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Download Free 2V0-621 Exam Questions
Exam | 2V0-621 - VMware Certified Professional 6 - Data Center Virtualization |
Size: | 738.29 KB |
Posted Date: | Tuesday, May 12, 2015 |
# of downloads: | 10862 |
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Hi me23, please share the file to vcrenjith@gmail.com
Hi please share the vce to my mail id
Hi me23, Please share the 2v0-621 valid file to my email denlp007@gmail.com
Thank you very much
Hi me23, Please share the 2v0-621 valid file to my email vmwarevip@afrihost.co.za. Thanking you
could you please share dumps of 2V0-621 on v.motoeworld@gmail.com
could you please share 2v0-621 dumps , i have booked exam in next week. thanks in advance
Can you please send me the pdf version on coco750x1@hotmail.fr.
Thank you very much
Hi All this is valid? please advice tnx
Hi me23,
Please help me by sharing the dump with me. Planning to seat for the exam next month. Please help..
email address - amimul@hotmail.com
Many thanks.
Can someone please email me Dilan's dump @ braindumps at scanetworks dot com?
Can you please email me Dilan's copy of the dump @ braindumps at scanetworks dot com
please send latest questions to galanov87@gmail.com
Can you please share the file? quim.jc @ gmail.com
Hi me23, Please share the 2v0-621 valid file to my email sati_paul_131@yahoo.com pdf file
Thank you very much!
Hi Dilan, Can you please send latest dump to this mail id.
218 question's. Pls pls pls...
I have the 2VO-621D (221 questions) premium file in PDF and VCE now as well as the 2VO-621 (218 questions). It appears the 2VO-621D has all the questions from the 2VO-621 dump plus 3 additional questions.
Hi All please update if this is valid or not. Tnx
someone please send the file: logic0004@yahoo.com
Please send updated dumps on naveedmcse@hotmail.com.
Thanks in Advance.
Please can you share the dump to raees_ahm@hotmail.com
can someone email me the file please (2V0-621)?
Hi me23, Please share the 2v0-621 valid file to my email bei.huang@hotmail.com
Hi me23
Please help share the dump with me, many thanks
Hello all,
Can you please help share 2V0-621 to klas817@hotmail.com
Prax - Could you please share the dump in PDF format to my mail ID
Hi me23,
Pls share the dumps rahamed@outlook.com
Can someone share latest document with jrcert1975@gmail.com ?
Hi pls share latest dump files with me hangtight@gmail.com
Please share the 2v0-621 valid file to my email mazhochist@gmail.com
Thank you very much!
please send latest questions to cheekz185@gmail.com
Hi me23, Please share the 2v0-621 valid file to my email willbetest@gmail.com
Thank you very much!
please email me the latest dump with 218 questions.
email: cheekz185@gmail.com
Can you kindly share pdf version , prokopovra@hotmail.com
thanks Omer and all,i have passed 2v0-620 foundation with 492/500.can someone provide latest dumps for 2vo-621
Please share with me the dump , kelvyjm@hotmail.com, Thanks in advance
Hi Me23, could you send me the file please? stekman@gmail.com Thank you very much
Please share to unclegr@yahoo.com
Please sent me too. my email: danial.sulaeman@yahoo.com
Hi me23,
please, share the dump to me. email: debianer@gmail.com
Hi me23,
please, share 218q dump to me. email:debianer@gmail.com
hi me23
would you please share it with me at
I have tried to email the file to those that provided an email address in the comments since Dilan last posted on Oct 8th. If I missed anyone, or if anyone else needs it, just leave a comment with your email address. I have also tried to upload it so all can download it. Hopefully it will be available soon.
I have tried to email the file to everyone who provided an email since Dilan's last comment on Oct 08th. I have also attempted to upload the file. Hopefully it will be available to all for download soon. In the meantime if you need it, just leave a comment with your email address, and I will send to you.
Hi Dilan,
please, share to my email sachu154@gmail.com
Thank you very much
Anybody can share the 218 questions dump, please?
Thanks in advance !
Hi Dilan,
cann you share the premium Dump with me?
Hi Dilan,
cann you share the premium Dump with me?
As Dilan has left the page, can anyone please share with me the dump?
many thanks!
Can I get the latest to jholla99@gmail.com
Can you please share the lastest dump with me. Send to dontieku@outlook.com
Hello Dilan!
Can you share with me your dump please? My email address skytwo28@yahoo.it
Can someone please share the latest questions with me examhelpguy@gmail.com for 621 and 621D? Thanks very much!
Hi Dilan,
Please share to my email meirhaim@gmail.com
Thanks a lot
I think sharing is caring. Someone should share the dump or upload it for all. Thanks slickrule@gmail.com
Hello all,
Can you help to share 2V0-621, please.
email knn@itc.by
thank you!
Anybody can share the 218 questions dump, please.
Hello all,
can you please share 2V0-621 and 2V0-620 and the premium dump
email me at kryx87@gmail.com
thank you
Hi dilan and everybody. Can anybody send me this dump?? Carlosmase@hotmail.com.
Thank you
can you help share VCP6-DCV Exam (2V0-621) to me as well, please. send it to engramyali@hotmail.com thanks a lot!
Hi Dilan,
please, share to my email jitla7@hotmail.com
Thank you very much
Kindly email the dumps to renjith8@gmail.com
Hi Dilan, Can you please email me the dump you have used thanks in advanced ... Email: cbwgamage@gmail.com
Please send the pdf format to sriramveee@gmail.com
Please share the dumps in PDF
hi Dilan,
Could you Share the pdf version to sriramveee@gmail.com.
Would be grateful
Is this valid please confirm.
Kindly share VCP-DCV 6, dumps at my ID: chusmanarif@live.com
Hello Dilan,
please share dumps (latest) for VCP6-DCV Exam (2V0-621)
my email: eeeshaiket@gmail.com
Please can you share the exam and send to billy01011941@gmail.com
Hi Dilan/All,
would you please help me to send dumps in pdf format.
my email : mahakim@live.com
Many Thanks
Hello all,
please, share to my email engramyali@hotmail.com the full dumps 2v0-621 questions.
can you help share VCP6-DCV Exam (2V0-621) to me as well, please. send it to bluasteruth1@yahoo.com
thanks a lot!
Hello all,
can you help to share 2V0-621 and 2V0-620, please :) email me at bluasteruth1@yahoo.com
thank you!!
If anyone have latest pdf dump, please share with me @ jdsenkumar@gmail.com
Hi Dilan,
please, share to my email nitit.tha123@gmail.com
Thank you very much
Hi Dilan,
please share to my email nitit.tha123@gmail.com
Hello Dilan!
Can you share with me your dump please? My email address elvx89@gmail.com
Hello Dilan,
Can you share with me your dump?
My email address knn@itc.by
Please send me to the full dumps 2v0-621 questions.
Hi Dilan,
can you please share dumps of 2V0-621 exam
to my email albertofdezbl@outlook.com
please share dumps (latest) for VCP6-DCV Exam (2V0-621)
can you please share dumps of 2V0-621 exam
to my email prax78@gmail.com
Hi Dilan / all,
Could you / anybody please share me the dump (218 questions) which you used to clear the exam ? My email is nighthunter77ro@yahoo.com
Many, many thanks in advance.
Hi Dilan,
please, share to my email intakum@gmail.com.
Thank you very much
could someone please share to me also the 218q file.
thank you soo much. this way we help each other :-)
Hi Dear Brothers,
pls continuously help to other friends too , don't forget it ,
I left this page !!
thank you,
Hi Dilan,
Please share to my email mnmenezes@gmail.com
Thanks a lot
Hello Dilan,
Could you please share me the dump (218 questions) which you used to clear the exam ? My email id : owengo@qq.com
Hi Dilan,
First of all I would like to congratulate you for passing this Exam.
Can you please share this dump witm me me email ID is: kashifiqbal.memon@hotmail.com
Hi Dilan
Can you kindly share the dump to : wais.sadat@gmail.com please!!
Hello Dilan,
Could you please share me the dump.
Email: wais.sadat@gmail.com
Hi Dilan, Kindly share the 218 pdf.
My email: leo121209@yahoo.com
Hi Dilan, Kindly please share the 218 pdf. My email is nighthunter77ro@yahoo.com. Will be Much appreciated
Hi Dilan, Kindly share the 218 pdf. My email is fallingro@yahoo.com. Much appreciated mate
Hi Dilan
Can you share to my email syedkaliff@gmail.com
Hi Dilan
Can you share to my email teng.johnny@msa.hinet.net
Hi Dilan,
Can you share to my email teng.johnny@msa.hinet.net
Thanks a lot
Hi Dilan,
Kindly share the dump to my email:
Hi Dilan, could you please email the pdf as well? am498894@gmail.com
Hi Dilan, Kindly share the 218 pdf. My email is greifis@webmail.co.za. Much appreciated mate
Hello Dilan,
PLZ share the dump in PDF 218Q.
Hi Dilan,
please, share to my email ondrej.kasicka@gmail.com.
Thank you very much
Hi, please share me to fb.jary@gmail.com 2V0-620 and 2V0-621.
thanks guys
If you could share that would be great! triguluous@gmail.com
Hi Dilan
Can you kindly share the pdf to khaider73@gmail.com please!!
Many thanks :)
Hi everyone!
Are these file valid?
Anyone please share to my email: cuongtnh@outlook.com
Hi Dilan,
Please share to my email anishkumarkwd@gmail.com
Thanks a lot
Hey Dilan,
Would be great if you can share the 218 questions pdf.
Hello Dilan,
Could you please share me the dump.
Email id : giggigshaik40@gmail.com
Hi all, Please share with me as well fionamohlaba@gmail.com. Thank you in advance
hi Dilan,
Can you please share the pdf on my email id bhanukir7@gmail.com
Please send the 218 question dump (pdf) to sasidharke.1985@gmail.com .Please confirm whether it is for Beta or the new one
hi Dilan,
could u share the dump (218 questions ), my email muhammadsidiqputra@gmail.com
Hi Dilan,
Please share to my email ukccie24@gmail.com
Thanks a lot
Hello Dilan,
can you share with me your dump?
my email address wcpon@yahoo.com
Could you please share me the dump (218 questions) which you used to clear the exam ?
Hi All,
would you share please dump in pdf format.
my email : andre.atechindo@gmail.com
Hi Ishan,
kindly share your email id like chandana.
Hello Dilan,
Could you please share me the dump (218 questions) which you used to clear the exam ? My email id : maverik.soul@gmail.com
Many thanks in advance.
Regards, Chandan
Hello Dilan,
Would you please share the pdf version of that dump.
I want to book for exam , where can I get Premium dump (218 questions )?? please help
Hi i have used to study for Premium dump (218 questions ) , its really valid and 8 to 10 new question will be coming to the exam but we can handle it . my score 493 .
Thank you
From Sri Lanka.
Hello- Some of us in this forum needs to appear for VCP DCV 2V0-621 Exam.. Could someone please let me know if anyone passed this exam recently ? If so, kindly suggest which dump you used ? Is Actual Test dumps reliable for this exam ??
Anyone have 218 question dump
Partially valid. Lots of questions not on this dump. I'd estimate maybe 60%-70% of the questions showed up.
Passed 480!
is this valid for 2V0-621 exam? has anyone given this exam in september and passed.
Exam Number: 2V0-621,Certification: VCP6-DCV
Used premium dump with 218 questions , 5 new questions in the exam
Pass 450
Friends !! Delta is over, please tell me if I can go for 2V0-621
is this valid for 2V0-621 ?
Please Ahmed From Saudi Arabia is this Dump valid For Edition 6 Beta or Version 6 full ?
dump valid, but new question found in dump 218 question
pass 459
Martijn, are the answers in this dump correct? Thanks
Did you pass the beta or new exam?
Passed today with 479. About 15 question in the test that are not in this dump.
is this valid for 2V0-621 ?
any one pass?
valid or no
Hi guys,
this dump is valid for 2V0-621: VMware Certified Professional 6 – Data Center Virtualization?
Actually the beta is end.Please help us.
is it valid ? is it for 2V0-621 only for beta?
@Kin I took this exam on May 27th in United Stated and 65 Questions out of 75 in exam were from these dumps. I would suggest you go through all the dumps which are available on this website
Hi, is this exam still valid? out of 75 question, 65 were in this dump? Please advise. Thanks!
took test today 5/27/2015 and test had 75 questions and 65 were out of this hope I pass the test
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