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Download Free NS0-155 Exam Questions
Exam | NS0-155 - NetApp Certified 7-Mode Data Administrator |
Size: | 132.56 KB |
Posted Date: | Sunday, March 3, 2013 |
# of downloads: | 16 |
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Friends, planning to take NCDA NS0-155 netapp exam please share update dumps please?
Hi Friends,
Can anyone send me latest dump for attempting Netapp Exam (NS0-155). Thanks in advance !
Hi Abhisek ,
I am planning to take NS0-155 exam in Feb....could you please share the dump. my email id is nag9506@gmail.com.
Still for 95% up to date, passed with 98% score in the Netherlands. Some minor changes, and a one or two new questions.
Appeared for the exam yesterday.dumps are 100 % valid but 3-4 questions were different.scored 95%..goodluck.
Very helpful, today 95% and I have only studied this dump and I went through your comments, no training.
Still its valid. Great work. Prepare this one & 11th Sep,2013 also. You will score more than 95%. yesterday only i completed with aggregate 96%.
Please add:
1). NSE : if encrypted and non-encrypted supported within an aggr
2). What are the two modules on FAS supported by RSA - RLM & SP
3). Reallocation (physical) on 8.1.1 - Doesn't support compression, but works with dedup.
4). ASIS : sis command - how to re-create figureprint - just use sis start -s as the frist run.
Pleaes note Physical reallocation DOES reduce the extra storage requirements in a flexible volume when reallocation is run on a volume with snapshots, and also DOES reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted by SnapMirror on its next update after reallocation is performed on a SnapMirror source volume.
Still Valid , Passed today with 93 %
passed today. This dump is valid
I have passed today with 93%
However there were also some questions (4) that aren't included in this dump. And in some questions there were few different options to choose. But if you will learn this dump for 100% and have good practice you have to pass.
passed today with 100% score.
One new questions..which of the following are components of VST .
Ans : Flash pool,Flash Cache, Flash Accel .
Answers wrong in the dump :
Is Netapp Storage Encryption supported on 64 bits Clustered 8.1.1
Answer : No, it will be available in a future Data Ontap releases
Which command on the storage system allows you to display statistics on the perf of system ressource such as CPU,VRAM, network interface and disks :
Answer : sysstat
When will VSM from 64-bit source to 32-bit destination volume fail :
Answer: When 64-bit source has compression enabled
Else this dump is perfect..
Valid, Study online NetApp Training Videos and all will be OK
this dump is valid , just passed today 92% .read every material and concentrate in each question!!!!
This is Suresh from India , Still this dump is valid ? i am planning for do this exam , Some one can help me ?
Hi Satish,
I'm looking for the Brocade BCFA 143-420 dumps, I've been looking for it for a while now, can you please send me an copy? Many Thanks for your Help - derek430@live.ie
Passed yesterday from UK , still valid
1) NVDM supports SAN only volumes
Passed today in USA..93%. All from dump, Had 4 or 5 new questions.
Passed today - extra questions on not on Dump
Does NSE require an External Certification Authority?
Questions not right on the dump -
Performance Gathering - CPU, Disk, Network etc. - answer is sysstat not netstat on dump
Deduplication ASIS license question not right - answer in Dump is use 8.0 license
Hi guys,
I have Brocade SAN switch [ 143 420 ] dumps. Interested folks I can give you . I don't see any option here to upload.
Just Passed- 95 %. Still Valid!!!!
Hello Wish List ,
You can open the full list of Q's(173) from "Visual Certexam Designer".
Open the designer - go to file- select open- select the.vce file for ns0-155.
best of Luck!!!
I've passted today in USA with 92% so dump is valid
Congrats YAR0 . Even i am planning to attempt soon!!!!
I've passted today. There are 5-6 new questions but rest of the dump are valid.
how confirm is this dumps ? I am planning to take in a weeks time.
Passe today (93%) with this dump. Had several questions (3 or 4) which were not on this dump. One I remember :
On which type NDVM is supported
NAS only
SAN only
root volume
Pay attention on the dump there are two errors.
Is Netapp Storage Encryption supported on 64 bits Clustered 8.1.1
--> No, it will be available in a future Data Ontap releases
Wich command on the storage system allows you to display statistics on the perf of system ressource such as CPU,VRAM, network interface and disks :
--> sysstat
Otherwise it's all good. Have fun and good luck
Passed with this dump today in NZ. But see comments from previous ppl about some new questions that are not in this dump. Know all the switches for "sis" command esp "-s", how and what is required to convert 32bit aggr to 64bit aggregate.
Passed 90% there are a few new questions that deal with RSA setup converting 32 bit agg to 64 bit and virtualization. But overall yes you can pass with this dump study it land learn from outside sources as well.
Still valid in the UK, got a few questions on dedup and encryption that are not in the dump
This dump is still valid passed with 97% (Aussie land).
@Me. just study this dump and look up the ones you get wrong or are unsure of online
So how similar are the questions people have been getting in the real exam to the ones listed in this dump?
Thanks.uf. ;] I did it
Just passed with 90%. Still valid in USA
I have passed the exam with 92% on Jun 03
I have passed exam using this dump.
The dump is valid so got 92% passed.
Passed the exam yesterday. Still valid. Goodluck to those will take the exam.
It's still valid. Passed today with 92% score.
The is still valid in USA all questions but 1 were off this.the answers were moved on most that makes it a little harder. I missed 7 questions and still go 87%
Passed today in Australia by 92%, some new questions, but hey i'm not trying to score 100%. still valid in ozi land.
I planned to take exam on today, but Eria from Korea got different questions. so can anyone update the correct dump.
I have no passed exam with 68% . using this dump.
Problems was a lot different.
This dump is valid pass today with 88%. Study dump and Do online NetApp Training Videos
Taking the NS0-155 exam soon. What is the passing percentage for this exam?
85% valid..some new questions on encryption,deduplication..Nigeria
Still Valid. Passed with 82%.
Extra questions are regarding:
2) De-duplication
6) Snaprestore
Go through these topics+ this VCE, you can score more. Best Wishes.
Thanks a lot for dump, I have cleared the exam with 90%
Still Valid. Passed with 95%.
Extra questions are regarding:
2)Encryption of Drives/Disks
4)VST one question
Go through these topics+ this VCE, you can score more than 90%
Passed with 90% score using this dump.
5 questions out of dump
I didnt get any true or false questions
Valid Dump, passed today with 90% score.
I have passed exam with 92% today using this dump.
took the exam March 18, 2013. Still valid. Had ~5 question not from the dump
Still valid. 90% questions from this pool.
This Dump is valid.
Passed today with 97%
5 questions are not in this dump, most of them are listed on NS0-154 topic.
2 new :
About VST : which 3 are netapp VST technologies
Flash disk
*Flash pool
*Flash cache
Flash IO
*Flash accel
About RSA : which command is used to initialize RSA
RSA initialisze
*RSA setup
Thank for this dump
Hope this dump is fully covered with items like flash, de-dup,encryption and others..
Hi Srikanth
Thanks a lot for the below dump,
One question for you:- Is the above like is practice test or real questions? ;) got confused myself :D
Thanks & Regards,
Looks like got about 85-90% questions from this, and with little NetApp knowledge and/or NetApp ONTAP Fundamentals WBT (partners etc), should be able to obtain 90% score (pass 80%)
Hi Srikanth,
Could you please post the lquestions which came from 8.1 DOT ?
I have passed exam with 90% today using this dump.
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