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Download Free 70-743 Exam Questions
Exam | 70-743 - Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA: Windows Server 2016 |
Size: | 7.56 MB |
Posted Date: | Wednesday, October 12, 2016 |
# of downloads: | 10755 |
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Guys, Use only Premium Dump, Passed today with 940/1000.
Passed today 940. Used premium VCE valid. 3 new VPN questions only. I answerd all 3 with no :-)
premium more accurate only 3 new question about dns related to the present scenario
passed 28 July in Italy
Still up to date
just cleared 70-74. Premium is 100% accurate. only study premium.
Pass with premium in holland,
Guys kindly assist with a valid dump for 70-743 i need to take this exam next week
Today I passed with 935 points. Used this Premium file. I had about 3 new questions.
The dump is not valid on Exam Online Proctor, the questions are all new. I failed today...
Yes, I managed to be passed with the score of 931. Only with the Premium vce today. Thank you!
Passed with 940 . used the premium file. :)
Premium dump (107q) is still valid. Passed exam score: 948 today.
Premium dump is still valid. From Turkey score 920
Hi Just bought the premium dump, Anyone passed the exams with it recently
Premium Dump Still Valid, Pass score 900
Passed today in USA, 9XX, used only the premium file, completely accurate and worth the money
Passed (940) on june 30th, only used the Premium 107q
Passed today with 959, mostly premium dump but this dump definetely has some incorrect answers. I recommend spending some time to self-researching Q's, A´s that will also give you a better understanding of the concepts.
Does anyone know if the premium file valid in Australia and what Vce are you all using.
Passed (984) today, with Premium 107q only.
Passed (940) today, with Premium 107q only. Colombia
Passed last week , score 922 using premium 107q
Passed (940) today, with Premium 107q only.
Guys, are you talking about 107q premium file?
passed using premium dump 9xx .Well worth the money.
passed with premium 9xx
Anybody passed this exam using the free dump?
Passed using premium 9xx points
This dump is invalid. None of the questions were in exam. I used OZ and Atif. Pass with 8XX today. There were a handful of new questions.
- windows advance firewall
- add-dnsserverqueryresolutionpolicy
- dnssec validation gpo nrpt
- enabled for cluster communication only - (Get-ClusterNetwork ClusterNetwork1). Role =1
- Couple more questions which I couldn't remember all
Passed with 957 score in Canada using the Premium VCE. Its worth paying for the premium VCE because all of my 59 exam questions were from that premium dump. Guarantee to pass with that. These other 2 Free VCE are no good, not one question on my 70-743 exam was from these free dumps. Good Luck all!!
bob dump is 100% fake...
I bought the 70q premium from 10-2-2017 but haven't had the time to learn. i do now but is the premim from 10 feb still valid? don't want to spend $70 to find out is is still the same.
We checked the file, it is not encrypted.
We recommend using of VCE Exam Simulator to play VCE files properly.
Yes I needed
When I open this free .vce file with FileproView
It is encrypted
We downloaded and checked the file. It works correctly.
You can write a letter to the support of your VCE player with description of your problem.
I download the VCE file, but it can be opened. I get the error message "EFOpenError. Does anyone know know to solve that issue ? That might be a bug.
Just passed this exam 70-743 today with 9XX points and i used the premium file and that one is 100% valid
Passed the 70-740Exam this Morning 948 points today with using the premium VCE. Only 2 or 3 new questions You should pass with out a hurdle
Scored a 948 points today with using the premium VCE. Only 1 or 2 questions on the exam are not in the VCE. Very valid if you aks me.
Premium dump is valid in Canada, passed on the weekend with 9xx
What date / version has the latest premium file?
Guys, is Bob's dump still valid?
I passed with PREMIUM 871 score
I passed today using PREMIUM, but I saw questions that were not in PREMIUM.
Can you please provide me with which VCE software you are opening newest vce file, I can't open! I would like to thank anyone who is willing to help and find the right software to open newest vce files.
Thank You !
passed Passed
This dump is invalid. It just recycled questions from the 70-417 dumps, including features that were removed from Server 2016. For example one question pertaining to uninstalling the GUI version of 2016 specifies the correct answer is to uninstall the User Experience feature, but that feature was removed from 2016.
Furthermore it's not possible to switch between gui and Core. https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/d573bdd6-bb33-48aa-9e93-2bb068734e08/cant-remove-the-gui-from-standard-server-2016?forum=WinServerPreview
A lot of 2012 features remain intact in 2016 but not enough to just recycle another exam dump. Mods, you may want to remove it.
dump not valid for MCSA 2016 Update. Dump is a bunch of question related to 2012.
Passed with 876 in Netherlands, Thanks Bob
Rampage are you sure that the premium is valid??
with 59 questions??
Premium is valid. around 6 new questions regarding VPN
If I can ask, what guide u have used to pass this exam of 59q?
Has anyone tried the premium version? The difference is the Premium is 100% valid??
@Sandy i had 59 questions at the exam
Any valid dumps?
I want to know actually how many questions the exam?
this Exam is Fake, Only 4 question is valid the other 186 is fake Question and i failed :(
This dump is valid? Has anyone used this dump?
has anyone tried the premium version if it's valid?
What about the Premium?
does anyone knows the premium dumps valid for 70-743?
How can people still be asking if this dump is valid? If you haven't got the common sense or ability to read the previous comments, how do you expect to read the exam questions? I mean come on people, have a little think about yourselves.
This dump is not valid. There are no valid dumps, only 2 very small partial dumps with 8 questions in each.
Going to do Exam in the next weeks, do valid dump yet :(
This dump is valid? Has anyone used this dump?
Is the Dumps valid in germany? pls reply anybody.
There are some questions regarding windows 2016 R2. This doesn't exist. So I think this is a fake dump. Someone got the premuim file?
100% fake
There is still no dump yet, only paid premium.
Please share as the exam has roll out of beta
This vce is valid or not ? i have to do it !
What VCE player are people using?
What VCE player are people using?
Looks like not valid dump, very simple to prove it.. in W2016 we can't convert from GUI and Core like W2012, but all the question regarding to convert....
Is this exam valid for the upgrade to mcsa 2016 can someone confirm?
The upgrade exam is a mixed of main single exams, so this could be valid for 740 741 742 beta
Jay Australia Oct 24, 2016
HI, I got the report at the end.???? Why do they give me a result.?
I do not got any mock.
Finally, got fail 621. Not difficult but most of it a powershell answer. The new feature in 2016 Container, ADFS, WAP, failover cluster Hyper-V. I got the most of the area of these. only a few questions (~=5) about ADDS, DHCP and existing feature in 2008 and 2012.
got 6 yes no Question cannot be review.
Exam is live, not in Beta now. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/exam-70-743.aspx
fail, i have exam. 466p
The exam is in beta. Beta exams DO NOT GIVE SCORES at the end. So any statement saying they've passed is lie. Results will be processed by Microsoft once the exam goes live, probably in late November/December 2016.
Looks indeed very false
Did 743 this week and out of 66 questions not a single one was even close to this dump.
Even if there is "R2", consider that as Win 8.1 is very similar to Win 10, so Server 2012 R2 is to 2016, many questions could be a good traning for beta
Bob stop uploading useless VCE's, your 70-698 Windows 10 VCE was useless
Maybe John was referring to 740 not 743 so during beta period before questions pool will change it could be still valid
as @John right said, I add you can't know yet the score until it rolls out of beta, so at least within 2 weeks after, a clove of good sense on comments would be useful, good luck to those who'll attempt the exam
Sat the exam 2 days ago and NONE of the questions were on it. It was a very tough exam too
This is seem a fake because 2016 "R2" not exists. @Rajiv I believe your are joking.
Rajiv did you use this dump ?
Dump is 1000% fake. I read all questions, nothing about Server 2016 and features. They just changed Server 2012 to Server 2016 with CTRL+H. Of course, they forgot R2)) All questions is about Server 2016 R2))
I take a look at the demo, the real exam is totally different and very tough, don't rely on
Is this valid, please someone comment.
@John: Please let us know.
im sitting 70-740 tomorrow and using this dump to help. I will get back with my findings after teh exam
this dumps is valid ?
has anyone used this dump in South Africa ?
has anyone used this dump yet?
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