on the click over the canvas (radio button question)
There was a javascript onload method
where the canvas was defined as
var canvas = document.getElementById("c"),
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
context.fillRect(10, 20, 200, 100);
????????? ( I select canvas.click=function-name)
Check this out
12. a question came with html as
<h1> </h1>
<article> </article>
<article> </article>
<article> </article>
<article> </article>
<h2> </h2>
<article> </article>
<article> </article>
<article> </article>
<article> </article>
I had to apply all the the first article with a css
answer was article:first-of-type
7. A JSON had to be parsed and added to the table.like
var a=$.parseJSON(jsonobj);
8. An Xml was given of books
<book genre="abc">
<title> def </title>
<author> def </author>
had to arrange codes to find out the genre and title
ans: node=something.getSingleNode("//book");
genre= node.getAttribute("genre");
title= node.nodevalue;
9.had a question with custom events name orderlisting
answer was something like;
a) var orderlisting =document.getElementbyID("orders")
b) orderlisting.addEventListener("orderlistingevent",Showorderscount)
c) orderlisting.dispatchEvent(new custom event
detail: {order count=5;}
bubble: false;
cancellable: true
had to make sure that the event was cancellable and other dom elements didnt know about the event and the event contained a order count data
. A JSON had to be parsed and added to the table.like
var a=$.parseJSON(jsonobj);
8. An Xml was given of books
<book genre="abc">
<title> def </title>
<author> def </author>
had to arrange codes to find out the genre and title
ans: node=something.getSingleNode("//book");
genre= node.getAttribute("genre");
title= node.nodevalue;
9.had a question with custom events name orderlisting
answer was something like;
a) var orderlisting =document.getElementbyID("orders")
b) orderlisting.addEventListener("orderlistingevent",Showorderscount)
c) orderlisting.dispatchEvent(new custom event
detail: {order count=5;}
bubble: false;
cancellable: true
had to make sure that the event was cancellable and other dom elements didnt know about the event and the event contained a order count data
We passed the exam yesterday with 953. Got around 30-35 qsn common. Read Helper's comments.
Apart from the comments some new questions were
1. access private method using priviledged class. Read code of the priveledged class.I got a drag drop and had to arrange the code. Guessed it :P
2.IsNAN() -2, "5", 2.3
3.A question on drag and drop an element.The javascript of that was just something.setData('text',e.something.id) in the first dropdown
and var id=something.getData('text') in the second drop down
4. func1() inherits from func2(). How to determine?
5. set all inputs with class name ending with xxx
answer is input[xxx$]
6. func1()
var a=1000; <-- 1st block
var a=800; <-- 2nd block
var a=400; <-- 3rd block
func1(); <-- 4th block
The four blocks were missing had to fill such that it displays the greatest first and smallest last.
I passed exam today. This dump is very useful. My scope is 976. I have many new questions.
- custom javascript event;
- question with isNaN function;
- questions posted Helper;
-one question with geolocation.watchPosition;
- one question with -ms-flexbox
- very difficult and confused question with WebSocket and more.
Exam was very difficult. I take 2 hour. Now my head throbs all over the place
Passed the exam. Most questions from dumps. Got nearly 20-25 new questions.
Got new questions on followings :
- Geo location ( get location and speed) - 2 question
- CSS selectors ( few yes/No questions )
- Custom Java script event ( have to drag and drop codes to create event)
- Create custom font ( already custom font is created, but customer complan instead of custom font display default font. solve this problem (need to drag & drop code)
- validate ssl in input box. ( what is the property to use this validation. (text type or pattern . )
- question from isNaN function.
- read data receive from json object.
read the comments of others. got several questions from them as well.
70% questions on there. still was able to pass with 950+
Passed earlier this week - 80% valid ;-)
Can you send some new questions ?
Valid, but 16 new questions, passed with 930.
30 Questions Valid
50% valid. 58 questions, tight time, score 953
The comments from Helper are very useful.
SOAP $ajax (type: . ContentType: . dataType:. data: .) Fill in .
rotate circle 2d rotate transform
50% valid, about 20 new questions.
there was the ask with 3 no's or yes about blue or othr box i ask all with no, was right.
dump i to 50% valid
valid dump passed last week with 853
These dumps worked for me in Dubai, got more than 900 maks
I'm not sure I remember the questions correctly, please forgive me if cause you trouble. Good luck! :)
The page must look like this (dots stand for empty space):
This is main contents. This
is Section 1. The end of
Section 1. The end of main
......Section 2
The HTML is:
#section1 {
position: *choose*;
#section2 {
/* choose position or float*/
position: absolute or relative;
or float: right;
top: 200px;
left: -100px;
width: 100;
This is main contents.
<span id="section1">This is Section 1. The end of Section 1.</span>
<span id="section2">Section 2 contents</span>
The end of main contents.
None of the options for #section2 looked quite right to me. Pay attention to the negative left.
Will the text fill all the columns and rows? Will the blue box be in the center? (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh673558%28v=vs.85%29.aspx)
#grid {
display: -ms-grid;
-ms-grid-columns: 100px 100px 100px;
-ms-grid-rows: 50px 50px 50px;
#text {
-ms-grid-row: 1;
-ms-grid-column: 1;
-ms-grid-column-span: 3;
-ms-grid-row-span: 3;
#bluebox {
background: blue;
-ms-grid-row: 2;
-ms-grid-column: 2;
-ms-wrap-flow: auto;
<div id="grid">
<div id="text">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
<div id="bluebox">
The dump and the comments to the dump are sufficient to pass the exam. Thanks to everybody!
However, there were some new questions.
One of tasks about function creation.
There is a list <ul><li></li>..</ul> and there is an array with elements. You need to get elements from the list, sort them and add to the end of the array.
Passed, 976.
About 25 questions are new. Other questions are from this dump. The dump is valid.
Some questions are from Helper from Poland, slav from Bosnia and Herzegovina and slavAli from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thank you.
Some questions
- geolocation, if user change his location you need to show..
- click event using "on", $(document).on(., .., ..)
- isNan for string, expression (3*8), decimal, ..
- xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200
- border-radius, text-shadow, different for -ms-grid-row..
It is difficult to remember other questions, the idea of many of them is to create a function. You have several lines of code and you need to select correct lines and place them in appropriate order.
It is difficult to pass the exam without good knowledge in js, css3.
Can some one assist me with questions 10 and 11 from slaAli
10. Processing UI related things with web workers, what should they process (select 2):
a. Long running graphic calculations
b. long and large data localStorage write/writes
c. long mathematical operations with looping through array
d. applying DOM styles
is the answer: a and c ?
11. iframe in page. User can enter comments in iframe. You should prevent attacks. Sandbox attribute is response
Not clear with this question, is the answer sandbox="response"?
This is good vce 20 new questions
9. You get HTML with two text inputs int1 and int2 and two buttons Add and Divide. There is code:
onerror = function () {alert(error)}
function Add() { Int1.val() + int2.val()}
function Divide() {
if(isNAN(int1.val() || isNAN(int2.val())) throw ("Error")
else return int1.val()/int2.val()}
Three questions
a. Add button is pressed and user entered 2 + 3. is result 5 - answer is no (because plus in this situation is string concatenation)
b. Divide function (val1=3, val2=0 ) is error handler called. NO
c. Divide function val1=3, val2='a' is onerror called. Yes
10. One question with the processing UI related things with web workers, what should they process (select 2):
a. Long running graphic calculations
b. long and large data localStorage write/writes
c. long mathematical operations with looping through array
d. applying DOM styles
11. iframe in page. User can enter comments in iframe. You should prevent attacks. Sandbox attribute is response
12. test for empty object. You have described DoWork function
a. if no parameter passed it parses some xml
b. if parameter is passed performs ajax call
c. if no param and something empty opbject is returned???
Correct answer Obj.length == 0(other options $.IsObjectEmpty().)
13. HTML input type='range' or type='date' for month input. Answer is range min=1 max=12
this thump is not valid.
About 20 new questions:
. Css3. Question to create shadow on picture and text to go to new line in case of overflow.
a. text-shadow: blue 1px 1px 1px 2px;
b. word-wrap:break-word
2. JavaScript. Parse xml with AJAX legacy browsers too 6-7 bloks of code lineup
(see http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_xmlhttprequest_create.asp):
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xmlDoc = xmlhttp.responseXml
// set the div's values from xmlDoc
3. Create your JS library with private method _private() that can not be called directly.
a. Answer is to create create privileged method that calls _private method (http://javascript.crockford.com/private.html)
4. -ms-grid 3 cols 3 rows. Div with class Bluebox in col:2 row:2 and div content in col:1,row:1, col-span 3, row-span 3. Three questions is 1. div content around bluebox 2. Bluebox in fixed position 3. Div content spans all cells. All yes
5. You have html table with header and few rows. And css set
a. Table border is set
b. tr:nth-child(odd) background-color: red
c. td:nth-oftype(even) background-color: blue
three questions about: color of first row (red), color of second cell in firs row (red), color of 2nd cell in third row (blue)
6. JS code. Create custom event on element. Create and dispatch event with custom info one liner. bubbles= false, cancelable: true.
Answer like: http://www.sitepoint.com/javascript-custom-events/
7. -ms-flexbox. Picture with boxes is given,
need to be fixed size. Anwer is to select ones with pixels 100px 250px 100px 250px .
8. SVG scale circle to be greater by 50%. Answer is: var box = selectElembById("cicle") box.r = box.r*1.5;
@Zero from Germany,
about 50% from this dump
I passed today with 9531000 :)
I passed the exam yesterday. The dump is valid. I got 39 questions from dump and I scored 884.
Passing today with 953.
1. Check the value of Contoso.Name (Undefined - Yes, all other options - No)
2. Input with javascript on focus and blur (Check if input are yellow on load - No, If input get value they have white color - Yes, third option i don't remember but i select - No)
if (text1.value == null || text1.value = "")
text1.color = yellow
text1.color = white
3. Two questions to select figure/figurecaption/figurecaption/figure
4. Two questions with throw new Error (id, message)
5. if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xmlDoc = xmlhttp.responseXml
6.SVG - Rotate a rectangle with animation
Need to get rectangle
Define speed of timer
Call transform with rotate option
50% of questions came from this Dump and got passed.
Dump is not valid. Can someone post a new dump? Thanks
Passed today with 1000. Thanks very much for the dump which is very helpful. 20 more new questions.
1000/1000 this stuff is very helpful! Nearly half of the questions were from this dump. But don't forget to look at all recommended areas for this certificate, for example function scope, web worker communication, handling JSON objects etc. Good luck :-)
Scored 1000/1000 with latest dumps.
My exam is booked for tomorrow.
Attention please: silenskies want to sell the answer! :(
Still valid i Denmark (I had 958p of 1000, there were 58 questions totally in the test).
At least 50% (propably more) of my examination questions was in this dump. Study specially @Helper's questions. _ALL_ of them appeared on my exam (thx @Helper).
Oh, one new thing. There were one tricky question about user defined javascript events which I haven't seen here or anywhere before!
If I remember it right you had to:
* provide the new event with a (string) name (like 'click', 'mouseover', 'enter')
* make the event cancelable
* know how to prevent the target object from gossiping of other objects in the DOM structure that an event has occurred (bubbling ..)
A very similar example of the particular question can be found here:
* http://www.sitepoint.com/javascript-custom-events/
(read the code section starting with "var event = new CustomEvent( ..")
Good luck!
Hi guys and girls The exam above is valid about 20% come from this exam, study the last questions really hard even though they are a bit vague. I wrote today, the paper was a nightmare, I used all my time and scored 9780. Nothing in the above will prepare you for it, rely on your studies, the study guides mentioned in the previous responses really really helped and the dude called helper really helped. Thnx dude.
Dump accurate for majority. Other questions on XMLHttpRequest (parsing XML), CSS 3 nth child selectors, JSONP
still valid in Spain, passed today with 1000/1000. about 20 new question of 58
still valid in Vietnam, passed today with 976/1000. about 45% new question
Passed the test with 1000 score. 35 questions were from this dump, the other 23 were new. Study what others have posted here before, it should be enough. I remember one new question that wasn`t posted here either:
Q: Theres a code snipet and the requirements: if the value is greather then 500 show "DENIED". If the value is less than 300 show "aproved with warnings" and if the value is greater than 300 and less then 300 show "aproved".
It`s a drag and drop question. Just drag if (foo > 500), then else if (foo <300) and else { }.
Hi all,
I just take the exam, from Portugal and this dump still valid, half of the questions where from here. I got 1000 score, I will tell What I remember.
1)Custom events: atach de event, create and dispatch the event with bubbles= false, cancelable: true
2)There was a big javascript function and you had to choose from board what will return the output variable. I put all NO, and the answer UNDEFINED-YES
3)There was only a <p ./p>, and you must choose the answer that changes the p, I choose the one with heigth
4)fill a table with json object, you have to create the function, one I choose was the each function to do that.
5)You have xml doc, and have to access to attributes and nodes and values.
There were lots of questions to create functions with drag and drop. Not easy, I need some time to those questions. Good luck to all.
One question with the processing UI related things with web workers, what should they process (select 2):
a) canvas operations
b) long and large data localStorage write/writes
c) long mathematical operations with looping through array
d) applying DOM styles
And one question with IsNaN function. You had two inputs and two buttons. One button called add() and another divide().
In add you had alert(input1.val() + input2.val()). In divide you had checking with isNan and then perform input1.val() /input2().val. There was a global error handler that alert-ed with message. You should answer yes or not what happend if you provide 5 and 1, 5 and 0 and 5 and a. Be careful what happends if you add input1.val() and input2.val() as string.
9. There was div with two ul-s
<div id="d">
<ul> <li>/<li>
The task was to append the border with 1px the first ul on the page
a) answer with $.each(div) then $.each ul
b) answer with first-of-type()
c) direct border="1px" assignment to the ul
d) div#d > ul css selector
10. One multiselectable with table that has header only, and yo have json like:
<table id="t">
var fruits = {"bananas", 12, "oranges" 11}. You need to add them to the table
he answer was like (IMHO):
$.each(fruits, function(key,val){
$(#t).after("<tr>" + key + "</tr>" +.)
But were also
var data = parseJSON()
11. The most stupid was with images you had response from Ajax call with JSON format, and had function that was appending object to some div:
function ImageData(image){
// requested code
var imgageData = new ImageData(json);
and $(#div).html(imageData.img);
This question IMHO was not possible to do, beacause you could only select 3 answers but this required 4 to complete the task:
1) var img = document.CreateElement(img)
2) img.src = image.FileName;
img.alt = image.Description;
3) return this.img;
one missing part that was available was this.img = img that I could not set between 2 and 3 because of 3 elements limitation.
others answers were
return img.HTMLImage()
this.img = document.CreateElement(img)
this.img.Description = image.Description
4. One conceptual how to send data from contoso.com to fabricam.com. I do not remeber all answers:
a) websockets
b) CQRS?
d) crossdomain.xml
5. There was svg and circle inside of it. You had to increase circle size by 1,5.
a) c.r = c.r *1,5
b) c.setAttribute()
c) c.setTransformSthIdontRemember
d) svg.setAttribute()
6. How to capture click on canvas
7. Change color of canvas when mouse is over or is movin with one event (i selected onmouseover, but there was onmousemove and onmouseout).
8. There was a form with checkbox and input field. The main taks was to disable input if checkbox is not checked.
There was some part of css like
input:placeholder {
bg-color: gray
and i chose placeholder = disabled (http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_disabled.asp)
and the secod part was to disable this input by checkbox
i.disabled = false;
i.disabled = true;
I hope this will help with preparation. I got 953/1000.
1. Question about how to get the data with ajax, the correct answer should be very similar
(see http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/ajax_xmlhttprequest_create.asp):
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xmlDoc = xmlhttp.responseXml
// set the div's values
2. There were 3 boxes that were one-by-one. In order to achieve the nice flow of them I selected flex-box attribute values
- stretch and then
- justify
3. Get the data from web service. The difference was with the Http method and the way you passed the arguments (here below is just the idea),
a) $.ajax( url ="http://contoso.com/webservice.asmx/GetProducts", type ="POST", data ={ cat ='A'})
b) $.ajax( url ="http://contoso.com/webservice.asmx/GetProducts", type ="SEND", data ={ cat ='A'})
c) $.ajax( url ="http://contoso.com/webservice.asmx/GetProducts?cat='A'", type ="POST")
d) $.ajax( url ="http://contoso.com/webservice.asmx/GetProducts?cat='A'", type ="SEND")
I marked Post and data ={}
Hi, I passed today with 930. I had 58 questions and like others almost the half were new ones. Some answer options from some questions coming from the dump has been changed. For example regarding the text- transform CSS property. 'capitalize' has been replaced to 'uppercase'.
I had 4 to 5 questions about form validation. Read about the 'formonvalidate' attribute. 1 question concerned an iframe and sandbox. Read about the attribute sandbox='allow-scripts' and the difference to the attribute 'seamless'.
I had 5 or 7 questions about JavaScript custom object syntax, JSON and Ajax. Also I had some larger text questions which has to be marked as yes or no. Like - do the above code raises an error?.
good luck
60% valid in South Africa. +- 30 new questions. Make sure you know your JS/AJAX/JSON syntax.
100% valid I get 930
Me to please.
csying @ naver.com
I am taking the exam this week ~ plz help~~~~~~~~
Passed today with score 1000. To prepare for Exam, I suggest to use
and JumpStart.
Additional you should to read about Drag & Drop,
Me to please.
j2plus @ gmx.de
someone Can you please email me the pictures at damdsilva @ g mail. com. Thanks very much.
Me to please.
Plz send me new questions too (michaelkaraz @ gmail.com) thanks a million.
Hi, pls send me new questions or the pictures Fabio sent
at sureshmalluri @ gmail.com, am writing soon. Thanks in advance.
Hey! Guys, pls send me new questions or the pictures Fabio sent
at zeemththw@gmail.com, am writing tomorrow. Thanx in advance.
Sorry, my email is vitoralves100@outlook.com.
I am taking the exam this week, Fabio or another person can email me the pictures of the exam or anything that helps.
Thank you!!
Everyone, stop flooding!! @Fabio sent us 12 pictures: 4 pictures you can take from dump, 4 pictures don't clear. It has only 3 normal questions. Don't worry, new questions do not count!!
I done the teste yesterday. Are 58 questions, 21 new questions. This dump is valid!!! I take 1000 on test! =)
Hi, can anyone send me newest questions for this exam, pls? email: viesulis1982@gmail.com. Thanks, a lot, in advice!
Hello can anyone send me new questions from Fabio at joemacmacjoe @ gmail .com? Thanks!
Please does someone have the book "Microsoft 70-480 Exam Quick Study Guide - Weston Henry" ??
I wrote mine today, Got 953, dump is good, new questions were there also, am good in web development so it didn't cause much of a problem, read on Json.
@hav, I also need the new issues. please could someone send to damdsilva @ g mail. com . thank you!
@hav Can you kindly to share the new questions or the picture from Fabio. Thank you very much. my email: bibivui@hotmail.com
I also need the new issues. please could someone send to damdsilva @ g mail. com
Hi everyone,
Got 884. 15-20 new questions. The dump is enough to pass. Fabio pictures don't very helpful, only 1 question i had. Don't worry. It is easy to pass.
hey plz update the dump or mail me.
Hi anyone, please suggest me the updated questions. If possible, mail me at harsha.ped@gmail.com
@Fabio or the guys who received the questions,
Can you please email me the pictures at damdsilva @ g mail. com. Thanks very much.
Im taking this exam this month and want to know if there are some more new questions. Pls Help!
My email: bibivui@hotmail.com
can anyone send me new questions at annmonteg@yahoo.com ? I'll be very grateful.
When do we get the new dump for this test as so many people are posting that they faced new questions
Guys, i want to give Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
please help me what i need to do..
Can anyone mail me the new questions to dyanshadiz@gmail.com . It will be very helpful to me.
Request you to share the 20 new questions. Please e-mail new questions to me @ nehajain24@rediffmail.com
@Fabio or the guys who received the questions,
Can you please email me the pictures at chang.iris @ g mail. com. Thanks very much.
About 50% valid. New questions are mostly drag n drop. The dump give you good idea of the questions and you just need to have good programming logic to solve drag n drop questions!! Passed with 953 today.
@Fabio: can you please email me the latest at dashwithash @ gmail.com
Can anyone send the new question to exgerth @ gmail . com, plz? My test is at august 1st.
Pls I will be writing mine in few days time, any help will be appreciated, thanks, oshadami_mj@yahoo.com
Hello all
@Fabio: can you please email me the pictures at the
Thank you!
Hello all
Could you guys send the questions to me too :)
Thank you!
Hey all,
I have this exam really soon and passing is extremely Important. If anyone has those new questions or the pictures please forward then to
Jihaut@hotmail.co.uk and I will be extremely grateful. Thanks in advance. Once i have them I will share.
@Fabio: can you please email me the pictures at the.great04@yahoo.com
Thank you!
Hi all, I will be writing an exam a few weeks, I would appreciate if you could share the new questions. Please email me at iamoutlook@yahoo.com.
Thank you
What type of new questions are you guys facing? are they from jquery, js, css.? People who passed can please discuss it here, it'd helpful for many
Hi Guys am having the exam in a weeks time please,please and please email me the new updated questions to k.mathole@webmail.co.za or kag.mathole@gmail.com your help and co-operation will be highly appreciated
@Fabio Hi, please kindly send new questions to me, I will have exam next week. devrookie@libero.it
Passed today 976. 22/58 questions were new. Wish I could share but all of them where drag and drop coding questions. Dump is good but best know your stuff if you wanna pass. ;)
So many people already did the exam with the new questions. Why not share them?
passed today.score 900,the dump is half vaild,around 25 new quwstion. is hard to say that this dump is enough to pass this exam .
I passed the exam. The dump is good but not enough!! 20/25 new questions.
25/58 new questions!!
Around 30 new questions.
Hi everyone. I took the exam this week and I got 976 points (976 in 1000). So, this dump is valid but it only allow you to get around 500 points. The exam has 58 questions and you need to prepare to this exam very well. There are 30 new questions. Pay attention to:
1. Drag and Drop
2. jquery
3. css selectors
4. variable scope in javascript
5. web workers
Can someone plz help me whith de new questions plz, mi email bridgetteK04@ovi.com
I have my exam scheduled next week. I heard there are a few questions on web sockets. I have no idea what web sockets even are. Please! If anyone can tell me what type of web sockets questions I should prepare for, we all would appreciate it
Please if someone have the new questions
sent it to me hisko12@gmail.com I will create the vce
@Anand : Please upload the latest vce asap. I have the exam scheduled next week. If possible mait it to soumik.kundu2011@gmail.com. cheers :)
@Fabio Hi Fabio, if you have time, plz kindly send new questions to me, I will have exam next week. templar.jojo@gmail.com
hi, please send me this pictures too :) artur87rtf@gmail.com
@Fabio, I am taking the exam tomorrow, if you get a chance, please email me the new questions to mageshjs@gmail.com. Thanks
@Fabio I would greatly appreciate if you could send the pictures to my email. Its nickbrooks859@yahoo.com. I have my exam coming up next week and I am really scared
@fabio, I am developing a new vce with latest questions. Please send me the new questions at anand.majethia@gmail.com .
@Cosion: give me you email. I will send the pictures to you.
@Maria: I will send you the pictures as soon as possible. I don't have much time to make a new dump, but I'll try.
Will also be taking the exam soon. It looks like there are a lot of new questions, so can you please update the dump with the new ones please. Thanks in adavnce
I passed the exam with 976/1000. I was very happy but the exam was difficoult because half of the questions were changed. I did some picture to the new questions. So, I'll try to make a new dump with some of the new questions.
i pass but my surprise when +ó- 20 questions are news and unknows. only 3 questions wihtout know the answer. Be carefull
Passed today. Score 976. Exam was very hard. Near 30 questions are not from dump. Pay a lot attention on working with json, apply, call, delegate functions. Had questions about navigator, sockets, jquery selectors, read json objects from XML, requirement was support old browsers like IE6, create shared library and prevent calls of some private function. I spend all 2 hours on exam. A lot of thinking required. Correct answer on question about range control step="0". I have 100% correct answers in this section. Exam not easy, prepare carefully! Good luck!
thank you
Update this dump please. It can help alot. I am planning to give exam this month. And I am waiting for it to be updated :(
wrote the exam today score 930/1000, just use the guideline that others gave, about 15 new question, this dump is enough to pass the test, and the new question are not bad,
Passed the exam. 30/58 are new questions. The new ones regard:
1. IsNaN
2. Custom exception and typeof, isinstanceof
3. How to arrange try, catch, finally in code. there are few new questions on this
4. CSS3 grid layout
5. How to arrange switch, case, break, default
6. Property and validation properties for HTML input, using pattern, type and regular expression
7. create shared library in JS
Note that there are many drag-n-drop questions
Thanks and good luck!
22/58 new questions, others were from here. Other questions aren't so easy, but you can rely on general programming and see the answer in some cases.
The dump is valid but not complete. Pay close attention to some of the comments made by other users like. A few tips, research thoroughly the ISNan function (I got 2 questions), .IsObjectEmpty (will help you with one new question), both :nth-child and :nthchildoftype and a regular expression to return all lines that have only numbers, letters and hyphens only (At least this is what I remember). Also remember you can query jquery functions with multiple parameters with one json object which has the same number of parameters.
This & other couple o recent are Valid Dumps, but couple of questions has been added, Today i scored 953/1000. Thanks for these dumps, looking forward to write other exams too.
Took exam today. Passed with 792. Dump very helpful but found around 20 new questions. The number of the questions from the dump was enough to pass the exam. Be careful: the answers are not always in the same order of the dump. So do not memorize them by position. Do it by syntax. Bye!
Valid. Passed 815. 18 new questions
Valid. Passed with 957
Took test today, got over 900+, I had around 20 new questions, this dump was very helpful, its certainly work using as the questions did appear. One tip is to read up about creating 'custom' javascript events. if you are a web developer then you should be 'ok' with the new questions, if not then erm.good luck :P
Like others have said, only half of these questions are valid - was harder than I expected but still passed with 976. If you follow some the pointers others have given you will pass.
Half of the question from this dump. Out of 58 questions it got tally only 30. Luckily passed with 930/1000.
Only half of the questions were valid, still passed with 900+
fail >> kos om abokom
Pass 861.
More 20 new questions.
alertInvalidQuestions('Failed by 680/1000');
Failed got 525. Not valid dump
Invalid dumps in India. I found 30 to 32 questions from out of dumps. Finally failed with score 580/1000.
Invalid dumps ----> filed today with 320/1000.
not vaild <<< i fail with 680
I passed this however I only saw 10 to possibly 15 questions from this practice. The questions are definitely new and structured differently. The test itself is actually a little buggy on the newer questions which doesn't help. Text disappears and reappears, some multiple choice single answer radio buttons actually allow you to select more than one answer and could not be unselected.
I'd honestly wait a little for them to fix this before I tried to take it.
Passed with 953. Yes, there are interesting new questions. Study
Difference between call and apply. SVG circle scale(zoom in), .on, delegate syntax .delegate( selector, eventType, handler(eventObject) ) dont remember all but if your familar with HTML, JS exam will be ok.
Test scheduled for tomorrow morning! I'd kill for even some direction on what topics to cover/study for these extra questions!
I keep hearing about these new questions but I can't find any info on them. I'd really like to know what I'm up against. Does anyone have and update with at least some of the new questions? I'd be eternally grateful!
I completed this exam today. Cleared with 930 score. Around 20 questions out of dumps. Make yourself prepared for these 20 questions.All the best.
I've exam today. Kindly, please somebody point me to web links, articles related to new questions.
Thanks in advance :)
As AVE said. New questions were added. But still, 1000/1000 :)
Guys, I just now took the exam.There were around 20 new qn's and if you are the kind who just rely on this dump,then it's going to be a sweat time. I spent the entire 2 hours of test time. 80% of the time i was spending on the new qn's, Alas i passed with 861. More tougher qn's were from DOMJavaScriptingJson. There were two new qn's for Iframes, SOCKET call, Image Rotate, Secure Functions using _private etc. Be prepared.
Admins, A new dump need to be released for this test.
There are a lot of new questions. I passed today this exam, but there were15-20 new questions, and they asked 58 questions not 39 as before.
Has the questions got really changed? is this dump still valid? I am about to take the exam shortly :(
40-50% valid in sweden
Still valid (50%). Remaining are new questions. Got 907 today.
Not all questions are still valid. Had 21/58 new questions.
Other questions are ok. 950/1000
Not all questions are valid. Had 19/58 new questions.
Still was very helpfull though, 1000/1000 score.
Are those 71 all questions from the exam? Im taking this exam this month and want to know if there are some more questions. Pls Help!
Any differences from Microsoft BrainDump 70-480 v2013-04-10 by Azad 71q.vce?
Still valid in Taiwan. Got 935
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