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Download Free 2V0-622D Exam Questions
Exam | 2V0-622D - VMware Certified Professional 6.5 - Data Center Virtualization Delta |
Size: | 467.51 KB |
Posted Date: | Wednesday, July 12, 2017 |
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Is this dump VMware.BrainDumps.2V0-622D.v2017-07-12.by.Swan.62q.vce still valid?
The premium VCE is valid?? Regards
Premium is valid?
Thank you.
Is valid Premium??
All of Premium Dump??
All these questions are wrong dont even bother
139q dump is still valid, about 7 new questions
; )
Yes?? Valid?
Premium dump still valid! and have new question 4-5question
Hi Sherman
the premium dump have 139 questions are you sure ???
Premium dump still valid ,i pass today score 500 in thailand and have 5 new question
Premium dump still valid! Passed today with a perfect 500. I used the 110q version mainly. Latest 203q has extra questions not on the test, with some answers corrected.
Is this dump still valid?
Can someone comment if this study guide is still valid.
2V0-622D.examcollection.premium.139q v4
Next week is exam , can any one tell if it is valid?
Regg - did you pass even though there were 17 new questions
New test in the US 17 new questions
Hello, Please who can give me the name of the premuim exam file
I used the premium dump and passed with 500 / 500.
Please be aware I advise researching answers when revising. When doing the exam I seen approximately 7 new questions. Good luck!
Passed the exam today large than 47x, premium dump is still valid.
what's name of premium dump ?
Passed the exam today with 463, premium dump is still valid.
Passed today with Premium file and score of 462. There were about 5 questions on the exam not in the practice file.
passed today using the premium and other training sources... score of 490.
need to check some answers.
my advice is to google the exact question.
bring on the next delta exam!
El premium es válido. pase ayer con 490, me salieron 14 preguntas nuevas, no incluidas en el premium. leer el whatsnew de 6.5
I recommend the premium one is still valid but also read or check videos with what's new in 6.5 ... I had 9 questions which weren't in the premium
the free brain dump has at least 20-24 incorrect questions/answers...
i crossed checked all the questions with another source and im really surprised at how bad this dump is.
Kindly can you share us the new questions? thanks
Premium is valid just passed 10 mins ago with 481. Had about 4 or 5 new questions.
How many questions are there in the current premium file
can anyone verify if the premium file valid or not?
please i have to take the exam in 4 days
Can anyone please share the filename of the premium file and how many questions does it have?
Can anyone please post even a partial name for the premium file?
Done today with 452/500. The Premium is valid. Review the answers before and research why that answer is what it is (I done only for few questions - I would recommend do for all). New questions as well but nothing too worry about.
so this file is not valid lately looks like you have to buy the premium in order to pass
Passed today with a 483. The Premium is valid though need to check some of the answers. Research the questions. Don't just memorize what they say the answer is, know why the answer is what it is. There were a few new questions but nothing too major.
Passed today scre 490/500. 8 new questions
A few that I can remember are:
1) 512e sector disk support for vsphere datastore.
2) which load balancer brands are compatible with vsphere 6.5 e.g F5 Big IP, ...
3) which additional feature must be configured for DRS to be effective...
That all I can recall for now...
Premium is still valid. Research the ans for some questions! Do not take the answers for granted!
Passed with Premium file today in California 490, 10 new questions.
passed yesterday sore 490 and 10 new questions
used premium exam 112 questions
Has anyone passed the test, is 100% valid the premium dump ?, someone could confirm. Thank you
What's the name of the latest premium file?
Hello everyone, someone has used the premium dump, please confirm this week I have scheduled the exam. Thank you very much
Premium is valid but need to verify the ans
Hello everyone, did someone pass the exam using the premium dump? Please confirm please. Thank you
Has anyone done the exam using the premium dump?
Premium fle is valid. Passed today with 443/500 score. Four new questions. vSAN, VS HA node e Storage DRS.
Can someone confirm if the premium file is valid in the Netherlands?
Someone can confirm if the PREMIUM dump exam is valid to take the exam, thank you very much for the support provided
Passed yesterday 471. Premium questions are valid, but check answers. Research them yourself! Four new questions for me, one on max number of items in a content library, and one regarding LACP and host profiles.
Someone who has passed the exam and used the premium dum. Thank you
is this one still valid?, I have my exam next week
What is the ans:
When migrating a Windows vCenter Server 6.0 to the vCenter Server Appliance 6.5, which two will be migrated by default? (Choose two.)
A Local Windows OS users and groups
B Configuration
C Custom ports
E Historical and Performance data
Hello, can you confirm if the premium dum is valid to perform the delta of the vmware excamen, I understand that a new version of the premium dum has come out. Thank you
Hello everyone, someone has passed the exam using the premium dump, I am scheduling my exam for next week. From already thank you very much
The prenium is good.
~10 new questions regarding VSAN, NIOC and Proactive HA
Hello everyone, someone has been able to pass the exam using premium dump. You could confirm because the next week I'm taking the exam. Than you
The premium is valid. 10 new questions, at least 3 questions are about Network I/O v3.
Hello Gents, Would you please provide me with premium dump? and what's the latest testking 150Q dump?
Thanks in advance.
Passed today with 500.
~15-20% of answers in VMware.BrainDumps.2V0-622D.v2017-07-12.by.Swan.62q are incorrect
This dump is still valid?
Premium dump is still valid. Passed today. There were about 5 questions that came outside of the premium dump
Hello everyone, someone has passed the exam using the Premium dump, I have scheduled to give it next week
Premium file is valid with new 7 Questions on the exam, I passed today with 490
Anyone recently passed using the premium dump? If so, has it been updated lately or do we need to revise still? Thanks!
Premium dump valid, Passed with 500, 6 new questions, please read and revise answers carefully. New questions were around on Proactive HA, load balancing, Predictive DRS -VM distribution.
The Premium dump is still valid. I passed the exam yesterday 490/500. Check some answers in these dump. 8 new questions in the exam.
The premium dump is still valid... Took exam and cleared today. There were 5 new questions.
I passed with 490. Premium dump is valid, but verify de answers, and 4 or 5 new questions!
Hi Anyone else passed with the premium 113Q, taking my exam in a couple of weeks.
Passed with premium. 4 new questions. Please verify answers.
@GIJ, they have to be corrected. Even ones with explanation links are often wrong. check each and every one. To be clear - i am talking about the premium 113Q dump.
Are the premium responses correct or do they have to be verified?
I watched the online "VMware vSphere: What's New Fundamentals [V6.0 to V6.5]" course and used the premium 2.0 file.
Passed this morning with 424. also about 6 new questions. One I remember:
Which load balancers are supported for VCHA (choose 3)?:
I answered: VMware NSX, Citrix Netscaler and F5 which is correct I think.
Premium dump is valid
Is the premium recently updated guys?
Passed today me an two colleague
You can obtain 40 to 60 from these vce ut many question are vrong
so google it and verify one by one.
After study and verify 30 on 70 about are not completely correct
Passed yesterday with 348. 3 or 4 new questions. Used the premium file.
SWAN 62Q has many wrong answers
So can someone say whether the SWAN 62Q is valid or not or it it better to go with the Premium 70Q file
Only 6 questions have wrong answers
Hi guys. how many answers are correct in the premium vce file?
Passed with a help from the 70q premium.
I'd say 40-50/70 questions came from the 70q premium.
Any update on the dump? anyone pass recently?
Dumps is no longer valid
only 30% valid! many wrong answer in these dump! please ensure you know what's news in vsphere 6.5!
This dump is mostly valid, but the answers are not so research. 5 or 6 new questions which are fine if you have put in the time.
passed today, 50 Questions. The answers are partially wrong in these dumps! 20 new Questions with Network, Security, VCSA etc.
Passed with a help from the 70q premium. I'd say 50/70 questions came from the 70q premium.
Hello everyone, someone has used the PREMIUM exam to take the exam. Thanks for the help...
This dump is a joke, please dont use any dump from here as of 01/09
Fortunately I spent time learning and passed today 481/500.
is the premium valid?
VMWare has updated this cert sometime in the last few weeks. Some of the questions are still in the exam but I only saw maybe about 30%. DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS DUMP..
This dump is way way out of date. Only 10 questions are in here. Not enough to study form or pass.
Any update so far on the dump or exam?
There was no question from this source..
I have attended this exam yesterday and nearly 15 to 20% of the exam come from this dump and the rest are new questions targeting many topics for clustering , networkin , storage and even troubleshooting so take care
@Matt studies in this file, VMware.BrainDumps.2V0-622D.v2017-07-12.by.Swan.62q.vce but checks the answers well, there are several mistakes. This dump contains 90% of the questions, but there are new questions, It is not a complex exam.
@JLF so the premium didn't play or open?
@Matt, i used, not working, only this file, but Verify the answers....
Has anyone used the premium 70q? I am wondering if the answers are correct or the same as Swan 62q
Only this dump is valid, but Check your answers. Few more questions. Good Luck!
Most answers are incorrect even in questions where reference url is mentioned!
Answers are partially wrong. In current state is would be a challenge to pass.
Is premium valid?
this only included %10 of the actual test questions. There are lots of new questions and this was not much help to me sorry.
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