CSA: ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Certification Video Training Course
CSA: ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Certification Video Training Course includes 52 Lectures which proven in-depth knowledge on all key concepts of the exam. Pass your exam easily and learn everything you need with our CSA: ServiceNow Certified System Administrator Certification Training Video Course.
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Till now we have gone through different tables like the user table or incident table, the group table, and all that, but what if you want to create a new custom table for us that we are going to cover in this particular session? For that first what we need to dois we must have a role called admin. Only with the admin role we willbe able to create the tables. Now how can we access the creation of the tables? Just type tables in the left navigation pan. Once we type tables in the left navigation pane, we can see that under system definition we have tables. Just click on that and we will be able to see this list of records. Basically what this is showing is it is showing allthe list of tables which are existing in service inthe system which means there is a table which isholding the data of all other tables. Let's say let's go to the tables which wehave seen till now we have seen incident table. This is the one, and let's look for the problem, and we did see the user table; it's actually over here, so this is a table which we have seen earlier for the creation of the users, and again, we have the groups table underscore sys underscore user underscore group This is a table that is required to create that table, which actually holds all the group records. What if we want to create a new table? We need to click on this new tab, and we'll be able to create the table before that, let's see. Let's open an existing table and see what we see over there. So the basic things whenever we are creating a table are the columns, which you see over here; these are nothing but the fields that we see on the form. When we were creating groups, it asked us, "What is the group name?" It also asked for a few details like a description, manager, and parents, so all those are nothing but columns over here. So we have seen parent, we have seen name, we have seen the manager, and there is a field called description. Yes, this is the one, so all these are just columns in the table. We can call them columns, dictionary entries, or fields These are very important when we are talking about a table, and the next important thing is group the label whenever we are going to that particular list layout. We have seen that group is the name, but you can also see now that there is another name for this, which is Sysrs group. This is nothing more than the name that is stored in the back end, so when we create anything like tables in the back end, there will be a different name, and when we want to access these specific tables in any scripts, we must use this name, not the label. label is only for display purposes. name is what it is internally stored as. Let's go ahead and create a new table. I'm going to the Tables record again so I can see all the tables that are already in the system. I'm clicking on New. Let's say I want to create a new process, or I want to create a new table, which is vulnerability management. So this is how we set up the name of the particular table; automatically, it picks up the name. Once we set the label, it automatically picks up the name. As this is a custom table, it has been prefixed with an underscore. Now whenever we are creating the table, it will ask us whether you want to create any modules here or not. Modules are nothing but the left navigation panel. Do you want to access this particular table directly or not? If you check this, a new application will be created under this name. I'm not going to create any columns for now; I'm just saving the record. Now we can see that earlier I hadn't created any columns, but there are certain columns that are already created. Like the updates created by Creative Society and updated by all, these were all created by the system, not by me. Basically, whenever you create any table, all these fields will be created automatically. The other thing is controls. There is a thing called an auto number. Whenever we are creating a record in IncidentTable, you must have observed that it is allocating a new number for each record. such as I NC one, Inc. two, and so on. Basically, it has this auto-number feature enabled. If I want to enable something like that for this particular table, I can give it, I can set the prefix, and I can keep it as a vulnerable VM, but the app name would be vul. Do I need to create an alias for this particular table? which means only the person who has this role can access this particular table. No other person can access this particular table. That is what these particular create access controls define—even if I log in as an it, I won't be able to access this table. Only the person with this particular role can access this table. Let's see what happens now that I've enabled the auto number. Now just take a look at the columns. I just have six columns right now. As you can see, let me save this. I have enabled the Auto numbering.It should automatically create a new record or a new field called "Number." Yes, it did create Whenever we are creating a new record, this number field will have vul zero, zero, one, or something like that. That is what the auto number does. Application Access It is purely related to scoped applications, which are purely out of scope from the admin perspective. It comes under the developer part. Then next, let's look at the application menu that we have created. So if you can see this Basically, I haven't created this manually. It has been created automatically by the system. If I click on it, it is redacting the list of records in this particular table. As no records are created, it is totally empty. Let's say I'm creating a new record. Once I click on "New," it will redirect me to the form page in this form. As I haven't created any custom fields, it is not showing anything. Now, let me submit this again. I'm redirected to the list layout. We can see that there is one record created the same way. Let me create one more record and then submit that's it.Two records are created. Now, this is how we can create new records in this particular new table. Let's see how we can add different types of fields to this particular table.
In the earlier session,session, we createdcreated aa custom table called Vulnerability Management. Management. In this current session, we are going tocreate the fields in that particular table. table. Before that, let's get into the instant formand understand and understand how exactly the form layout is presented. presented. I'm typing incident over the left navigationpane, and pane, and under the incident application I'm goingto all, to all, and this is the list layout. layout. asas everyone knows. knows. Now we are gettinggetting into one of the records. records. This is called the form layout,layout, wherewe are we are able to see only one particularrecord, and record, and it is showing many fields. fields. Let me right-clickright-click before that. that. Just try to memorisememorise the sum of the feeds. feeds. So theSo the number caller categoriescategories are on the leftcolumn, and column, and on the right column,column, we have contact type,state impact, state impact, andagain, a again, a short description is inin the center. center. Let's get into the form layout. layout. Right-clickRight-click on the top bar andthen go then go to Configure and then form layout. layout. In this form layout,layout, it actuallyshows what shows what fields are displayed over the form. form. We can modify the number ofoffields that fields that are displayed over there. there. On the form, we have seen "seen "number call"call" or "category"or "category"on the on the left side,side, and again there is a thing called "split." called "split." Following that, we have some other fields before concluding Split. Following that, we have some other fields before concluding Split. We had a brief description following this end split. We had a brief description following this end split. So this is the reason. reason. Because of the split, there aretwo different two different columns on the form layout. layout. You can see on the right side we haveall the all the fields thatthat are available on the form,form, andon the on the left side we have some other fields. fields. Basically, the incident table has many fields. fields. In one of our earlier sessions we have seen that thereare 87 fields on incident form but on incident table. table. But out of those 87,87, thereare some are some 20 fields on the form. form. All the other fields are only on this sideside of the page. of the page. They are not selected on the form. form. If we want to bring them to the form, just add them. them. Let's say if I want approval history, I'mI'm clicking on"double clicking" on "approval "double clicking" on "approval history." history." It has takentaken thisthis form. form. If I save after the configuration item, item, I will beseeing the seeing the approval history. history. Let's see, this is the approvalapproval history field. field. This is how we modify the form layout. layout. You can configure form layout by right-clicking on the top layer or topbar. You can configure form layout by right-clicking on the top layer or topbar. While configuring the form layout,layout,you can you can actually create new fields. fields. So you have fields over here. here. You can give it any name,name, like "like "Test field." field." Then there are different types ofof servicesservices now. now. Field types include script or string fields, reference fields, list fields, and integer fields. Field types include script or string fields, reference fields, list fields, and integer fields. Let's say I'm selecting a string field. field. selectingselecting a string and field length ofof 100,which means the which means the maximum length this field can contain is 100. 100. I'm adding it to the form,form,and it and it is after the contextual search results. results. I'm saving it;it; this will actuallycreate a create a new fieldon the on the incident table. table. If we scroll down,down, yes, here it is. is. We can see the test field over here. here. So this is how we can create fields on the tables. tables. As I said, there are aa number of fields,of fields,like the like the string referencereference date field and the and the general field. field. What I'll be doing right now is passingpassing thethe videovideo along,along, and I'll create all different types of fields inour vulnerability our vulnerability management table,table, which we created a few minutesago, and ago, and I will add them in such a manner thatwe'll be we'll be able to understand them in the form layout. layout. I'm going to pausepause the videofor a for a while and then continue it. it. Well, I have created all different types of fields. fields. As you can see over the form earlier,earlier, weused to used to have only numbers,numbers, and then I added certain fields,fields, short description,"description," just a minute-longminute-long short description,description, "created"created by,"by,"and "created by." So and "created by." So these four werewere actually created by thesystem; they were system; they were created by,updated by, updated by, and updated by,by,so all so all the remaining fields werewere created by me. me. Let's understand each and every field. field. TheThe first oneis the is the choice field. field. This is basically a dropdown field where,where, ifwe click, we click, we'll be able to select the choice. choice. Right now,now, as there are no choices, choices, we are not seeing any choice. choice. Now let's see how we can configure this choice. choice. Right-clickRight-click on the field name. name. Once you right click,click, you will seea different a different menu,menu, which is this one here. here. Click on the configurationconfiguration choices. choices. Once you click on that,that, youyou will be redirected to thisthispage where page where you can add different choices to this form. form. InIn this particular choice field, just enter thechoice that choice that you want to add asas aa newnew item,item, and then just click on Add. Add. Let's say I am putting up choices. choices. Let's say option one,one, and then letme add me add one more choice called option two. two. Then I'm clicking on "Save." "Save." I have added two choices ortwo options, two options, and then I'm clicking on save. save. If I click on the choice field again, Iagain, I'll be able to see these two choices. choices. Let's see,see, sofar, options far, options one and two. two. So this is how we create the choices. choices. andand then next we have the colourcolour field. field. We can giveany colour a any colour a hex code of color.Let's say hash 12345-612345-6 isis a six-digitsix-digit character,character, and then you can seethat brown that brown colourcolour it is being displayed in. displayed in. This is the colourcolour field,field, and then the date field. field. You can add any date. date. You can select any date. date. And then we have the date and time field here.here.You will You will be able to select the time and also the date. date. Let'ssay the say the 18th,18th, and you can say the time. time. Also,Also, the decimal field can contain dot fields. fields. LikeLike the decimal, itcontains a contains a dot and then a number. number. But you can see thatthere is there is a field calledan integer an integer field. field. This will not accept dots,dots, whichmeans decimal means decimal characters are not at all allowed. allowed. I'm trying to put thedots there, dots there, but automatically,automatically,if I if I save the record, the dot will be gone. gone. Let's see,see, and then wehave a have a duration field. field. In the duration field,field, we aregoing to going to set the number of days. days. It is like,like, how much time is left? left? One day is left,left, or 7 minutes. minutes. One day 8 minutes is left or 8 hours are left. left. So you can put the duration image field that way. So you can put the duration image field that way. All you have to do is add up any image field. All you have to do is add up any image field. If you click on "on "click to add,"add," you'llbe able be able to see "Let"Let me click on it." it." You'll actually see a new page wherein you'll beable to able to add a new image directly after clicking on it. it. It is showingme "invalid" me "invalid" because ithas a has a dot. dot. So let's fill up the whole form,form, and then wethen we'll try to look into the image field. field. Percentage complete. complete. It is very much used when we are using analytics. analytics. Let's say I put 59 for now, and then we'll look at this price field. Let's say I put 59 for now, and then we'll look at this price field. We can have any number of currencies. currencies. There are different types of currencies also dollars,pounds, euros and all the time field. field. It mentions only the time, not the days, only the time. time. How much time is left? left? Then we have true or false,false, which is just a checkbox. checkbox. You can either check it or uncheck it. it. In the URL Field, you can create a link, which is actually a hyperlink. In the URL Field, you can create a link, which is actually a hyperlink. It is a clickable one. one. That is the URL field. field. The referenceThe reference field is theone that one that is actually very interesting. interesting. So when creating a reference field,field,it will it will ask us which table to reference. reference. There will beselections in selections in the incident table. table. We'll again create a new reference fieldso that so that you'll be able to understand it. it. So here, let me select a record. record. Once I click on the lens icon, it will show a popup. popup. Let's say I am selecting incident number 50. 50. In this way,way, I will be ableto select to select any record from any other table. table. Right now this field is referencingthe incident the incident table only,only, which means Iwill be will be able to see only incident records. records. This field is actually allowingme to me to select only one record. record. What if I want to select multiple records? records? In that case, the list field will come into focusinto focushere, and here, and I'll be able to select multiple incidents. incidents. Let's say incident number one,again incident again incident number three, andthree, andagain incident again incident number eight. eight. So whatever it is, I canadd a add a number of incidents toto the list. list. If it is just a reference type, type, I can add only one record. record. If it is a list type, I can add multiple records. records. These are the basic fields,fields,and then and then we have a general field. field. Let'sadd a add a test inside that and let me save the record. record. Now,Now, we have earlier set avalue in value in the journal field,field, which is test. test. Let us see whether that particularvalue is value is still available forfor that field. field. Or not, as you can see, the general field is empty, but the text that I entered has come in this specific place, as if I were typing another value. Or not, as you can see, the general field is empty, but the text that I entered has come in this specific place, as if I were typing another value. Another text, like test two, and if I save the file again, it adds this particular test to the journal, but the general field is still blank, so this is how the general field works. Another text, like test two, and if I save the file again, it adds this particular test to the journal, but the general field is still blank, so this is how the general field works. Typically, whenever a team is working on a ticket, we use journal fields for them to write their work notes or if there are any comments, one person will add some comments, and then after a while, another person will add another comment, so in that case, we always need to keep that field empty, but their comments must be stored this way. Typically, whenever a team is working on a ticket, we use journal fields for them to write their work notes or if there are any comments, one person will add some comments, and then after a while, another person will add another comment, so in that case, we always need to keep that field empty, but their comments must be stored this way. ByBy using the general field,field, we'll be able to do that. Wethat. Wehave a have a phone number field andand can select any country. country. Let's say Australia,Australia, and if I typeany phone any phone number,number, I'm starting it with 99and some and some number,number, andand if I click anywhere,anywhere,automatically it automatically it picks up the Australian ISD code. code. That is the phone and then we have HTML field thisis just a text field but it can contain the HTMLtags we can use all the text whatever we have inthe HTML tags almost all can be used we can havedifferent sizes also this is what the HTML field is translated That is the phone and then we have HTML field thisis just a text field but it can contain the HTMLtags we can use all the text whatever we have inthe HTML tags almost all can be used we can havedifferent sizes also this is what the HTML field is translated HTML is also very similar toto that,that, but this comesinto play into play when we are using localization,localization, wherein different languagesare also are also enabled. If I write something in English, automatically, based upon the current user, it will be translated to his language; this is called the translated HTML field. Then finally, we have the Wikipedia field;enabled. If I write something in English, automatically, based upon the current user, it will be translated to his language; this is called the translated HTML field. Then finally, we have the Wikipedia field;if we click on that, we'll be able to add any text; if we click on that, we'll be able to add any text; Ican add up the space; and once I save it can add up the space; and once I save it automatically, the business rules create this, the business rules create this field. So this is how we can actually create the. So this is how we can actually create the wiki fields WeWe actually need to talk a bitmore about more about the wiki field once we click on this edit.edit.Basically, if Basically, if we write any of the text on thetext on thewiki, it wiki, it has adifferent tag, different tag, like in the HTML,HTML, we have different tags inthe same the same way Viki has some different tags let's say I havesome text for this this is for header. header. This is for header two andall, so all, so let's seewhat happens what happens if I write this text so the wiki fieldfield getsgets loaded according to the service Those header one header two steps will now be defined here. Those header one header two steps will now be defined here. This is what the Vicki field looks like. This is what the Vicki field looks like. TheseTheseare all are all the fields thatthat are requirednow that now that we haveactually created actually created this field called "called "percentage complete"complete" and we haveset it set it to 59 LetLet's see what exactly happens OnceOncewe go we go to the list layout of this particular vulnerability management, wemanagement, we'll be able to understand what exactly this percentage fielddoes I'm going to the list layout,layout, soso letme bring me bring those percentage fieldsfieldsover to over to the list layout. layout. I'm going to click on this personalisedpersonalised list. list. Then I'll bring the field over here. here. Here, aHere, apercentage is percentage is complete. complete. See, we have mentioned 59%,59%, and itis showing is showing us,us, like in a graphicgraphicway, that way, that 59% 59% is completed.. TheThe other record has 85%,85%,and accordingly, and accordingly, the percentage completion is being shown. shown. This is how the percentage complete is shown. shown. Now, I was actually showinghow we how we can create the reference fields. fields. Let us create one more field. field. howhow we can create it. it. Go to the form layout. layout. Right click on top of thisbar, and bar, and there we can see the title. title. Right click configure form layout. layout. Then let's add a new field. field. Let this be related to, let'ssay Problem or let's say Caller. Caller. The "caller"The "caller" is nothing but the person whois actually is actually calling this particular vulnerability, which meansthe person the person who has seen this particular vulnerability. vulnerability. This should be a reference field. field. And when I'm automatically selecting references, I see this table under Reference. And when I'm automatically selecting references, I see this table under Reference. So this is where we need to select theselect thetable to table to which we are going to refer. refer. Like in this current situation, weneed to select User table. table. In the earlier case, I haveselected "Incident" selected "Incident" because I want to relateincident records incident records to this particular vulnerability management table. table. If Itype "Users," type "Users," then I'llI'llget that get that there are many tables. tables. So out of that I need to select Sys underscore User. User. Okay? Okay? Yes, I found it. it. Sysunderscores the underscores the user Now if I add it, clicking on Save willwill create a new field on the form. form. And of course, this is actuallygoing to going to create a field in the database. database. For this particular table, a new field is created. created. Now let's see whatwhat this field looks like. like. So, you can see the Caller field at the bottom. So, you can see the Caller field at the bottom. This is the reference field. field. Now, where did we refer this particular field to? to? We have referred itto the to the User table. table. If I click on the lens icon, I will see all of the active users' user records. If I click on the lens icon, I will see all of the active users' user records. In the current situation, I cansee all see all the records—allrecords—all the user records. records. I can select any user,user, andautomatically that automatically that particular thing will be selected. selected. That's it forfor how weare going are going to use the reference fields. fields. The last thing we need to understand about thefields is that fields is that the fields do have a lot of configurations. configurations. They have multiple attributes. attributes. What they areis still is still pending.
Let us get a bit deep into the dictionary items. Let's go back to our main table, the vulnerability table. I'm clicking on the record, the one record, so, as I said earlier, all these are all fields, right? Let's get a closer look into the dictionary this isa choice field now if I write click on thechoice field I can see configure dictionary this can beseen for all the fields if I right click onpercentage field complete even then I can see the configurationdictionary if I click on reference instant even then Ican see the config dictionary for all the fields I'llbe able to see this configure dictionary remember. This thing is only for the admins Let's say I am going to configure a dictionary for this choice field. This will have some extra features wherein you can configure certain additional attributes related to this particular field. We saw earlier that it was displayed as a choice field on the form; if you prefer, we can change it. The other thing is a column name. This is what it is internally stored as for the display. It is a choice field, but internally it is an underscorechoice underscore field if you are writing any scripts. Make sure that you are calling with this particular column name. What is the maximum length of it? First thing, what type is it? It is a string type and in the string type wehave choice list specification in this we have set the dropdownwith none let's say I'm setting dropdown without none and asit is saying must specify default value let me specify defaultvalue and let it be option one what happens is wheneverI'm creating a new record automatically the choice field this particularchoice will be set to option one earlier we have seenthat there is none but now there is no none directly We have the options, so this is how we can configure the default values, and we can also remove the none. This is a bit specific to the choice fields related to this; show none or do not show none, but the default value is for all the fields for any fields you can set the default values Now let us see some more features somemore fields which are visible on this dictionary read Only. mandatory and displayed If I select "Read only," what happens is that I will not be able to modify the choice; it will be like this: "It is disabled for me." I'm not able to edit it right in the same way. We will not be able to create or modify that particular value if I click on the Read Only button. If I want to set this thing as mandatory, which means let's check it out as a choice field, I don't think it is of any use. Let me go to the records and select a different field. Let's set the time field as mandatory. Right-click and then configure the dictionary. Here, let me select the mandatory. Once I update it, you will see a red asterisk mark over the field. This is actually mandated, but as it is filledwith certain values, it says that if I hoverpreloaded with save data, if I remove the dataor let's take a different field, let's take apercentage field and make it as a mandatory field. So basically what happens is if we try to save the form,or if we try to submit the form, it will not allowus until the particular field is filled with any value. If it is empty, it will not be allowed to submit the form as the value is already there. Let us remove that. Now we can see this red asterisk mark, so we cannot save this form. Now, even if I try to save the form, it will throwa pop up saying that the mandatory field is not filled yet. The following mandatory fields are not filled in. If I fill them in, then I will be able to save the form. So this is the dictionary, so we can get a bit deep into it. As long as you have access to all of these dictionary items, you can actually explore each and every option in the dictionary. There is one more thing that I would like to discuss. If we go to the configured dictionary, we'll see another field called attributes, wherein you can specify some more things. If I click on this advanced view over the related links, I'll be able to see it. So now we have attributes. So here you can mention certain lines of code through which you can manipulate the way this particular dictionary item behaves. Go through the wiki at servicenow.com and search for all the attributes that the service now provides. So that's it regarding the dictionary. Bye.
There is a concept called "schema" in tables. Let's take a look at it. For that we need to go to the tables. Just type tables in the left navigation panel, and you'll be able to see the tables and columns. Click on that. In this page you will see all the existing tables. Let's say, for example, we go to the vulnerability management table that we have created. So these are all the fields. Once we select a table, it will show up all the columns or fields. So HTML field, image field—these are the fields that we have created. If we select any of the fields, it will show all the properties or attributes. If we right click and configure those fields, we'll see the configuration dictionary, right? So that is what we see over here, whether the field is active or not. Let's take a look at the percentage completed field here. We have made it mandatory true.If we remember from our last session, we made the mandatory truth, "active," and whether it is true or not, all the details related to that particular field will be shown over here. And now we have a schema map. If we click on the schema map, it will show a page where it actually shows how many tables are related to this particular table. Let's see how it goes, and then we'll know what the schema map is. Right now, as this is a new table, this particular table is configured with only two fields, like two reference fields. We have created two fields. If you remember, we have created a field for "incident" and another field for "user." That is what it's showing: the reference field. To understand it much better, let's go to the incident table. If I go to the Schema map, it will load the details of the particular incident table, like how many tables are referenced in this incident table and how many tables have referenced the incident table itself. Let's see. Incident table. Now there is a table called Incident Task. And in that Task table there isa field which is referencing to Incident. And in the same way, in the vulnerability management table that we have created, we created a field that refers to incidents. That is how this particular thing works. And then we can actually show orhide the things which we want. Let's say I don't want this show to reference Quids. In this case, these two will be removed, and we'll see only the three factors. So all the red ones, they are the onesbasically on Incident table we have different columns. Those columns are referencing to someother tables like company businesses. On the Incident table, we have a field called Caller. That caller is actually in the user table. We are referencing the user table. That is the reason why we are able to see the user table over here. Okay, so this is the incident table. and we are referencing it over here. That is the point. Let me remove the referenced fields also nextthing we get is extended tables here youcan see that extended by the Task. This means this is the colour green, so task is the parent and incident is a child. If there is another table that is an extended incident, then that table will be in blue, as you can see over here. So this is the schema map. Whenever you want to get more details about a particular table, you can go to this particular schema map and understand the concept. Bye.
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