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Download Free 2V0-641 Exam Questions
Exam | 2V0-641 - VMware Certified Professional 6 - Network Virtualization Beta Exam |
Size: | 290.2 KB |
Posted Date: | Thursday, October 8, 2015 |
# of downloads: | 1263 |
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is this dump still valid?
nobody take 2v0-642?
who have exp for issue new dump?
One of the main requirement to configure NSX is for all the compute hosts to be already connected to the vSphere
Distributed Switch (VDS)
Page 5
Aswer: B
What is the minimum number of vSphere Distributed Switches (vDS) that must be configured before deploying VMware NSX for vSphere?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4
Answer ?
Passed today 110q actualtests is valid but there are some new questions good luck
Passed.All questions except 5 are from 2V0-641 Premium VCE File(205 Quetions) in this page.Sufficient to pass
Anyone has taken the exam recently. Please update.
@VCIX....questions 9 to 19 please refer to 165q by Rudeboy. They are well covered there. infact i used 165q by Rudeboy plus this dump only.
What about questions from question 9 to question 19 ???
Any one has them???
Dump still valid by 85 % just took it. Passed with flying colors
Hi, all. I passed the 641 exam. I used the 100 q + 165q by Rudeboy. Onto next journey. Thanks all.
anyone take exam recently with this 198q premium file? is that 198q dump valid?
is this dump valid ?
Hi, kindly assist is the VMware.Actualtests.2V0-641.v2015-10-08.by.Isolatedccie.100q.vce valid ?
The dump it self is 100q not 110 ?
@Njsportster which exam did you pass with premium dumps. Is premium 200 questions? Who has premium ones?
I don't know, I think the exam is too fresh to have been dump already. But this exam, I mean 642, is not that hard. Someone who has a good skills in network and has been played with the hands on lab a while and studied the NSX Design Guide well has all his chance to pass it.
The premium version is valid these dumps are only for the 2V0-641 exam!!
Passed today 425!
can anyone confirm how many questions are in this dump? 100 or 110?
This is 100 questions not 110 or 198. Some of the questions are blanks.
@Lancien , where can i get dump for 642 ? i want to take it next week.
I confirm that this dump is nothing to do with the exam 2V0-642. It's only working for 641 which will be expired by the end of April this year.
Passed today, 80 % of the questions were in the dump, the others were new.
I also took the 642 and it's definitely not the same exam and none of the questions of the dump were in it but thanks to my practice on it, I managed to pass it.
We checked the file, it opens correctly.
You can write a letter to the support of your vce player.
This file does not open with VCE ? anyone with assistance
Passed the exam today. Scored 405/500. 198 Questions Dump Still Valid.
Hallo, anyone knows where i could get recent dump on 2V0-642 ? i want to take it soon.
this dump is Still valid passed two days ago
Still valid... Got 3 new questions.
There are some new questions - but you can pass with these dumps.
I have scheduled my paper on Saturday, will update you all.
Can some one confirm is this valid for 641 or 642?
Is this for 2V0-642 or 2v0-641, can some please confirm.
110Q is still valid. Got 12 new questions.Yes, It looks like passing a VCP will renew the expiration date of any other previous VCP exam passed.
Hi all, 110Q
110Q one still 100% off chain!??? I don't understand. Do you mean it is still valid. Please use simple language. Lolz. Someone should please clarify. Will writing this exam (VCP-NV) automatically renew my previous VCP5-DCV that is due to expire?
110Q one still 100% off chain!
Is this still valid. I want to renew my vcp5-dcv by taking this exam.
this dump is 100% Valid,Just Passed the Exam in Egypt with score 465 today, about 10 new questions
Passed today in 2017 (490/500) using 110Q , new 10 questions only
110Q is all you need. Pass yesterday in Korea with 471 scores, 10 new questions. Still Valid
110Q is all you need. Pass today with 490. About 10 new question which are very easy.
Pass today in Thailand with 433 scores, 17 new questions. I use this exam and actualtests
where to find premium file 110Q ?
please help
All you need is 110q, passed with 480+ today.
im not able to open the files with visual certexam manager.
I get the message the files was created with a newer version then you have, what can i do to fix this problem
passed ,This dump still valid but also recommend study the premium dump
This dump is valid, or only premium 110q valid?
Thx for share
Passed Nov 02 2016 all you need is the 110 questions and VMWARE HOL.
Passed today using the premium file and 178Q
There were about 8-10 new questions in exam.
please dont cheat
Passed Yesterday using this VCE and 115 question file.
There about 8 questions I did not see. However, if you understand these 2 files other than memory, you can deduce the correct answers
Passed today with 500/500.
Used following two premium files:
-> 2V0-641 premium file 110q
-> VCPN610 premium file 178q
There were almost 8 to 10 new questions in exam, but those were easy.
Passed on 27th Oct with 458/500. 110q is 90%. Found 8 to 10 new questions.
valid dump but u have to study the 178 dump also .. got 5 new questions
110 Premium Question is still valid. Took the exam last Friday (October 21, 2016) and pass it. There are about 10-15 new questions on the exam so better study also.
where to get 110q exam.. can someone please help me locate latest exam ?
valid dump....
I am from Sri Lanka and want to take vmware network virtualization exam within September. Is this dump is still valid and where I can find 178 questions dump file? Pls help me folks.
The premium 110 is valid, but got 13 new questions, the other vce's propably will make you pass 50/50 change
I took the 2v0-641 exam this morning (from Canada). The premium 110q file is still valid, however there were about 8 New questions. Don't rely on dumps. Make sure that you understand the concepts. I used VMware Hand-On-Labs (http://labs.hol.vmware.com/HOL/catalogs/catalog/123) to prepare for my exam.
Good luck!!
For which exam this is valid? 2V0-642 6.2 Beta? Or 2V0-641 Network Vitualization??
which 178 dump is everyone talking about?
passed today.
still valid. I have used the 110Q and 178Q dump.
few new questions.
Just passed today (08312016) with a score of 490. This is still valid. Aside from this dump i used the 110Q and 178Q in preparing for this exam. I did encounter 5 new questions.
How you guys view the VCE file?
"Actualtests.2V0-641.v2015-10-08.by.Isolatedccie.100q" is it valid???
yes. I passed on 13th aug. This is not a beta one. memorize every single question and answer . You will get through
Guys please
any recent pass or fail in this exam
Why this exam call as beta?
Passed exam with 471/500. Most of the questions are same. If you memorize every single question , then no need of anything.
Is this a valid one.... I wish to take this soon....
Is this still valid or not?
Need to take the exam in 4-5 days.
can i have pdf format for this dump ?
Guys can anyone help me with vce stimulator
does anyone have a link to the vcp-nv official cert guide ? someone have some material to share?
thank you
where can i get this dump 178 q
This file is around 70% valid, premium around 80% (10q more than this one) and also you can check VMware VCPN610 178q for more Q.
Passed with 465 using premium and VCP610 178q.
Good luck.
is this nsx dump still valided ?
any news about premium file? i will take the test this week.
Pass with 473. I used 100q dump. There are 20 questions more. Good luck!
Passed with 471. There are 10 new questions.
can anyone answer the following who has recently passed.
1. Questions, Multiple Choice Options are same or more options to answer?
2. Options are in different order or same order?
3. Premium 110 questions are enough to pass?
4. Can anyone share New 7 Questions
Pass 462 scores. 7 new questions. I used 77Qs, 88Qs and 110Qs.
Pass with 462 cores. I use 110 Question pdf version with explanation, 7 new question.
is the premium dump valid? or the current dumps is enough
is the premium dump valid? or the current dumps is enough
Passed the exam today. there was 13 new question within 85 question. Better study before head first dive.
Took/passed; this dump is very good; many new questions though; make sure you study up on this exam. I found the answers to be re-arranged as well. Overall good dump though.
guys im vcp55d. so I have two questions please.
1. can I take the vcp-nv exam?
2. is this dump for real exam or beta?
please anyone would keep your reply.
5-6 new questions. Premium dump is enough to pass the exam
Had 5 new questions that are not on premium dump 65 questions that were on free dump. So still possible to pass with this dump
karim it is for the current test. 300/500 is passing
Is it valid for 2V0-641 too or is it for the beta version only?
I also want to know what is the passing score percentage?
Is this valid for 2V0-641 too or is it for the beta version only?
I also want to know the passing score percentage?
I am planing to take the certificate soon. Is this dump valid for the current 2V0-641 or it is only for the "beta" version.
Also I want to know the passing percentage.
Thank you :)
Which version of VCE player opens this file?
is this beta exam dump valid for the current exam?
Dump is valid! Passed with score 471/500
Premium test valid. Some questions reworded in actual test and or with different multichoice answers, but real answers the same.
3 or 4 new questions.
easy to pass
Premium dump 95% valid, some new questions but i just passed with 490/500
This dump is 60% valid
passed yesterday with score 490/500 using premuim dump only ,, about 6 new questions
still valid for Turkey.
there are 3 different dumps available for this exam. if you can study 3 of them, you will successfully pass the exam.
I just passed it with 410/500. there were 10-15 new questions.
It's valid , but not enough to pass
this dump is valid.. took exam Feb 14, 2016 and passed.
is it still valid?
passed today by 400 marks.
file is valid to pass with little margin because there are couple of new questions.
This dump is vaild or not. What does mean do all the Three dump?
Valid dump, do all the three dumps and you can surely pass the exam!
any feedback on exam?
I would really appreciate if someone could send the pdf file to skodass@yandex.ru . Many Thanks in advance!!
is this dump valid ?
Valid Dump! scored 452. Use all the three dumps available in Exam collection.
an someone send the pdf file? pazulee1234@gmail.com thanks
Please i need the pdf file. can someone send the pdf file to lovelyroka@hotmail.com . Thanks
can someone send the pdf file? belkaceme@gmail.com thanks
can someone send the exam dump pdf file to me. my email is cn8.mdy@gmail.com. Thank!
can someone send the pdf file? tangsheen@qq.com thanks
Passed !! Dump is 70% valid. New questions but no so hard with NSX study and practice.
can someone send the pdf file? lynetvaz@yahoo.com thanks'
can someone send the 2V0-641 exam dump pdf file to me. my email id:- mysrikanth@dr.com
can someone send the pdf file? ryan_genuino@yahoo.com thanks
did someone took the exam recently? still valid?
please send latest PDF file of 2V0-641 to my email address.
can anyone send the pdf file to stivemark798@yahoo.com
Is this dump or the premium valid? i will present before January 31 , 2016
Please let us know if dump is still valid!? and share with me the pdf plz:
Please send me the latest dump to narimanali1812@gmail.com.
anyone try with the new exam ?
can someone send the pdf file to me .. indrazulardi@yahoo.com
thanks ..
Is this dump valid? can we put our faith in this dump? thanks.
Since VCPN610 is expiring in a week we should take the new one. Is this a valid file ?
Is this valid? Is the premium valid?
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